The Most Active and Friendliest
Affiliate Marketing Community Online!

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  1. K

    Hello, nice joining affiliatefix

    Hi, thanks for finally accepting me as a member of the greatest forum which helps and assist others to succeed in all aspect of their online businesses. I'm looking forward to learn and help others as well in various help they might need from me with the little skills and knowledge I have.
  2. fantastic mr. fox

    Hi, AffiliateFix

    My name is Denis, I'm a marketer and entrepreneur in the niche of online education. I'm also into affiliate marketing for a few years in CPA-Networks and SaaS company. Running my own digital media devoted to affiliate marketing on Russian and English.
  3. A


    Hi Affiatefix Community Glad to be apart of the community!!! -Anthony Johnson
  4. tbsales

    Newbie on board :P

    Hi affiliatefix members! I am Tasha :D and I'm not really a newbie, I'm more of a seasoned procrastinator with mass confusion from overload of information in so many directions, but no real direction to follow ... I realize I'm still missing a piece or 2 of this affiliate marketing puzzle +add...
  5. shadowbluff

    Hello Everyone, You are awesome

    Hello guys, i just joined this community, i am novice to cpa i hope i get the most of this. I highly regard all of you hard workers and i intend to do the same i hope we could all benefit and why not ....... have fun.
  6. V

    To introduce myself

    Dear sir: I have done cpa for about two years ,and I did financial ,dating and gaming offers . My most successful type of offers are dating and gaming. I mainly send traffic by ppv and ggadwords.Your network's reputation is very good ,so i want to be your promoter sincerely and I just apply for...
  7. R

    Hey What's Up?

    I'm Riley Younger. I'm 22. I'm from a tiny town an hour southeast of Denver. I grew up learning to work for money. Trade time for money, and do hard physical manual labor in those hours making up the long days. ... and even longer weeks. You can't work enough in the day. And you can't work...
  8. Mike Olvera

    Hello everybody...

    My name is Mike Olvera, I'm head of business development for Click4ads. Click4ads is the first true Networking Platform for established Performance Marketers. This digital space is designed to help key industry players engage and network with each other in a professional environment. I am...