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  1. E


    I've been reading that links are important. I've joined a link exchange site and had a few requests but not sure what sort of links are best. Do you just want to get as many links as possible or do you want to keep links quite relevant to your site?
  2. E

    Greetings Inferior Humans!!!!

    Hi Davonne, I'm a newbie too. I think it's my thread Linda is talking about in her post. Definitely check it out, I got some really helpful responses from people on here and within a few days I've gone from knowing nothing about niches and websites and all that to having a niche and a...
  3. E

    What can be done with AdWords and a blog?

    Thanks, Anomaly. I've finished the first draft of my website, which I'll put in the reviews section in a moment. I've actually really enjoyed researching my niche and putting together a site that hopefully provides people some useful information as well as flogging stuff. So I think my next...
  4. E

    What can be done with AdWords and a blog?

    The story so far... Thanks for the info on tracking with SubIds, Rob. I've been doing some reading and I can definitely see how they could make or break an AdWords campaign. I still have a bit of researching to do, though, I get lost with some of the jargon. Linda, I've been through the...
  5. E

    What can be done with AdWords and a blog?

    Hi guys, thanks so much. Your posts were exactly what I needed to know. I've got one AdWords campaign that I started yesterday and after about 270 clicks has made a sale (woohoo!) so I'll persist with it, refine it and see if I can make it consistently profitable in the long run - if...
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    What can be done with AdWords and a blog?

    I am very, very green :D I found this forum today and have been reading a lot (thanks to everyone it's really useful). I feel completely out of my depth! There is a lot of stuff on here about building websites, which seems to be necessary at some point if you really want to succeed. I'm a...
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    Hi From Downunder

    Hi Rob! From your post stats it looks like you've been in this for a while. How's it going?
  8. E

    Hi From Downunder

    Thanks for the warm welcome! On my way to look at the newbie forum right now.
  9. E

    Hi From Downunder

    Hi all, I'm very new to this whole affiliate thing - only been trying it for a week - so will need lots of help! Determined to quit my day job :p In my single week of trying this out, though, I've already learnt a lot so hopefull I might be able to share some info with some other newbies...