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  1. oliviamalone

    Seeking Help How Can I Write a Good Email Subject Line? What points should I keep in mind while writing?

    I think it's depend what type of email you are sending
  2. oliviamalone

    Seeking Help How Can I Write a Good Email Subject Line? What points should I keep in mind while writing?

    Looking for Help how to write a good Email Subject line
  3. oliviamalone

    Review Which is the best Email marketing tools?

    Ok got it I will keep it in mind
  4. oliviamalone

    Review Which is the best Email marketing tools?

    How can you say it is spam? What do you say if any tool is popular, like Mailchimp, Zoho, and Hubspot, and somebody suggests it?
  5. oliviamalone

    What are the most important features from email marketing software you look for?

    I mostly look for a few things: Super easy to use Good automation Personalization options Solid analytics Works well with my other tools Responsive customer support
  6. oliviamalone

    Review Which is the best Email marketing tools?

    You can try Mumara; I think it can fulfill your requirements
  7. oliviamalone

    What are the most important features from email marketing software you look for?

    I personally look at how easy it is to use software analytics, and the modern era needs automation
  8. oliviamalone

    Seeking Help What is the best mathod for email markating

    There are many strategies you can focus. 1. Personalization 2. Segmentation 3. Quantity over Quality 4. Triggers Based Campaigns 5. Re-engage Non-Active Subscriber 6. Mumara there are many more as well
  9. oliviamalone

    Which Email Marketing Tool you are Using?

    I am using the Mumara email marketing Tool.