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Affiliate Marketing Community Online!

“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate


  1. S

    Hello dear members

    hello dear members. My name is Pascal and I am from the Netherlands I started doing affiliate marketing to provide a better income for me and my mother who has lost her husband this year in may 2016. She is now living without a single dime and I have to support her with my small income I have...
  2. Latifab

    Promoting a mobile app

    Hi guys, am thinking about promoting a mobile app on Facebook, It will be my first campaign since I've been doing only free traffic, The app is about car booking, pays 7$ and only for one country UAE I have a budget around 100$ so what do you think?
  3. elarib

    PeerFly #Help

    Hello, I'm beginner in CPA, and but i have a good experience in Facebook ads and my own mobile apps, so PeerFly accept me to promote their offers. My 1 st question is : For example, in this image, what shoud i promote the link 1, or 2 ?? because the link 1 give me the offer but, the link 2...
  4. Chris Porter

    Affiliates Wanted Looking for a team social media marketing team!

    I am in search of a team to help promote a free phone program via social media or any other means. Let me know if you are interested! You can get paid to give away phones to people in need! The phones are actually really nice and it is a completely free program so that means it is very easy...
  5. christos ioannou

    Completely new to affiliate marketing - Looking for help

    Greetings, My name is Chris, and i am completely new to this. I know the basic but i really dont know where to start. I Would love to make affiliate marketing my main work. At the moment i am working at a crappy job with low salary six days a week, i literally have no life. I know this isn't...
  6. Deputy

    About. (ALLTIME $60K+)

    Hello, I'm "Deputy" from Ukraine. I'm 18 years old and I working hard in online marketing since 13 years old. How I began? I had big troubles in my family. My parents divorced and I with my mom had no enough money even food Every day I started from forums. I read tons information about earning...
  7. christos ioannou

    New Member, tired of fake people only care about their money.

    Greetings, My name is Chris, i am 27 years old. Currently i work in a tech store six Days per week standing for like 7-8 hours per day I go home after 8PM every day just to sleep and do the same the next day. Seriously No-life, and what i earn each month (900-1000$)i have to spend it to keep...
  8. comegetbravo

    [Follow along] How to create your first profitable campaign on mobile!

    Okay, here we go. After lurking around this forum for a long time, it's now time for me to give back, and here I will post a case study of a campaign that I've been running for a little more than 2 weeks now (I won't post the campaign as long as it's live, but it'll come soon :)) I'll guide...
  9. P

    Thinking on setting up an affiliate site

    Hi all , I want to start an affiliate site promoting hotels in A specific city , I own a good domain and I want to start using it for that . Any suggestion on what platform to use to create the site that is good for affiliate site, any recommendations ? Do you guys think it can be a good niche...
  10. E

    Any advice for a new comer?

    Hi, I'm 17 and from the UK. I've just created an account after coming across this website when looking up a you tuber that i have been watching. I'm just wondering has anyone got any advice on where I can start or tell me what the basics are that I will need to learn. I have watched videos on...
  11. A

    I'm in need of tracking advice i'm new!

    Sorry if this is in the wrong place, I'm not sure of my way around the site yet. What i need to know is this, If someone buys a product through my affiliate link, will i be able to pinpoint exactly bought the product, or is it more vague than that? If i can pinpoint who it was that bought the...
  12. miximo

    How I Can Use OGADS

    hello everyone, am create account in OGADS last week and i don't now how i can use it , how i can choose offers , and how i find link to use it in landing page to promote in instagram
  13. Crisvendetta

    Ogads Content Locker Problem

    I have been using mainly CPAGRIp for my content locker and I am trying OGads to compare payouts. I have a problem with the locker on Ogads, it does not work as intended. I always put the locker to be onclick , what I do is put between the <head> tag the code <script type="text/javascript"...
  14. netabdo

    Need your help to optimise a campaign - first step to get $100 per month

    Hi friends, After solving problem of traffic source, it's time to learn more and new things, never give up :) Was 3 days ago when I launched a campaign with details below: - offer for survey mobile - country :usa -landing page: lp with 2 question - spent : $10 - earned : $1.73 The campaign...
  15. Hasan Al Bannah

    Hello Everyone!!!

    Hi I am Hasan.I am not completely newbie but i had more than 7 months gap due to degree course.I would like to start again with CPA offers, also very much delighted to be member of affiliatefix community. I will start a campaign very soon to promote survey offers from maxbounty with bing PPC...
  16. Karl Paras

    i Need a little tip Guys :(

    Should i put up just one site and work my ass on it until I get how Affiliate marketing works, then diversify? Or, Should i invest more and put up different sites, experiment and observe, and see what works?
  17. B

    New to social - how to get shares?

    Hi Guy's, Not sure if anyone can help - I do a lot in the email space but am looking to grow my social across Facebook (and maybe instagram). I've seen people getting upwards of 40k shares!! How’s this possible? Any help's appreciated!
  18. wolfofcalifornia


    Hi everyone. I've been researching a lot about affiliate marketing lately and looking to get started. I've watched most of Jay Wessman's videos. Kid is good. Question: When you guys started, what was the absolute first step you took?
  19. karthik94

    [Newbie Help] How to promote affiliate offers in a Ad Network?

    Hi FBQueen, Thanks for reading my post. I am a newbie to Affiliate Marketing and I do need a professional help. Hence I chose Affiliatefix as my help desk. Now I did hear about your session on Affiliatefix. I am happy about it. I don't want to waste your time , so coming to the point...
  20. Cazzius

    Airpush huge clicks discrepancy, is it normal?

    I started my first campaign to test how everything works, stop at 10$ bid. These are the stats: Airpush - 3,330 impressions - 340 clicks TrackingDesk Tracker - 196 visits Shark Games CPA/CPI - 105 clicks Spent 10.20$ and got 1 conversion (2$) (stopped the campaign in airpush cause i read it...