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native ads

  1. V

    6 Programmatic trends you need pay attention to

    Moving forward with your monetization strategies, take into account these trends emphasised by industry influencers at the Programmatic I/O Conference organised by AdExchanger: 1. digital media usage is driven by mobile apps ($53.4B will be spent on in-app ads by 2020) 2. most mobile RTB...
  2. Micheal

    Adblade not approving my domain name

    Hi, I have signup up in on 5 September 2017 (around 30 days ago) as publisher but my site still not approved & even not rejected. I tried by contacting them by Emails but no response from them. My site have a very good traffic even Taboola & outbrain approved that. Anyone have any...
  3. David Mali

    Top Native ads networks ?

    hey guys just a small question what is the best Native ads networks ? i have about $2k to invest in native ads i will be promoting CPA offers / affiliate products thanks
  4. CrakRevenue

    Free, Native Ads Generator -- A Powerful New Tool

    New at CrakRevenue: Native Ads! It’s finally here! Our Native Ads Generator is here! Create natural and relevant ads in just a few simple and easy steps... Ready to give it a try?! Or... * Not a CrakRevenue affiliate? Register here for fast-track approval!
  5. JohnWRW

    WhatRunsWhere - Affiliate Ads Filtering for Native Ads

    Hi everyone! WhatRunsWhere has begun rolling out their series of features to support the affiliate marketers and networks to continue to identify top performing campaigns and strategies across display and native. Over the weekend, we launched Show Only Affiliate Ads filters across Top Ads...
  6. S

    Advertising channels for charities

    Hi been struggling to find a channel that works for charities seeking donations. Is it a lost cause or only works with a strong branding campaign? Emails obviously are not as effective any more. Any advice here appreciated.
  7. scroogefrog

    Native ads

    Hi! Do hear about native ads network Mgid ? May be somebody had experience with this network? Thanks for your answers!
  8. Kleponpink

    How to Start & Build Your Own Website (for Newbies)

    I want to share some first steps for building your website 1. Learning from other websites. It might take long to research from a few different websites. It can take days, weeks, or months until you find out the visitors that you target, the tone, and the language that you should use 2...
  9. shafi kasmani

    Is Native Ads + Clickbank worked or success?

    I will plan to use Adnow native ads! it is cheap $30 but i have a doubt for clickbank healthy products works on native ads? did you experience native ads before?
  10. G

    How native ads play important role to impact interstitials ads?

    Please suggest me how native ads can impact interstitial ads.
  11. ChristianaOBM

    Looking for Quality Traffic

    Hey Everyone, My name is Christiana and I am an AM for Orderbox Media. We are an advertising network managing exclusive and direct campaigns for both desktop and mobile. Our proprietary, cutting-edge platform makes sure that not one impression goes to waste. Its' algorithm optimizes the...
  12. tommakemassive

    Make Massive V2 - Spy on Pops, Native, Adult, Display All in One! Free & Pro

    Introducing Make Massive Version 2.0 Native, Pops, Adult, Display all in one. We have both a FREE version for basic use and PRO account for serious affiliates. Make Massive Version 2.0 brings a huge number of new ways to spy and understand affiliate data to help you supercharge your...
  13. datingoffers

    Affiliates Wanted Native Ads dating traffic

    Hi everyone, We are looking for native ads traffic to promote our dating offers, we're a direct advertiser. We have offers for 15+ countries (mostly US and other major English-speaking countries, Europe, Japan), offer exclusive payouts, can pay per lead/sale/trial/install, provide accurate stats...
  14. datingoffers

    Native Ads dating traffic needed for dating

    Hi Everyone :) Together Networks is looking for Native Ads traffic on CPL, CPC. We have 15 + geos and we’re willing to pay A LOT! Don’t miss your chance to double your income with us by promoting some of the most famous casual dating brands. Native ads traffic has been working extremely well...
  15. feNix10

    Affiliates Wanted, the Native Ads Spy Tool ($62.25 per month per user)

    Hi, come join our affiliate program. We've made a huge effort to create an awesome Native Ads Spy Tool, and we still want to be generous: We pay 25% recurring revenue for each user. That means $62.25 every month for as long as the user stays with us. I repeat, that’s recurring income, so...
  16. feNix10

    Hello all! I represent Advault, the native ads spy tool

    Great to be here with so many affiliates. My intention is not to spam you all but to bring value to this community, helping you find successful native ads campaigns. Why did we create Advault? When native ads started booming at the beginning of 2015 we were running our own native ads...
  17. YTZ International

    Affiliates Wanted Crush Native Traffic with Zodiac Casino!

    Zodiac Casino - Instant Millionaire CPL - Available now! Start sending your native traffic to this proven offer NOW! This offer converts like crazy for native and advertorial traffic - plus it performs really well on mobile! This offer auto-translates to the local language, plus there is an...
  18. T J Tutor

    Native Ads Being Watched Closely Again By The FTC

    The FTC is ramping up again with its objections and monitoring of native ads. According to the article on PaceDM by Michael Levanduski 04-19-2016 "The FTC has issued a statement to fashion giant Lord & Taylor concerning their use of native ads and paid promotions on social media outlets...
  19. emily bizprofits

    Is anyone using nativeadbuzz?

    Hey, Is Any using to discover what is hot right now and to spy on competitors? Do you recommend on paying for this tool?
  20. netabdo

    first step to get $100 per month from Mobile Marketing ??

    Hi friends, After reading and discovering a lot things about affiliate marketing, yesterday I took the action :) So I'd like first to explain why I said $100 per month and not $100 per day or $1000 per day ?? - It's sample because if you dream big from the beginning you will find yourself...