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facebook ad

  1. Axel_inferno09

    need help regarding facebook ads?

    i had just run a campaign on fb ads and could see very high cpc..i did a test with only right column ad and still i could see there was high cpc .. so how do i reduce cpc rate?? i read somewhere that higher the CTR rate, there will be lower cpc is this true?? and are there any other ways?
  2. trackingdesk

    Facebook (new) Integration in TrackingDesk

    hi Everyone A quick note to inform you that Facebook is now integrated in Trackingdesk. What it means is that your campaign url will carry all facebook dynamic parameters. Full info on our latest post. Looking forward for your comments.
  3. El Mehdi

    How to Increase CTR in Facebook Ads (PPE) ?

    Hi How to Increase CTR in Facebook Ads (PPE) ?
  4. abdellahi

    Simple trick to get targeted audience with Fb ads

    hello today i'm going to share with you a simple trick to targeted audience for facebook ads. most people use Audience insights to define their audience but sometimes you can't reach the audience you want specialy with 2,3 tier country where people put whatever in their intrest and like pages...
  5. abdellahi

    Today FB ads result

    yesterday i started to promote a local business for my brother and the ads is already killing it 0.005 PPE! + 104 page like and some calls also some messages what i did after creating the ad is to share in a lot of groups and ask some friends to shre it too and then i wake up today with this...
  6. David Mali

    $900 From 7 days FB ad !

    Someone sent me a message 8 days ago and he was asking me to create a FB Ad for his new hand made necklaces (he found me on a facebook group) for arts and crafts he has a store and just want to get things going and sell he's product so i created a facebook ad for him for 7 days a $15 a day...
  7. greenca

    CPA landing pages: how to avoid it entirely

    I am a complete newbie guys but I will make the highest money in this group soon. Until then I want to ask older ones is there any way you can avoid landing pages while promoting using facebook AD. I know you can buy domain name and forward it to any link you want using godaddy. Therefore my...
  8. TheDanmit

    Let's make some money

    Hello everyone, Overview So I decided to start with Bing again I created a campaign for weight loss offer from maxbounty and funded my account with 100 Euro. I'm using bemob tracking platform everything what I did is according to their setup guide, so cross fingers for me :) . My campaign...