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landing page

  1. mike zenith

    Google security error on my domain with antivirus related offers

    I just started with few of the media buying activity and choose CPI offers of antivirus in US Geo which converting well(adv said). I created some lander related to antivirus notifications. After running it for 3-4 days now my domain is getting "Security Error" and campaign has been paused by...
  2. Nongmaithem Archna

    The best affiliate network for webinar landing page

    Hi Guys, Can you suggest me which affiliate network is the best for a Webinar landing page? I would like to launch my Webinar page (Sales Funnel Workshop). If there is any other suggestion to get more audiences on the webinar page, I would really appreciate it. Thanks, Archna
  3. moniking25

    What is Adult mobile landing page average CTR

    hi recently i have worked with mobile usa traffic I have got Low CTR on mob average 12% but with same lp i get 40% with Pc can anybody tell me what is the average ctr
  4. TravelingAffiliate

    The Secret Other Successful Affiliates Don't Want You To Know!

    Ok, So just to make things clear there is no a real secret, just wanted to know if this Headline will catch your eyes. I know how much important is to make something that will catch your audience attention. Of course the first thing the will see will be the amazing creatives that you will need...
  5. chervenkov

    Instapage question

    I want to ask - is Instapage good for building landing pages for casual dating? My designer and coder skills are 0 :( And my second.question - how I can setup voluum track clicks on landing page builder in instapage. Thank you
  6. chervenkov

    Question about pre LP

    Are you using PreLanding pages in your CPL dating offers or just push traffic direct to the offer? Im curious, because I personally think prelander are useless because you can say everything important in banner ad (especially now with new google rules about misleadings ads) and there is no need...
  7. Annesoren

    Frustrated Newbie

    Hi! I am Anne from Norway. Where to start... I haven't launched a single campaign yet, and I keep getting stuck on obstacles on the way - but getting closer... I have worked as an analys in some major corporations, am fairly intelligent, and studied graphic design as well. I signed up for all...
  8. Annesoren

    New to the forum and affiliating

    Hi! I am Anne from Norway. Where to start... I haven't launched a single campaign yet, and I keep getting stuck on obstacles on the way - but getting closer... I guess being desperate isn't the way to get started, but that is kind of what I am. I have all my bets on one horse at this point (the...
  9. Navid

    Is sending user to your landing page is better or directly to campaigns landing page?

    Where do you like to send your users to when buying traffic? Do you send them to your own landing page or directly to the campaign landing page (to save one more click)? and which has been working better for you?
  10. Bloody Tourist

    $9 Landing Page Software (not kidding)

    Hey ninjas, if you're anything like me your mailbox probably exploded today with all kinds of crazy discounts and offers :) (Cyber Monday!) I deleted a lot of promos without even opening, but one of them caught my eye and I would would like to share it with you. If you're looking for a dirt...
  11. M

    e-Mail list for email submit offers

    Hello, I am new to CPA marketing and I have following questions. In almost all training videos I seen, everyone asks me to use a landing page and collect email of users before sending them to offer page. Will it make sense to ask users to submit their email IDs and name and then send them to...
  12. bcoelho

    Selling Awesome Landing Page Services

    Hi! My name is Bruno and I work at Mopiu, we’re a small design and development studio in Portugal. We specialise in landing pages for affiliates and internet marketers. We work to create high converting landing pages that look great and make money for our clients. Our landing page service...
  13. A

    New to CPA (few questions) but not to AM

    Hi all, I hope this is ok to post in this section. I have been an Amazon affiliate for about 4 years primarily doing SEO and gaining traffic from search engines. However, I wanted to take a try at CPA but am confused about a few things. Hoping I could get some advice. 1 - Most people say to...
  14. Eric hunter

    Creating the best Landing Page Video

    Hey guys! I have a mission to create a very good Landing Page funnel that will generate sales in the end of it. I want to create a 2-3 levels funnel. 1) A landing page that will contain some content but the main creative will be a VIDEO that will show the user all the reason to start the...
  15. Axel_inferno09


  16. mike zenith

    What is the need to cloacking?

    Hi I am new in media buying and have read many forums about cloacking when anyone promote campaigns on facebook, taboola, revcontent, adword. What exactly is the need of cloacking ??
  17. Mostafa Adel Khayri

    Why Landing Pages ?

    Dears I know that could be simple, but why to use landing pages instead of driving traffic directly to the offer's page ? It's for nothing but collecting emails,right ?? Also, why to use expensive tracking ? Forgive me if it's too naive to ask :) Thank you in advance.
  18. Mostafa Adel Khayri

    More info about tracking & landing pages, Please ?

    It seems like being naive questions, But why to pay for tracking that amount of money, when "try and error" method is way cheaper, I mean that in Facebook ads for example, I can run several campaigns for different offers and GEO tags, to know which one converts well, then I keep growing it, or...
  19. abdellahi

    FREE Landing page for CPS offer

    Hi everyone so i though to give this LPs for free yes for FREE you can find the offer on mabounty it pays 68$ and use Bing or adword to promote and make $$$ i've already tested the campaign on bing and got some converions why not you offer : Landing page Good luck ;)
  20. greenca

    CPA landing pages: how to avoid it entirely

    I am a complete newbie guys but I will make the highest money in this group soon. Until then I want to ask older ones is there any way you can avoid landing pages while promoting using facebook AD. I know you can buy domain name and forward it to any link you want using godaddy. Therefore my...