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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate


  1. abdelhadi1234

    Is globalwide media a scam ? (Closed UnResolved - Not a Scam, but also did not respond)

    I have work with globalwide media as an affiliate , and i have made about 3000$ a day when i have try to enter to my account it says : Login unsuccessful. User account is Inactive/Pending. when i have contact the affiliate Jota Ferreira he has say to me that my account was terminated and he...
  2. L

    How do I calculate my media-buyer's salary+%

    Hi. Our company has hired its first media-buyer and I'm not how the variable part of the salary - the % from net profit should be calculated. What's considered "net profit" - the amount the buyer has brought in after taxes or something else? Thanks for help.
  3. M

    Vdopia is a Scam!

    Hi, Does any of you use Vdopia's Ad Network? Vdopia has yet fulfilled their payment since May of 2016 and today is January 2017. In accordance to their promise they should be paying every 90 days prior to the published ads date, thus they should have payed up to September 2016. Has any of you...
  4. Aditya Saha

    3rd payment from OGmobi

    Hi guys, It's been a long time since I posted my payments screenshots. Though it is very less, I really get motivated by these payments and inspires me to work hard. Hope it does the same for you. Thanks. Have a good day! :)
  5. BlogsPopuli

    Arvixe affiliate program disappeared?

    Hi! I don't know if this is the correct place to write this thread. If it's not please move it :P I've been for several months working as an Arvixe affiliate. This month i had 3 comissions ready to be paid but they have paid just one of them (70$). I went to the affiliate panel to see what...
  6. Leon Kennedy

    Support I can't make the payment to the Dojo

    Hello, I want to upgrade to Dojo, but I can't make the payment successfully. I tried using different credit cards and paypal both with error message like: There was 1 error on the page: Your order was not approved. Please try another card. (0) Can anyone give me a solution? Thanks in...
  7. Shahin Alom

    Received $100.80 from Only 2 Leads

    I have received $100.90 from only 2 leads on MaxBounty. They are really a good & professional network with great conversion rate. Here is the screenshot. Thanks for reading my post. Keep me in your prayer for my successful future.
  8. Aditya Saha

    My 2nd Payment

    Hi guys, Thought, would share this with you. Small payment from OGads $63.56. Hope to scale this. Thank you for reading. Have a great day.
  9. Aditya Saha

    Received my 1st payment

    Hello guys, I finally received my first payment from CPAGrip. There was a delay due to a limitation from PayPal and when that issue was resolved, I finally got my payment. Still waiting for payment from Ogads Here is my journey if you are wondering how I earned it [Newbie] Starting my own...
  10. Prince.AdSenceMedia

    Looking For AdSenceMedia - "December-2015, net-30" All Payment Cleared

    AdSenceMedia - "December-2015, net-30" All Payment have been Cleared. Keep up the good work everyone. Thanks.
  11. Prince.AdSenceMedia

    Announcement AdSenceMedia - "December-2015, net-30" All Payment Cleared

    AdSenceMedia - "December-2015, net-30" All Payment have been Cleared. Keep up the good work everyone. Thanks.
  12. Mobidea

    Announcement ★★ MOBIDEA ★★ 100% revenue share for the first 7 days!

    100% revenue share for the first 7 days! Get this wicked offer by signing up HERE with the promo code FIXMOBIDEA2016 (valid till 31 January 2016. Afterwards, we pay a flat 80% revenue share to all affiliates) Guess what? If an Affiliate makes more than 10.000 euros in the last 30 days, he...
  13. I

    Looking For Direct PIN-submit/mobile subscription advertiser

    Hey guys, I'm a direct advertiser and I'm looking for direct publishers who can deliver PIN-submit/mobile subscription traffic for the following GEOs: - AU - NL - TH - RS - UK - MY - SG I can give you 30%+ higher payouts than the ones you are getting from the affiliate networks. Please feel...
  14. E

    Partnership Star Wars payment processor

    If you or anyone you work with or know need more payment processing volume for their websites please get in contact with me. I have significant experience in high risk merchant accounts, meaning I know what underwriting wants to see in order to get an account approved. have a continuity website...
  15. Click Forward

    Choice of Payment Method!

    Thank you in advance! Have a nice day!
  16. Nasir Uddin

    Help Me Finding Mobile Redirect/Pop Traffic Sources That Allows Payoneer Mastercard Payment

    Is there any traffic sources available that allows Payoneer as their Payment system. I see, most of the Pop/Redirect traffic sources only allow PayPal as their only payment system. As PayPal is not allowed my country; I need to know the sources name. Anyone can help? Thanks,