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facebook ads account

  1. Tianyah

    familiar with FB ads campaigns

    I am familiar with FB ads campaigns, and I am working with a team, we have abundant *removed*, we have staff monitoring *removed*, we charge small money each time.
  2. azgold

    How to Get Help from FB

    Hi, Tim. Thanks so much for being here to answer our questions! We've had a number of members who have run into trouble or had questions with their Facebook ads and haven't been able to find a way to contact FB to get help, or never get an answer if they do. The FB community answers didn't...
  3. Fred Turner


    Greetings Christina, My name is Fred and I need some insight on how I can promote CPA offers on FB without using Blackhat methods, if that's even possible. I have plenty experience promoting CPA offer using Mobile Pop Traffic as well as Google, Yahoo/Gemini, and 50OnRed, so if you can give me a...
  4. Felipe Oliveira

    Problems with FB banned account

    Hi Guys! I'm having a many problems with FB , recently I had 3 ban for privacy policies, but I sure do not infrigi any rule My question is : All of my bans are politically, even if you are campaigning for branding have bans . What I do to stop this ? It is difficult to create profitable...
  5. netabdo

    How to use Facebook ads with cpa offers ?

    Hi there, Thanks in advance for this fabulous forum also for your responses. My story with cpa started a year ago, I discovered that exist something great im E-marketing called cpa . After that I made a lot of searches also reading ebook and more than that I follow a tutorial videos, I get a...
  6. netabdo

    How to use Facebook ads with cpa offers ?

    Hi there, Thanks in advance for this fabulous forum also for your responses. My story with cpa started a year ago, I discovered that exist something great im E-marketing called cpa . After that I made a lot of searches also reading ebook and more than that I follow a tutorial videos, I get a...
  7. techforce

    Facebook Ads

    Hi friends I tried to advertise on Facebook but it refuses paypal and 3 credit cards and block my ads account and that for 3 facebook accounts. Any help for that ?
  8. aresa

    What to do when your facebook ad account is suspended

    Hello everyone, Your ads have been stopped and not run again? Or your ad account has recently been flagged because of unusual activity? According to what I know, the robot of Facebook are checking all advertising, that's the reason many account has been disabled. If you want: - Your ads...