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cpa offers

  1. ismail elouatiq

    Affiliates Wanted URGENT!!! Affiliates needed to join the best marekting performance CPA network in nigeria

    10 MEDIA GROUP We are looking for affiliates for 10 MEDIA GROUP CPA network I`m Ismail, I’m an affiliate manager, and I`m glad to introduce you our 10MEDIAGROUP CPA network. Let me give you a short overview. We deliver profitable growth for online businesses. We deliver you the best results...
  2. ismail elouatiq

    Affiliates Wanted Promote the best converted CPL offers in "FINANCE" niche

    Hello everybody My name is ISMAIL ELOUATIK, I'm an affiliate manager at 10 MEDIA GROUP, the best performance marketing CPA network. I'd like to share with you our best high converted CPL offers in FINANCE niche. Please click on the link below to sign up as an affiliate as get an instant...
  3. ismail elouatiq

    Affiliates Wanted Mobile apps offers with highest payout

    Hello I'm ismail elouatik , affiliate manager at 10mediagroup , best marketing performance network. We have great MOBILE CPI offers with highest payouts for many verticals and many geos supported. If you have high mobile traffic please do not hesitate to SIGN UP HERE and...
  4. ismail elouatiq

    Affiliates Wanted Promote the best CPL offers

    Hello there I'm ISMAIL ELOUATIK, affiliate manager at 10MediaGroup a performance marketing netowork for advertisers and publiher. We have the best and top CPL offer for different vertical and with highest payout. Feel free to SIGN UP HERE and t start promoting our offers ...
  5. Alex_Chess

    Buying Traffic CPA? Buzz me

    Greetings, guysss! Let work together :) I ll talk shortly: This is us: Adsmarkets Vertical: binary options What we do: cpa-network, amazing traffic delivery rotator, traffic optimization, auto-trading soft, exclusive offers :ninja: yup! Payouts: up to 400 cpa, depends on a number of ftd`s u...
  6. Panagiotis Pasakoglou

    Question about Bing ads

    Hi everyone, Happy New Year to all! I wish you all the best with many achievements ! I am interested of starting with Bing ads in order to promote CPA offers. I would like to ask you the following questions: a/ Can i forward my af. link with a purchased domain? b/ What type of offers are...
  7. Alex_Chess

    Affiliates Wanted CPA? Ping me

    Hey, guys! Looking for fresh cpa make money, bizopp offers? Than, talk to me! We are the brand new cpa- network Adsmarkets In a couple of words about our strong sides: - Smart traffic delivery system, that pushing the traffic to the most convertible broker, based on matching criteria...
  8. H

    How to Promote CPA offers on Bing

    I have a question to ask to all those who are using Bing Ads as traffic source. I will try to be as clear as possible. Suppose if I have to promote a Weight Loss Offer, Should I go for Landing Page where there are almost less than 50 words, or should I go for Article where I will explain...
  9. Alex_Chess

    Official Adsmarkets [Deleted]

    @Alex_Chess submitted a new resource: Adsmarkets - The place where business is growing Read more about this resource...
  10. UpForIt Dating Offers

    Affiliates Wanted Dating Affiliates. How Many Money Do You Want to Earn?

    Looking for Dating Affiliate Programs Pay Per Lead? We got you covered! UpForIt Networks, dating affiliation, working on PPL,PPS,PPT, PPI Get best offer for your traffic here Niche affiliate marketing with the UpForIt Networks affiliate network
  11. Mia.lasermedia

    Affiliates Wanted Exclusive Nutra Offers Freshly Set Up

    Greetings to Affiliatefixers! I'm Mia, AM from Lasermedia Group. LaserMedia is a private CPA network that focuses on Great conversion & High Payouts offers! ATM we have helped 30+ (33 to be exact) affiliates reach daily $500 revenue ROI ranges 30% -150%. Exclusive CPA skin&diet campaigns...
  12. dmax93

    Affiliates Wanted Paid Out $11.6 Mill to Affiliates In 6 Months

    Hey affiliates! We own survival offers that pay on a CPA! Currently have 2 running through Clickbank and we're working on 5 new offers right now! I am the affiliate manager and I am always reachable on Skype, phone, or email and will get you what you need to succeed with our offers! If you...
  13. dmax93

    Would Have Never Expected This...

    Hey everyone! I have been browsing these forums for weeks now as a nonmember and I was amazed at how friendly and willing to help everybody is! So I made it official!Anyways, I am an affiliate manager for a company that owns it's own CPA offers in the survival niche. I am completely new to...
  14. GreenCashMedia


    You will make more money with GreencashMedia, and you will get your money more quickly! Some of the main features we offer are.Accurate, Real Time Reporting Converting/Paying Offers Round-The-Clock Support Dedicated Account Manager. Through our continuous consolidation of top campaigns...
  15. Nazmul Islam

    Affiliates Wanted Experienced Affiliate Marketers Wanted!

    Hi Affiliate Marketers, We are looking for experienced affiliate / CPA marketers for our network. We have best payout offers and flexible payment methods and terms.And our friendly team always ready to help new affiliates. Thanks Nazmul Islam Affiliate Manager Mindtech Affiliates Skype-...
  16. benyouni


    I sign up on this forum to learn more about cpa before to begin my journey on this field your reputation let s you to be the best
  17. Angel.IncentMobi


    Hi guys, We are very happy to let you guys know that now we offer daily payments for affiliates who run our cpa offers and daily revenues reach $500. Our default payment term for cpa campaigns is weekly, but if you daily revenue reaches $500, then you will get your payments for all previous...
  18. emily bizprofits

    How To Run Skin Offers on Instagram - post 2

    Hey, Following my previous post about promoting health and beauty offers on Instagram, here are some information and tips. Why Instagram? Instagram is highly popular mobile photo-sharing, video, and social networking app. In December of 2014, it was reported that Instagram has over 300 million...
  19. Bey Alhamdi

    How to Use PPV Marketing to Promote CPA Offers

    Pay-per-view (PPV) marketing, also known as Cost-per-view (CPV), has proved to be one of the most popular forms of online marketing used by BizProfits publishers. Although quite similar to PPC, it doesn’t rely on the Quality Score and has significantly lower bids, which reduces the amount of...
  20. netabdo

    How to use Facebook ads with cpa offers ?

    Hi there, Thanks in advance for this fabulous forum also for your responses. My story with cpa started a year ago, I discovered that exist something great im E-marketing called cpa . After that I made a lot of searches also reading ebook and more than that I follow a tutorial videos, I get a...