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Affiliate Marketing Community Online!

“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate


  1. Affmy

    Affiliates Wanted +10% Singles Day 11.11 Rate Increase

    Hey-hey, On November, 11 AFFMY celebrates Singles Day, one of the most popular holidays in Asia! Your adult products sales will rocket up! Earn more with +10% rate increase on our exclusive in-house Asian CPL offer! Ping our Support & Increase your CTR and CR with our special...
  2. Affmy

    Announcement 20% rate boost for new In-House dating offer!

    Hey guys, New high-converting Exclusive dating offer LOOKADATE is launched! TOP 6 REASONS TO RUN LOOKADATE • Unique exclusive offer • New dating your users have never seen • Amazing CR & EPC • Increased payouts & unlimited caps •...
  3. K

    Ask Me Anything Looking for affiliates CPA

    Hello! How is everybody? :) I am writing to let you know about an awesome user-friendly network - Franktrax - (sign up for an account - Franktrax is a well-established affiliate network, specializing in traffic monetization on a CPA model. With over 12.000 worldwide offers we...
  4. LifeTimeDating

    Email Marketing for Dating

    Does anybody has an expirience in creation of highly converting mail body and subject for mainstream dating vertical? What were the conversion results you have achieved?
  5. Pjamble

    Tips and advice for new Affiliate program for my Website !

    Hi guys! Very new to the affiliate program management world here , looking for some advice! I work for an online adult chat website, and i've recently entered the internet marketing area . I need to recruit affiliates to form a direct program, without an affiliate network page...
  6. TopOffers

    Affiliates Wanted Interested to make more with dating?

    Hello y’all, TopOffers is looking for big seasoned affiliates, who have broken the record of 5-10K monthly to promote exclusive dating offers! 50+Geos, PPL up to $12 SOI, PPS up to $220, 80% Revshare. Timely payouts and no limits on volume! We can pay A LOT as long as traffic is good...
  7. Affmy

    Buying Traffic Gay Traffic wanted

    If you have GAY traffic - sell it to us. And you'll get a lot of money, good erection and happiness. :cool: Please ping us on skype - live:affmy_1
  8. WantingStuff

    Looking For A White Label Dating Company

    Hi I am looking for a white label dating company to run a few of my domains on. I have tried Dating Factory, but the chargebacks are 25% of my turnover and the platform feels a little flimsy somehow. I have read about Ventro White Label Dating and understand they have become too high an...
  9. Affmy

    Affiliates Wanted Extra-Rate for new dating MIFsense

    Hey guys, We are happy to announce: we launched another new Exclusive DATING OFFER! This time, MILF niche – high converting and the most preferred dating category by payable users. The greatest thing is, the offer goes together with ready & custom-built unique funnels which are carefully...
  10. Elisa Rogers

    OffersCake high converting offers with hogh payout

    Best CPA Network With all dating,webcam,soi,pps high converting offers are available here with Best support team and much more.
  11. AlinaM

    NUTRA&CRYPTO direct CPA offers

    Hi everybody! We are looking for highly targered traffic for our direct CPA offers in Nutra and Finance (crypto). Plus we can offer you a lot from our advertises, hundreds of other exclusive CPA/CPL offers with WW coverage in many verticals (dating, adult, gambling, mobile billing, sweepstakes...
  12. P Whitmore

    How to sell a dating business

    So, you have a dating business you want to sell, which may be a white label, or maybe not. Lets imagine the dating business is a sofa. The sofa is a bit too heavy and has a few small holes in the fabric, but looks good overall, but hey, maybe you can get more money if you cover the holes and...
  13. kornejcukotskij

    Hello colleagues!

    Hello colleagues! Pleased to meet you! I want to expand my knowledge in the extraction of traffic. My direction for adults and dating.
  14. Benitajoe

    My first payment from Crackrevenue

    My first payment with free traffic from Facebook
  15. Jeremy.RevolutionForce

    NEW adult dating exclusive --> F R E S H database!!!!

    Hit me up for a new US winner! skype jeremy.wagshul
  16. DaynaAdnium

    Banner/Pop-Under Traffic from C-Date, Adnium

    Hey Guys, Adnium is pleased to announce that display and pop-under traffic from C-Date is now available via our self-serve platform (mainstream side when setting up campaigns). Restrictions: No nudity on banners or landers; No profanity. For those who are already registered to the platform...
  17. Mobidea

    New Contest on Mobidea! (Dating, Coupons and Vouchers)

    Great news! Mobidea has announced the first contest of this year - Triple Thread! Giving away 1k for those running Dating or Coupons and Vouchers offers (this time, there are no restrictions when it comes to using the Smartlink so dive into it!) Your goal? Make more money than during the...
  18. yordan prima

    LOOOKING NETWORK with niche Dating

    I am looking for a network that offers lots of niche dating. And also can pay with periodly weekly, not monthly.
  19. moniking25

    How to Use Traffic hunt with Voluum

    hello everyone hi hope i can get some help from you guys yesterday i have signed up for traffic hunt and i have pasted marcos inside traffic sources in voluum and pasted correct postback to send data to traffic source but when i go to variables section and when i click on some variables like...
  20. E

    Affiliates Wanted Worldwide dating offers : CPA/CPL/Revshare !!!

    Hello dear affiliates! If you are here that means that we need to talk together on Skype prelinker_af2_fr In fact, we are buying your adult and dating traffic on CPA/CPL/revshare for our in-house and direct adult/dating offers ! - High Payout (Lead up to 15$) - Smartlink available - Worldwide...