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Affiliate Marketing Community Online!

“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate


  1. thehustler

    Can we put redirected domains in Social Media?

    Hey, suppose I redirect a domain directly to the sales page of a ClickBank product or CPA offer. Like -> direct ClickBank sales page/direct CPA offer page and just put the in social media platforms like FB, twitter and other places so that when people will click the...
  2. I

    RevContent CTR & Conversion

    Hello all, super excited to be part of the community. I recently launched a ClickBank Affiliate campaign, the traffic source is RevContent. Here are my numbers & details in last 2 days RevContent Ad CTR: Health & Fitness RevContent Ad CTR: 0.6% Landing Page to Offer Page CTR: 45% ClickBank...
  3. Edward the video animator

    Why clickBank is Terminated new registrations?

    Hi there guys, i am trying to get a click bank account but they are sleeping i think as i tried to create an account but they have setuped a default rejecting system i think no one can create an account on click bank now. Tell me if anyone of you guys can help me?
  4. affiliatelk

    Need email marketing advice

    Hi, I have collected email addresses of usa women, age (25-45) married women having children. I would like to promote Health & Beauty, Kids related click bank products through email marketing. Is there anyone can advice me on it? Thanks
  5. B

    Why should I do after I get my first Clickbank sale?

    I just made my first sale using a clickbank product (digital) (not in a huge category like make money or weight lose) and bing ads. I’m promoting a very high gravity product , using a landing page with a bunch of information about the product. I was running 9 different ads with a lot of exact...
  6. B

    Why should I do after I get my first sale?

    I just made my first sale using a clickbank product (digital) (not in a huge category like make money or weight lose) and bing ads. I’m promoting a very high gravity product , using a landing page with a bunch of information about the product. I was running 9 different ads with a lot of exact...
  7. thehustler

    What is the real problem here?

    Hi, I'm trying to promote a ClickBank product in Quora. This is what I did - I went to quora and provided a good info and at the end linked to the Weebly page of the product that I'm promoting - I have no issue putting my landing page here in the forum, so...
  8. David Mali

    Jvzoo is better than clickbank ?

    Hey guys i have tried both ,clickbank and jvzoo. i started very late with jvzoo, and i was able to make about $7k in my first 4 months ... and i found that jvzoo have a very low refund rate, and high quality products ,of course in the MMO niche only ... plus %80 of the Make money online...
  9. D

    what is the best way to promote affiliate products like clickbank

    please explain as briefly as you can.
  10. David Mali

    Easy Way Big Affiliates Marketers Use To Drive Massive Sales 2018

    If You're Not Doing It , you should definitely try because it's soo effective
  11. David Mali

    Make Thousands By Creating A Product On Clickbank

    Hello Guys Have you ever considered putting a product on clickbank ?
  12. thehustler

    Does Quora not like any link?

    Hi, someone asked how to start making money online and I wrote 248 words detailed article and at the middle, I put the link to my landing page (not directly to the Clickbank offer) to collect email like this: This is a step by step guide for newbies to start making money online. Then, I wrote...
  13. thehustler

    Regarding a product in ClickBank. Scam or Legit?

    Hey, first of all, if this not the appropriate category for this, kindly move it to the suitable one. Now, I was looking forward to promoting a product from ClickBank known the Az Code which has over 100 gravity. So, I thought to have a look around on this and I found a couple of sites that...
  14. thehustler

    Not getting any conversions

    Hello, I need some help on getting conversions. Things I am doing - 1) I'm promoting ClickBank products with gravities above 70 in all but I'm NOT getting any conversions. However, the hop impressions are around 65, 88, 45, 55, 31, 70 etc and only made two sales in these 2 months. (Screenshot...
  15. R

    so, affiliate can be taken as long term work or not ?

    hey guys, please tell me is that affiliate is taken as long term work or not? is yes, than which network? amazon clickbank maxbounty jvzoo please give your best openions
  16. A

    Please Help I am New in Affiliate Marketing

    Hi folks I am New to Affiliate Marketing.I am promoting Clickbank products on facebook Advertisements But I am totally lost. I have spent around 30 $ but did"not get any sale yet. please help me.
  17. Gwalsh2018

    Hey Clickbank peeps - I'm new here!

    Hey guys, Nice to be here. I'm a clickbank vendor and have an offer on there that's doing well at the moment, so if you have any Qs just let me know. Thanks, Gavin
  18. shafi kasmani

    My Journey With Youtube + Clickbank + Shareasale

    Before I had some videos for Clickbank but fewer sales per year! I need More Sales per month than per year So, I am starting work videos on youtube channel and I have ClickBank and ShareASale account. Important Focus Research Niches or Keyword 1. Google Keyword Planner - Low Competition...
  19. CBSnooper

    Not new to AM but new here

    Hi all I'm Mike, from the UK. I'm a software/web dev by trade and have been doing affiliate marketing as a side hustle for years. I run a Clickbank stats site, which has been on the go for years, but I've just redeveloped it with a view to making more money from it. I won't mention it here, but...
  20. David Mali

    Clickbank Vendor advice

    Hello guys I'm looking for clickbank vendors advice ,, am lunching my first product on clickbank ,, it's about making money with fb ads Anything i should consider before putting it on clickbank marketplace ? I will promote it myself first ... Then let the affiliates do the work