Hello, im writing this post just to say hi. Many examples of your activity i find inspiring. Question - how to get an access to exclusive CPL offers for a newbie. As for what i have though, analyzing offers via follow.net - many of them is a pure junk and scum. I am looking for good quality...
Hi! I'm Liza - an account manager at RedFireAds. We are mobile CPI ad network with a media buying department. We have a big pool of great and exclusive campaigns for our publishers, and we're always open for new ones. So we're looking for new collaborations in both directions.
Feel free to...
Earning money with Wingoads has never been so easy!
We have Mixed program: performance based mode REV SHARE up to 90% and FIXED CPM rates for our premium publishers with HQ traffic!
Address me for more details and start monetizing today!
Guys, if u are an affiliate manager of a Forex company, talk to me asap!
We are the Gods of binary, wanna pick up Forex vertical as well.
Talk to me on skype: asudjan
p.s. In binary, we provide 15-20 ftd`s a month.
I'm analizing weather to propose to add this vertical to our network or not, but I still haven't made up of my mind... What do you think about it?
-Are you promoting these type of offers? what is your experience?
-what things do you expect from promoting these brands?
-how is the conversion...
I'm analizying if attending or not. Have you attended before? If so, what is your opinion about it? Was it good for your business?
Needless to say, contact me if you have nordic traffic for finance offers ;)
Have an imazing day!
Sup, guys? Listen, am looking for cool #notbinary campaigns to run with our platform. If u are interested, or u can advice someone who can b interested - let me know )) Thanks in advance
All verticals, except the binary options
All main GEO`s
talk to me on skype: asudjan
Hi everyone,
i have just got accepted today on maxbounty , i am willing to promote some health offer suggested by my manager , i bought a domain name and linked it to a host , i want to promote my offer on bing ads and hopefully get some results .
what should i do next to promote that offer ...
I'm a newbie in the marketing field, and I'm a little bit confused. I'm willing to promote some CPA offers using Paid Traffic Sources, but what's triggering me is, how does those "Paid Traffic Sources" promote my offers?
Are they using Popups,Banners...? What is exactly the Traffic I'm...
I have a question to ask to all those who are using Bing Ads as traffic source. I will try to be as clear as possible.
Suppose if I have to promote a Weight Loss Offer, Should I go for Landing Page where there are almost less than 50 words, or should I go for Article where I will explain...
Dear Friends,
Many of us might already noticed that running CPI offers is no longer easy as it was 2 years ago. Advertisers refuse to pay high payouts for simple installs and apply KPI rules for new campaigns.
I would like to exclude this kind of offers from this topic because in fact
CPI +...
Introducing Make Massive Version 2.0
Native, Pops, Adult, Display all in one. We have both a FREE version for basic use and PRO account for serious affiliates.
Make Massive Version 2.0 brings a huge number of new ways to spy and understand affiliate data to help you supercharge your...
Hi all,
I'm looking for affiliates who want to make some money with a private CPA network.
We have some great Mobile content offers along with other offers like skin&diet,etc... If you are looking for exclusive CPA offers to promote with tracking and payouts all in one place lasermediagrp.com...
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