The Most Active and Friendliest
Affiliate Marketing Community Online!

“Adavice”/  “CPA


  1. D


    Hey all, joined a few weeks ago, but haven't said hello yet. I'm just getting in to affiliate marketing after ~5 years of "studying" it. My experience with IM is limited-I opened an Etsy shop a few years ago, 2012 I think, and marketed it on Facebook. After a year of struggling with it I...
  2. abdellahi

    My experience with Instagram 0$ invested

    hi everyone so few years ago people started to talk about the instagram method with OGads and other blackhat method, but for me they don't worth if we count the time we spend and effort however they offer a good opportunity to newbies with low budget. for me i was just reading others experience...

    Newbie to the affiliated marketing

    Hi, I am excited to join this affiliated marketing. I heard so many great things about it and I can't wait to join live chat and Q&A. I am sure with this website I will get a lot of useful information and become a pro affiliated marketer very soon!
  4. Nomad Hustle

    Startup Guy; AM Newbie >> Looking for mentors

    Hey everyone, My name is Rich a.k.a Nomad Hustle. I'm an entrepreneur from London, UK. I previously set up and launched a B2B company in education from my bedroom in the UK with clients in China - this grew to a team of 7 in a cute office in central London. Disclaimer: Owning a company sounds...
  5. PennyTraveller

    And the journey begins!

    Time to learn how to guide people to meaningful and impactful information and help them save a few bucks in the process. And generate a passive income
  6. Gutomb

    Hi everyone, I like knitting by day but CPA by night!

    Hi to everyone here on Affiliate Fix, nice to be part of a community of like minded people, money getters. Im here to learn and implement new and fresh strategies on CPA marketing, I have done some in the past but really sloppy as it was all instructions that today no longer convert. So thank...
  7. Z


    Hello I am new to this new marketing thing and I am apart of this program named CPAGrip I get quite alot of traffic I get around liek 260 veiws and 115 clicks daily but 0 leads but then On the chat I see a guy get 60 veiws 15 clicks and 2 leads and he made 3 dollars does anyone know how to get...
  8. S

    1 BAD and 3 GOOD advices for newbies

    People absolutely love to give shitty advices. Here is the phrase you’ve heard a million times: "Follow your instincts." Familiar, huh? If you’re a rabbit running away from a predator through the forest, the advice is excellent. Instincts will allow you to survive. The goal is achieved. But...
  9. SocksHub

    Hi there!

    Hi, I knew about Affiliatefix from Google, and we mainly sell socks4 and socks5. Hope we can find a good marketplace and meet more friends here! Nice to meet you guys here!
  10. Maxsi

    Newbie Affiliate Marketer

    Hi! My name is Maksim. I'm from Moscow, Russia. I'm a PPC-specialist at agency. Good experience at using traffic sources, such as: - Yandex.Direct - Yandex.Display - Google AdWords - MyTarget Some experience with: - - Facebook
  11. Nebojsha1337

    Nebojsha1337's Introduction

    Hello AffiliateFix, I'm a CPA entrepreneur aspiring to become a full-time CPA marketer. I am currently working with OGAds. My reason for joining AF is quite simple, I feel like I should socialize with other fellow marketers and share my thoughts, opinions and just have a place where I can go...
  12. WIllF

    Can someone point me in the right direction?

    I am kind of stuck on the landing pages. I am needing to setup hosting for my landing pages. Most of the campaigns I plan to run are for mobile so speed is the top factor. Someone referred me to for hosting. Has anyone used them? Who do you use? Who is the best for someone without a...
  13. WIllF

    Anyone have experience w/ Adcombo Nutra offers in tier 2/3 countries?

    Hello, I wanting to know if anyone on here has any experience with Nutra offers in tier 2/3 countries(Mainly tier 2)? Or any experience in tier 2/3 countries for that matter? Do you use a translator? What kind of tips can you give me? What traffic sources have you used? What countries have you...
  14. FrancisAdams

    Newbie from India seeking answers to queries

    I have bought two domains on, which I plan to monetize through Affiliate Marketing. I have yet to to start writing or creating content for them. I have several queries before i start. 1) Are there good affiliate marketing opportunities available that provide and offer you ads /...
  15. Artemii


    Hi, everyone! I am totaly new to affiliate marketing. I am thinking of launching a musical blog with new albums reviews etc. I know that Apple Music have their affiliate program. Does someone know if it works? Or it's better to concentrate on some professional music gear sellers? Or maybe music...
  16. jhondevi118

    I am new here

    Hello members , I am new here :affiliatefix: , how are you all ? :p I hope everyone friendly and helpful in this forum :):):):)
  17. apsads

    Propel Média - Wich means - " direct advertiser "?

    Hi, I saw a warning in PropelMedia that just "Direct Advertiser" can be accepted now, so i opened my new account as "Direct Advertiser". My account is done, i made my first deposit and i am ready to start now. My question is. What really does it means : "Direct Advertiser" ? If i use my...
  18. apsads

    From Brazil, starting new business. Introdruction

    Hi, i would like to introduce myself I am from Brazil ( big political problems actually but i love my country) , now with 47 yo possibly a little above the average age of this forum but I feel comfortable here and in a way I feel close to some because I'm following posts and shared...
  19. lunatickookie

    CPAgrip HELP

    Hello, So I just signed up to CPAgrip, even though I read here a lot, I have NO idea what to do. Does someone has a guide to CPAgrip, or someone who uses/used it in the past and can help me. :(:(:(
  20. lunatickookie

    Newbies Network

    Hello yall im a complete newbie here. Can you recommend on any good affiliate networks that would approve me? Maybe some tips along the way? Thanks <3