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cpa marketing

  1. Harris Khan

    Hey to affiliatefix community.

    Hey I am new in Affiliatefix. Can anyone share experience with Cpa Marketing? I have recently made a niche (weightloss/beauty) website and i really don't have much experience to drive some traffic on my website. Can anyone share some sources to get traffic on my site.
  2. MarinaKimia

    Announcement Kimia makes 1 out of every 30 affiliates a millionaire

    Affiliates enter the Affiliate Marketing business with one single goal: to become a millionaire. Kimia has been a leading CPA network for more than 5 years now, and we have put together some numbers to illustrate the reality of making money in Affiliate Marketing. The numbers are based on...
  3. Darash

    Hi admin & everyone !

    Hello, am from Spain and you can say a newbie in this online marketing sector. Although it started as a hobby and going thru lots of e-books and information overload for about six months, it has converted into a passion to learn affiliate marketing specially CPA marketing. While in the first six...
  4. A

    Follow Along of initial conversion

    Hi Everybody, I'm new to internet marketing and just chance upon CPA marketing using CPV. I just started this about a month ago with w4 network and getting paid traffics from 50 on red. Wish to share here briefly on how I got my first conversion starting out in CPA marketing. For a start, I...
  5. A

    New in CPA Marketing. Any tips?

    Hi Everyone, I am just start doing CPA marketing about a month ago. So far I'm using w4 network and 50or traffic source. I have created about 30 campaigns and got a few small conversions after two weeks on it and then it seems to slow down. I think I may have miss a piece of the jig saw puzzle...

    Partnership Partnership

    Hey at all, You got Mail Addresses? We have the possibility to deliver!! Contact us simon(at) We are looking for affiliates too!! BR Simon
  7. JAKE7

    i want to start cpa marketing

    i start doing cpa marketing since year from now but with just free traffic but i dont get any success and now i want to use paid traffic I've read many posts and blogs i have many question : 1/ how much budget i need to start 2/ some marketers tell me that cpa marketing dead since 2013 (is that...
  8. S

    New to Forum and CPA Marketing

    Hi everyone, I have experience in SEO but I am new to CPA marketing, and reading and learning about CPA lately. I decided to first start with dating niche as it is one of niches recommended for newbies. I would begin with the PoF as the traffic source but I see the registration to PoF is...
  9. Fraz

    Little about me...

    A digital marketer & professional blogger, Experienced with wide range of SEO, SMO, SEM and CPA Marketing projects. Self driven Entrepreneur, Web Consultant & Founder of
  10. Yol

    I will be launching Mobile Offers

    It will be my first time to run mobile campaigns as I do heavy on Plenty of Fish. I think I am ready for a mobile war like a Private in an Army. For veterans in the mobile field: your advice, warning, and tips are highly appreciated. Thanks and more power to all of us! Regards.
  11. JAKE7

    cpa marketing dead

    I have heard of one that marketers profit from the cpa has become a very few Is that correct sorry for my eng