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  1. Bloody Tourist

    I made f*** you money with crypto

    Hey ninjas, I just replied to a crypto post and I thought I could share it in the bragging rights corner as well... I used to be an active member of this forum. Back in the day when we had the Dojo, there was awesome value here. Now? Not so much. (Just my opinion) I invested heavily in crypto...

    Partners Wanted! For Cryptocurrencies / Fun Niche.

    Hello Everyone! We are selling apparel & accessories for Crypto investors and enthusiasts Take a look at the offer below: High Instant Payouts 30-Day Cookie Exclusive Offers Thank you!
  3. iupdpcvm

    [GUIDE] How To Make Money With Bitconnect in 2018

    Hi guys, here is a free guide on how to make money with Bitconnect in 2018 that I created for you. I make a full time income with it and why not share it with you. LINK: [Removed by Moderator] Reason: Please do not link to 3rd party file sharing sites, post the detail here if possible. Enjoy!
  4. KG

    Biggest mistakes you've made - I lost 2 bitcoin (worth over $32,000 now!)

    What are some of the biggest mistakes you've made investing in crypto and what did you learn from it? This could be a valuable thread for newbies to the space and highlight some areas where they could avoid making the same mistakes! I invested some money in a couple alts back in July. I got...
  5. Mineralt

    Affiliates Wanted Mineralt – the most effective and safety javascript browser miner on the market is an alternative revenue stream in addition to popup, native and media ads on your site. Mineralt offers JavaScript miner that you can embed in your website. Your users run the miner directly in their Browser and mine cryptocurrency for you. Mineralt main advantages: High gain...
  6. S

    Announcement How Blockchain will overpower the bot traffic.

    How Blockchain will overpower the bot traffic. If there are any affiliates following my page who have never dealt with the bot traffic and can prove it, a whole crate of the finest Czech beer will be on me. What’s the problem with the bot traffic? The bot traffic that most of the affiliates and...
  7. S

    Announcement CRYPTO Affiliate Conference - 30-31st of October

    Hey guys!!! Who is going to attend Prague's Crypto meet up in October? Crypto Affiliates Conference - 30-31st October, Prague All you wanted to know about how to get real money on Crypto Bitcoin and ICO
  8. L

    CryptoCurrency As Reward for Unlocking Locker

    Hi Everyone I'm new to this forum & its really informative.I searched some previous post about incentive traffic & many member said that we can reward user for completing offer with cash.So my question is it fine with networks to offer cash or cryptocurrency for completing offers? Because i...