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campaign optimization

  1. Mobidea

    Exoclick – How to use the SmartCPM tool

    Wanna know how to take advantage of the SmartCPM tool on Exoclick? Then just read our post on the Mobidea Academy! The Mobidea Crew (TMC)
  2. MithunRoy

    Quality Of 7Search PPC Traffic

    Hey, I'm a new cpa marketer,so I want to start my first ppc campaign and I heard the name of 7search. SO can anybody telling me,How is the Quality of 7search traffic. Do they really convert and profitable??? What kind of offers Going well with 7search??? Please I need this Information as a New...
  3. internalsoul

    Complete Campaign Optimization Guide

    Complete Campaign Optimization Guide Optimization is the process of turning campaigns from non-profitable ones into profitable ones. This is done by testing all the elements of the campaigns and eliminating the non-performing ones. It’s the most important part of creating profitable campaigns...
  4. internalsoul

    [GUIDE]Complete Campaign Optimization Guide

    It has been a long since I have posted a guide or case-study. And I have been asked questions about optimization over 100 times through PM and on skype. So created a complete guide for it. This guide is specially meant for DOJO but then again I thought of giving a glimpse of this guide to...
  5. trackingdesk

    Minimum budget for testing a traffic source?

    I've seen quite a few questions related to the minimum budget to test a traffic source. Either you ask in the forum or you jump in the water and figure out for yourself. I don't think there is one clear answer or formula but there are a few prerequisites that might allow for quick and insightful...
  6. Mobidea

    Targeting - How to get all the juice (Part II)

    In the first part of this article “Targeting – How to get all the juice? (part I)” we saw the importance of choosing and setting correctly a campaign’s target. In this second part, we focus on the “what to do” after you launch campaigns and start to collect data. Generally if you didn’t choose...
  7. J

    Hey there! Did you know that Mobile Marketing is Awesome???

    Hi fellow :fix: I'm Julieta and I am currently an Affiliate Advertisier Manager at Mobicow, a new addition to an awesome team :) -------------- More Aout Me I am a people's person, I like to interact and help. When I try to help advertisers run better campaigns, every success for them is like...
  8. Mobidea

    Dynamic Tracking - Don’t lose track of your performance

    The main purpose of this article is to understand the importance of tracking your activity and learn to implement dynamic trackings (DT). As we told you in our previous articles: data is gold! You can work with your offer links in order to manage your data and set how you want to see them in...