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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate


  1. Z

    Hello Newbie Here!

    Hey Guys How Are You Doing , Can You Please Point Me To Some Cases Studies , Journey or Guide For Cpa With Pop Or push Ads I need To See That its Working in 2025 When searching through the forum I only see 2018 post bumped lately with someones comment Please Guys Help me I need Something New...
  2. E

    Seeking Help Popads[dot]net shows thousands of impressions but no traffic on website

    Hey everyone! I'm facing a peculiar issue with Popads[dot]net as an advertiser and I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced the same problem. Here's the situation: For the past six months, I've been successfully using Popads[dot]net to drive good traffic to my website. However, from last...
  3. F

    Seeking Help Big difference between purchased traffic and Analytics in PopAds

    Hello! I've been buying traffic on PopAds for some time now and I've noticed that about 70% of the traffic is lost along the way. If PopAds says that they have sent me 1,000,000 visits, in Analytics they show around 300,000. What can this be due to? Thanks!
  4. K

    Anyone else having issues with popads these last 7 hours?

    At around 22:00 UTC the visitors have been dropping quite a lot. I'm suspecting it's either a technical issue from popads side, or the domain being blacklisted. I have not seen any posts, updates or anything from popads twitter. Dashboard is VERY slow at the moment, and historical view didn't...
  5. A

    cpa with pops

    Hello, guys. well, im a newbie on affilaite marketing and i found this forum by doing some searsh on google about pops traffic sources, i read a few article about popunder networks, but i dont found yet what im looking for ! first im sorry for my bad i have an account on mobedia and...
  6. Jackjackie111

    Popads Banned My Account

    Hi Everybody , Hope yall doing very good :) Well i'm starting 2020 with a lot of problems in IM and for some reason i wake up today and find that my popads account got banned and there is money in it. For some reason they diden't send me any message saying what i did wrong or nothing.. Can you...
  7. D

    CPAlead + Popads (No success) :(

    Hi, I am bit new to CPA, I started with CPAlead and was trying to promote the offer with Popads, I spend nearly 50 USD yesterday but not a single lead (promoting Pin submit offer). I have seen some videos and have read some guides, but TBH no success till date. Below is the screenshot of my...
  8. Flaxy

    On a journey to create a positive roi% with popunder ads

    Hey guys, This is my first journey here on affiliatefix and with this thread I wanted to create a journal for myself to document everything. Hopefully this will be of use for others as well in the form of motivation or knowledge. CPA Network: Peerfly, OGads, Adcombo, CPAlead, Mobidea (my...
  9. Luis Oscar Cruz

    CPA pops - When to blacklist IPs? When to blacklist SiteIDs (placements)?

    Hello everyone, Since I'm running CPA I've been stuck in a lot of visits and 0 conversions (-100% ROI). I've tested different geos, niches and offers; and I've been always top bidder. If it is of interest; I'm using MaxBounty offers and Bemob as the tracker. I received a tip; that I had to do...
  10. Luis Oscar Cruz

    To Adplexity or to Stormproxities? (PopAds)

    Huh ; do I keep Adplexity or I ditch it for Stormproxies/Instaproxies, etc. Let me explain what’s happening… ——————————————————————————————- I expected a reference point for SiteIDs to know its niche and quality but I don’t find one. PopAds (1-10) Quality score is not an indication of...
  11. Luis Oscar Cruz

    PopAds games category: what type of offer can I use to find SiteID sub-niches, then target each one?

    Hello everyone! I have 2 questions. About the first one: - I would like to do a seed campaign in PopAds targeting the games category to then research the SiteIDs, find the sub-niches I find (arcade, gambling, casino, etc.). Then do a campaign for arcade, one for gambling, and one for casino...
  12. N

    Popads support ignoring all emails I sent

    Hi, greeting to all affiliates in this community, not want to being rude, but I have encountered some issue with Popads(official ones, end with dot net) 2 weeks ago, I sent a 3400USD Wire payment to them, but after 2 weeks, no funds shows up, After checking with my bank here, they told me the...
  13. B

    Tracking Pixel Setup HELP !!!

    Hello Guyes well i'm using a Cpagrip offer and promoting it using & the tracking software is adsbridge , the problem is that i set up my tracking links but i got a conversion wich wasn't post on my adsbridge status !! here is what i want i want you to give the steps from 0 on how to...
  14. Loyalty Kevin

    WapClick VS Popads

    Hello dear forum users. I am waiting for the answer "yes" or "no", and if you give a more detailed answer, then I will be delighted:rolleyes:. Is it worth it to work with this company(Popads) for advertising wapclick offers? Thank you.
  15. brutebiz

    BEST Optimization for Pop Traffic Placements (PropellerAds)

    Hi all smart marketers! I'm new here, and this is my first thread! I'm running a campaign on PropellerAds and I'm sorting out all the bad placements with the strategy of blacklisting a Zone ID ones it has spent 1x offer payout (I'm on a tight budget). I have seen some good converting...
  16. TheOptimizer

    How to Setup S2S Conversion tracking in PopAds?

    As a good practice when creating an account (or even before) on a new traffic source or any other service, I always like to check their knowledge base articles first. This way I can get more familiar with the interface, functionalities and capabilities of each platform. Lately I noticed on...
  17. panyanyany

    hello, newbie here, and with questions

    Hello everyone. I just very new here. I read several posts and have experience with some tools like im, vps and was good at building website (but not in SEO). But I am not familiar with testing offers. Especially with Afflow/Monetizer. It seems be different with other networks. I try to kill...
  18. comegetbravo

    Ask Me Anything Guide - popads - Secret Sauce Ingredients

    Hello Folks of affiliatefix, I'm here with a guide on how to use popads effectively in order to maximise your profits. This is what I will go through: Why creating a new campaign for every new campaign is vital (inside popads) Segmenting your bids correctly Segmenting your targetings...
  19. B

    10000 vistor from popup is enogh for optimizing ?

    Hello Guyes is 10000 visitor for for mobile is enough to know wheather to stay and optimise this campaign or move to next offer ?
  20. B

    Best CPA offers that work with popads traffic ?

    Hello Hello what are the best offers that convert well ith popads and where can i find these kind of offers ? and how much budget do i need for popads to gather enough data ?