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cpl offers

  1. evomarketplace

    Looking to Sell Stellar GCC CPL FOREX traffic

    Hey Y'all, We have a few direct GCC pubs, looking to match their traffic with a well put together CPL forex offer. If anyone has any insights or offers that come to mind, post here!
  2. S

    Which offers would you suggest to run in the Careers/Employment Niche?

    Hi 1. Which offers would you suggest to run in the Careers/Employment Niche CPL's? Lets Say If we wish to run email traffic - What offers would you suggest if the Niche is Careers/Employment? 2. Which are good quality Survey Offers ? 3. How Shall We Optimise the Bing Campaigns To...
  3. E

    Best Ad Network For CPA or CPL offers.

    Hi everyone, can anyone give me your inputs regarding best traffic except Adwords or Bing Ads worth trying for CPA or CPL offer? And please share your experience with those networks. Any inputs would be appreciated.
  4. ismail elouatiq

    Affiliates Wanted URGENT!!! Affiliates needed to join the best marekting performance CPA network in nigeria

    10 MEDIA GROUP We are looking for affiliates for 10 MEDIA GROUP CPA network I`m Ismail, I’m an affiliate manager, and I`m glad to introduce you our 10MEDIAGROUP CPA network. Let me give you a short overview. We deliver profitable growth for online businesses. We deliver you the best results...
  5. ismail elouatiq

    Affiliates Wanted Promote the best converted CPL offers in "FINANCE" niche

    Hello everybody My name is ISMAIL ELOUATIK, I'm an affiliate manager at 10 MEDIA GROUP, the best performance marketing CPA network. I'd like to share with you our best high converted CPL offers in FINANCE niche. Please click on the link below to sign up as an affiliate as get an instant...