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Affiliate Marketing Community Online!

“Adavice”/  “CPA


  1. Abraham DiGiAff

    Buying Traffic Required APK Android Traffic ~ Big Budget

    Hello Folks, Urgently looking for APK Android traffic for Geo : IN . Live reporting available. Feel free to contact me here or over skype
  2. U

    CPA Network With Weekly Payment

    Hello, I am looking for reliable network which pay weekly. Please let me know if you get paid weekly on time. Thanks! NO ADULT NETWORK! NO MAXBOUNTY
  3. S

    CPA, CPI, CPL expert

    I'm expert in affiliate marketing. with more than 5 years experienced.
  4. Rauldd

    pps adult offers

    Hi, looking for some ww. pps adult offers(dating - cams- VOD) etc I got some social traffic
  5. A

    cpa with pops

    Hello, guys. well, im a newbie on affilaite marketing and i found this forum by doing some searsh on google about pops traffic sources, i read a few article about popunder networks, but i dont found yet what im looking for ! first im sorry for my bad i have an account on mobedia and...
  6. parveenk2013

    Need Help In Scaling Up An Adult Dating Campaign

    Hello everyone, I'm kinda new to affiliate marketing and I want to share the data of a campaign I started this month and I'm looking for suggestions. After some research, I started a campaign on 16th May. I created 7 banners and 3 LPs to get started. Offer: Adult Dating DOI, Payout: $5...
  7. kalagangs

    Should i upgrade my Hosting?

    Hey Guys, i already made $300 with OGads incentive CPA on Infinityfree Hosting. Now i'm wondering if i should upgrade my Hosting plan to namecheap Stellar Plus to increase speed + ssl certificate. What do you guys think and where do you host your Landing pages?
  8. S


    I am a newbie and searching for help who can help me in cpa marketing.
  9. ayoub barghizi

    Google and Facebook For CPA Campaign ?

    Hi I have seen in most groups saying google and Facebook ads accounts are closed with CPA campaign Why is that? Is the cause of the problem in a CPA offer? Or advertising policies? What about your experiences
  10. YasonNasser

    using prelanders for CPA offers

    Dears, i'm trying to select offers from "" , with "zeropark" traffic any other suggestion that can help me to make a successful campaign ? it's necessary to use landing page to publish my offer or i can use the direct link on the traffic source?
  11. abrahman

    Can anyone help me to earn?

    I'm new cpa marketing. I want to earn. I'm trying much but i can't get atleast one lead. I'm really hopeless now. What can I do now?? Can anyone help me to earn some $? Please
  12. Aditya007

    [Introduction] Hey there...

    Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing good. I'm Aditya from New Delhi, India. I've been into affiliate marketing since 2013, I started my journey with content lockers back then. I gradually moved to adult marketing using my social media traffic. I eventually had to stop when it became harder...
  13. J

    Can you help me generate money with CPA?

    Hello friends, I am new to the forum and I come here to help me earn money, I have about $ 60 and I plan to invest them in buying traffic for CPA but the problem is that I do not know much about buying traffic, setting up lading pages and I have my domain and hosting. What dou you recommend...
  14. Jed22

    Fastest Way To Test Ads, Landing Pages And Offers Without Burning Money?

    Hey Affiliatefix, I'm quite new to Affiliate Marketing. In the last few days I have been running adult campaigns and while I have had some conversions, I'm still far from being profitable... For anyone in the adult space, I wanted to get your opinion for what is the best way to test Ads and...
  15. Emma Natifico

    How to make $300 in 1 hour? Real case

    Last we got a brand new VPN multigeo offer and its results are far beyond expectations! This week we would like to share with you first outstanding results. In short, it is great ☝️ Explosive results for all 42 countries. Get your piece of profitable cake right now! | How to make $300 in 1...
  16. S

    Guide For Absolute Beginner (20$+ per day!)

    I already posted this guide at an other forum. So don't wonder :). This method is very suitable for absolute beginners. You only need about 20 minutes per day and a Facebook account. It could not be easier. With this method you can earn about 20 dollars a day. Step by Step Tutorial Choose a...
  17. Muhammad Hamza

    Selling Traffic CPA traffic available

    Hi We have traffic for Forex/Crypto, Finance, Loans, Gambling, Health, Dating & Nutra on CPA basis. Join us as advertiser & launch your campaigns with us Registration - AdsWick Next Generation CPA Network Regards AdsWick Sales
  18. Acemarketer01

    New to the Forum

    Hello everyone, First I would like to say I'm greatful to come across this Forum, I look forward to networking, reading, adding value to post and being able to connect and learn all the affiliates journey up to this point.
  19. B

    Script for browser back button redirect

    I am looking for a script that will redirect a site visitor to a page that I set when they click the back button in their browser, instead of going to the page they were on previously. I searched the forum and web but couldn't find a working code. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
  20. Everad

    Everad New Contest: win BMW 3 Series, Audi A5 or Range Rover! Or even get them all!

    Be aware! The most ambitious affiliate industry competition has started! Everad isn't going to stop and has prepared something incredible for all the affiliates this year! Don't miss the chance to win one of the three amazing cars! Or even get them all! Welcome the new contest Formula Everad...