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New Member
Lol just kidding. Hi there, the name's davonne. It feels great to find a forum full of Affiliate Marketing Masterminds. I'm 21 yrs old and I've been trying to get into this stuff for about a year now. Sadly I haven't made any progress yet. I've tried Click Bank and Paydotcom, but it seems I'm missing alot and making far too many mistakes. I've been trying to join some other site in hopes that I could learn what I needed to learn for affiliate marketing. To be honest, I'm a shamed to admit that I've wasted a bunch of money purchasing other "money making" products and as a result I'm in a bit of debt at the moment hehe, but I'm still trying to find out how this all works. I'm currently unemployed so It seems I have alot of time on my hands to try and figure out how to make money. Before, I've been trying to promote products from companies without using a website. I'm guessing I really need one. Unfortunately I don't think I have alot of money left to invest into building a website, but I can give it one more effort. I have enough motivation to go and do my best. Although I'm not very good when it comes to building a website. And I'm not so sure what I should do first, register a domain name, or find a niche first. I've browsed around these forums for a bit and I realized one big problem that I made... And that was trying to promote other "money making" products. I don't know how to make money online, and yet, I'm trying to sell products to help other people make money. Hahaha, how ironic indeed. Well that's my introduction, and It's good to have found such a place where I can gather some valuable information from successful people. So If anyone has any suggestions on where I should get started, I'd be happy to look. See ya
Welcome to 5 Star, Davonne.

The best place for you to start is our Newbie Affiliate Forum

It would be a good idea to read the "Sticky" thread because the contain plenty of very useful information.

You will find that we have lots of information here for you to read, and it is absolutely free.

We have friendly members who are very helpful, so ask questions whenever you have any.

Another good thing is that you will receive help here without anyone trying to sell you anything, because we do not allow that.

I am sure we can help you to get on the right track and start turning things around.

Thanks for joining.
Hi davonne,

Welcome. Glad you saw the light on the Internet marketing niche and realized the irony in time to laugh at your mistake and switch gears. After you get a true niche under your belt and learn the ropes you can maybe re-visit the IM niche if you want.

Below is a post I just made giving another member some advice on the very most basic 1st steps. Not saying this is the best way for you, but it's the most popular sequence I think lots of folks on this forum started with.

1st read the newbie stickies like Larry suggested. Then see if these easy basic steps sound like they make sense for you too. http://affiliate-marketing-forums.5...288-what-can-done-adwords-blog.html#post43305

She's asking about starting a blog which you may find MUCH easier than building a site and I think it's generally the best way to go.

Hope we can help you restart and build a solid foundation. :)
Hi Davonne,

I'm a newbie too. I think it's my thread Linda is talking about in her post. Definitely check it out, I got some really helpful responses from people on here and within a few days I've gone from knowing nothing about niches and websites and all that to having a niche and a website (free!). If you're at about the same stage as me that could be good because we'll probably have similar questions and can learn together.

Don't worry, I wasted money on all sorts of things before I found this site too! I don't think it's uncommon.
