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  1. C

    Where to promote my businesses affiliate program?

    Thanks! You and TJ and others have given tons of great advice. I'm going to be building out a much more robust and well thought through plan over the coming months. I am also raising prices significantly after doing a competitive analysis. As far as writers go, I have worked with a set of...
  2. C

    Where to promote my businesses affiliate program?

    Sorry, you said "established market", nothing about my product or product market fit. I was simply referring to the fact that the content and blog writing market is definitely established.
  3. C

    Where to promote my businesses affiliate program?

    Sorry, I was referring to the hundreds of new clients per day or week comment. It's definitely an established market and I have proof of concept. However, I definitely have things to work on including infrastucture, before affiliates will bite. Thanks for all the help.
  4. C

    Where to promote my businesses affiliate program?

    Interesting, so you're essentially saying affiliates won't work for anyone but multi million dollar businesses? Also, I haven't raised my prices since 2018, so I'm considering raising those significantly to allow for more affiliate ($100+ commissions) or ad spend.
  5. C

    Where to promote my businesses affiliate program?

    Thanks for the detailed breakdown. Something else to share is that Wix does not currently offer the ability to offer rev share on each renewal, so I plan on just paying out on the initial trial. As an affiliate I know the renewal is compelling, but I don't see that 100% necesary to pay...
  6. C

    Where to promote my businesses affiliate program?

    I've brought in over 500 customers over the past 5 years with very little effort. Most were just from top 10 lists, tiny bit of SEO, and some paid search. If I test 100% commissions for the first month, would you recommend advertising 100% commission on Goaffpro, or stating $199...
  7. C

    Where to promote my businesses affiliate program?

    I have had the business for 5 years as a side gig. It's has brought in a significant amount of money, but due to some unforseen life circumstances, I shut it down about 6 months ago and even had to unindex the site. Because the trial requires a credit card, I see about 70%+ that convert from...
  8. C

    Where to promote my businesses affiliate program?

    The website is Content Flip. We offer blog writing services for really affordable rates. We've bbeen around for 5 years and are all US based. I used to run campaign on my own, but it became too time consuming. I've run large affiliate programs through Impact, but never really done it for a...
  9. C

    Where to promote my businesses affiliate program?

    Thank you for the detailed response. I'd share more about my business and what I'm thinking, but don't want to get banned!
  10. C

    Where to promote my businesses affiliate program?

    Thanks... Got it. I'm putting the details together for it. I'm wondering if there are any places outside of this forum that you'd also recommend for recruitment.
  11. C

    Where to promote my businesses affiliate program?

    Thanks. I am a member of the forum now. Where exactly can I post about my affiliate program? And outside of AffiliateFix, where do you recommend recruiting people or posting about my program?
  12. C

    Seeking Help Need help growing my affiliate program

    Hello! I came across this and am wondering where exactly on AffiliateFix a business can list their affiliate program. Any help would be appreciated as I'm brand new and still trying to figure things out.
  13. C

    Where to promote my businesses affiliate program?

    I have worked as an affiliate and also run many large programs with thousands of partners through Impact. However, I'm starting a side gig business and have Goaffpro connected to my Wix site. Seems to all track well for affiliate. My question is: Where are the best places to post about and...
  14. C

    promote my program

    I have worked as an affiliate and run many large programs with thousands of partners through Impact. However, I'm starting a side gig and have Goaffpro connected to my wix site. Seems to all track for affiliate. My question is: Where are the best places to post about and recruit people to my...