Thanks Index. I'm curious. Do you think using PowerPoint with some animation would help or hurt it. I'm quite handy with it, as opposed to showing all the lists, etc using pure video. Can't handle that sophistication yet via video. Plus, it's so much easier to edit after the fact.
Thanks Pal. My music blogs. I'd send you a link to one, but I don't want to get dinged here. So, they're not really stories, but concepts. A few lists (that could be automated). According to Medium, my longest one takes 8 mins for their AI voice to read.
Hey Gang,
I've heard all the buzz for so long about using YouTube for traffic, and I hate to miss out on that opportunity. So, I was wondering, since I'm pretty knowledgeable, and handy with PowerPoint, and clones thereof, how effective would it be if I created presentations based right out of...
GREAT IDEA PPS. I knew, but I'd forgotten about Quora. I'll get right on that. Off the top of your head do you have any idea about their policies for affiliated links? Yeah, or Nay?
Huh? o_O Are you saying write my blog on Twitter? The whole thing? Don't they have a character limit? Sorry, I've never used them before. Just didn't have the time. Is that really what you're saying?
Thanks guys, as usual. So, I guess I'm kind of back to square 1 where I have to deal with website technology anyway. Puke As you remember, I started using Medium so I could just WRITE, and not have to get bogged down so much "in-the-weeds", and just be productive. I WILL admit that writing blogs...
I wanted to ask you guys about a tactic I saw somewhere that suggested don't put your affiliate link in EVERY SINGLE article. For instance, I've already published 2 articles on Medium that are selling the same product. I've posted a 3rd that sells another product, and I'm working on a 4th that...
I've been working on a musician blog with about 3 blogs under my belt. However, I'm seeing LOTS of chatter about using YTube and now Rumble for video blogs. I want to be able to adapt and take full advantage of that opportunity. So, what successful experience have affiliate marketers had here on...
Thanks guys for all the thought and consideration, AND the great encouragement. T.J. maybe there was a little confusion about my actual objective. I'm using affiliate mrktg to promote musical products. I joined tons of musician/musical FB grps to post value content on, as well as post my actual...
Thanks Much TJ. I've been really discouraged of late re: finding platforms (forums) that will accept my blogs. However, could you be so kind as to send me an example link of what you're speaking of. I THINK I understand, but since even a comma in the wrong place can be disastrous, I'd rather be...
Thanks TJ. They're affiliate marketing blogs with a legit link that's fully disclosed. The real pain is that even though, Medium dot com shut them down as soon as I posted them there, they released them, and even adjusted their filter within 24 hours. So, I know there's no issues with them. I'm...
So, if we all agree that FB is a pimple on the butt of social media, may I ask what the most effective method is to make them respond to our complaints? Any secret links? Any particular dept.? I have a legit approved post from my Medium blog, so I KNOW it's 100% internet safe. Yet, FB shut me...
I was just trying to update my Signature and I wanted to place a hyperlink to my blog site, but I couldn't find the device to insert the link. Where is that? Pls advise.
So, I just finished reading the rules about using Medium as a blogging platform. PERFECT! EXACTLY what I want, EXCEPT...par for the course... they don't allow affiliate marketing links, or at least, not as most folks know it. Meaning, I have to publish (CANNOT EMBED) the link for all to see...
I think you just convinced me to give up starting my musician's FB grp after they just wacked ALL 3 of my 1st blog posts that I know were flawless except for, as you say, the links they hate, which were nothing but legit affiliate links. And it goes without saying, their support is non-existent...
You won't believe it, then again, maybe you will. Even though, all 3 of my blogs were TOTALLY original content, and I didn't use any pics, and my affiliate links were completely legit they took down 2 of my 3 blogs, and of course, FB being FB, they didn't bother to tell me jack about WHY, and of...
Thanks Pal. Seriously. Very encouraging. I've actually already created my group, and posted 3 of my old blogs that I never actually published. One thing though, I couldn't use any of the pics that were in the original blogs. Everything else was exactly the same. I DO have dozens of old comments...
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