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  1. Mia.lasermedia

    Affiliates Wanted Exclusive nutra offers:Double your money with LASERmedia

    Greetings to Affiliatefixers! My name is Mia, AM from Lasermedia. Currently exclusive nutra offers freshly set up and want to look for more partners with traffic for cooperation. LASERmedia is a private CPA network, aiming at helping our affiliates to run their campaigns successfully. ATM we...
  2. Cruelgrimz


    Any VCC that works with facebook and paypal. Need suggestion.
  3. M

    How to lower the cost per click on Facebook?

    Hello all! I am a beginner and now trying to make in targeting is instagram using CPA. But very comes a very expensive price clicac and I don't know in what direction to think. All have very low rates per click, but why am I wrong? I would be very grateful if you tell in what direction I...
  4. TrafficYoda

    Facebook CPA Journey

    Hey Everyone! How's everyone doing these days. I haven't been on affilaitefix for such a long time, I am preoccupied with stuff and finally got back to more focused state. I am going to start a journey on FB with a very WH method that is easy for everyone to start. Gonna go manual for now and...
  5. Andrew.C3PA

    Games CPI offer in Facebook

    Hello! Recently I have started advertising campaigns on Facebook for games and faced a number of problems: 1) It's not my game, so I used the goal Traffic and used tracking link. For games on the IOS, it gave me allowance, but when I tried such campaign for Android, it gave me this message...
  6. Andrew.C3PA

    Newcomer on Facebook ads

    Hello everyone! I have started some ads campaigns in facebook recently. As every beginner, I faced with some problems that I can`t solve on my own. 1) I spend enough money with my campaigns, but I can`t choose CPC as a payment even now. When I try change CPM to CPC it says that I should spend...
  7. xshambhalax

    Help with voluum

    Hi, i have make cloack with volumm and i've tested the click redirect.. it's all ok but... if i paste the volum campaign link in facebook i dont see the preview of the white page.. Someone can tell me why? i've tried to change withe url and i've make debugger put nothing change.. thanks a lot!
  8. T J Tutor

    Facebook Adds Mid-Roll Ads to Videos, Splits Money with Publishers

    Here is an excerpt and link to an article I just read at Advertisemint about FB paying video publishers 55% of revenues they play in the video stream. This seems to have potential for those that choose to cast some cool vids. Facebook will split the revenue from the mid-roll video ads it’s...
  9. mabraham

    Looking For HQ private proxies for social accounts

    Hello, I found a lot of private proxies around the web. But need something optimized for social accounts. So if someone has to offer his services please drop me a message or just recommend something. P.S. Sorry if it is duplicate topic, but I want to get freshest proxies. Thanks.
  10. Bloody Tourist

    Seller won't add my FB conversion pixel

    Hi Guys, I run a lot of binary offers on native and pop traffic, but I'm experimenting with some new stuff on FB. I found this great nice + info product that I would like to run. Asked the seller if he could add my FB pixel to his website so I can track conversions and this was his answer...
  11. P

    Facebook Campaign Setup Help

    I’m just getting started with Facebook advertising and am about to setup my first campaign. I’ve read lots of different guides online about how to run ads, structure the account and optimize but I’m a little bit confused about what is the best way to set things up. I want to make sure I set...
  12. DylanWall

    Ideas For Getting Free Traffic On Your Facebook Page?

    Hi guys, i'm new to the Marketing world and i'm struggling to generate any followers and likes and shares on my Facebook page! I am in the process of still learning how to use Facebook. If you all could share how you led people to your page that would be wonderful! I'm all in for the hustling so...
  13. princetime21

    How to run Facebook Page with Adult Contents?

    I am a noob, so I want to know How Can I run Facebook page with Adult, Pornography contents to entertain visitors? Like others people running adult pages. I started an Adult page and posted 3 adult content and after few minutes facebook removed those content. So I am confused, why my contents...
  14. Snoopp

    What is based Facebook PIXEL on?

    I have Facebook Ad and it's working well with Precise targeting (phase 1). My pixel learned something already... so I am going to "phase 2" and make BROAD interest targeting for the same product (but now my pixel has some knowledge from Phase1). Q: On what BASIS facebook Pixel will know that I...
  15. TynaTwine

    Facebook - Unapproved Ads

    Hello, I tried to promote on Facebook a hair product not directly, but via an article about hair loss. I tried 3 different ways and always I received the unapproved message, telling me that it does not meet the requirements for ads. Once I got this message "This ad appears to promote adult...
  16. jack_chen

    My Success Story: From ZERO to $30k Daily Revenue in 2 Months

    Hi everyone, As I read and learned a lot from this forum, I would like to share my story as well. If mine could inspire some of you here that would be another success story LOL. So I’ve been exploring online forums for a while to seek how to make big money because my salary of previous job is...
  17. M

    Cost of Facebook Traffic

    Hi I was wondering how much people spend on Facebook advertising per visitor. I tend to get costs around $0.30 per visitor, yet I have read some people are able to get visitors for around $0.05. Please share your experience . Many thanks
  18. Walid Chaki

    100$ just for facebook ads , isit enough budget ?

    Hey Guys is there a possibilty to promote cpa offers Just in Facebook ads , with a budget of 100$ and earning 200$ ??
  19. Snoopp

    Conversion attribution (Facebook vs Email)

    User comes to my site through the Facebook Ads and make no sale BUT the next day he comes back to my site through E-mail and make a purchase... Question: Will Facebook attribute this conversion to their activities and it will be visible in Facebook Reports?
  20. bjorno20

    Converting facebook traffic

    I have a facebook page in general category, that is growing at up to 200 likes a week, if I don't advertise or update.When I advertise I get post clicks at about 5-10 clicks per penny(<.002).I advertise only to Mexico and India, but pages are all English. I send all traffic to a website in...