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“Adavice”/  “CPA


  1. B

    Popads for CPA offers ?

    Hello I have a low budget of 100$ and i wana try popads with a campaign that i've got from a spying tool (advault) this is a download,install,open campaign. is it gonna work with pop ads ? what kind of offers is best for popads ?
  2. B

    Confused between where to promote My CPA offer with a budget of 100$ ?

    Hello First let me say that i have some experiance in this domain and i've lunched some campaigns before and i'm quit fimiliar with tracking and i use ads bridge currently. So to the main subject : i have a budjet of 100$ and i've choosed a campaign that i think it's going to give some...
  3. B

    Confused between where to promote My CPA offer with a budget of 100$ ?

    Hello First let me say that i have some experiance in this domain and i've lunched some campaigns before and i'm quit fimiliar with tracking and i use ads bridge currently. So to the main subject : i have a budjet of 100$ and i've choosed a campaign that i think it's going to give some...
  4. T

    Using VPS or CDN when promoting with popup and popupunder ads like poppa's

    I've read many replies in many forum that we should (or must) use VPS or CDN to put our landing pages on when promoting with popup and popupunder ads (like on popads, zeropark) Can someone explain more details about this. Is that because of the speed of Shared Hosting is slow? If so, how much...
  5. Gurpreet Dhillon

    Help me in My Popads Campaign

    I have $10 in my Popads and i know it is very less.. Can anyone how can i create good campaign with popads? Give suggestions please. #TIA
  6. Gurpreet Dhillon

    My Popads Campaign

    Hey, everyone, i need help from you. I have no tier 1 countries in my PopAds targeting and then I contacted the popads team and they asked me to first spend $5000 to enable tier 1 countries traffic. But why only me? There are many who are creating account there and having no restriction...
  7. Asad Rafi

    My Very First CPA Earning With Adcombo

    Hi i just received my very first CPA Earning from Adcombo. I can't tell you how much excited i am feeling right now. I started working with Adcombo on September 2016, i was promoting 52 offers but i got leads only on one Cash on Delivery adult offer through Popads and earned $57.50 42 sales...
  8. Zakkorta


    Hello , I'm going to start promoting some offers the next week (geo: middle East/Asia/LAtam) Is popads is good for those Geo's Vertical: antivirus offers as I want to master it:) I wanna start with low payout offers since I have a low budget and I'm still learning :) What is the best strategy to...
  9. P

    popads targeting : mixed results

    Hi there , I'm having issues with popads , I only need US traffic so I choose to only receive visitors from US but when I check my tracking plateform I find many results from indonesia and india mixed with US visitors I contacted their support but they are not answering my requests , do you...
  10. SolarSystem

    Networks with a large volume of carrier traffic

    Hi guys! I'm working with wap-click offers. Now I buy traffic in, but there is a very small amount of ONLY carrier traffic (without wi-fi). Please advise me some networks with a large volume of carrier traffic. Thank's a lot!
  11. newbie_hai

    help me optimal popads

    I'm newbie Who can help me optimal to run campaign on popads (block bot, poor traffic wedsie ...) who can please contact my skype : luongthehai Then get reward thanks all view
  12. mumin4sure

    Can i make pop campaign 1 minute delayed in popads ?

    I work with Popads , something crossed my mind and i wanted to try it . Can i make my pop ads a little delayed before it pop up to the visitor ? Assumed i target the URL and i want the visitor to stay on the site for 1 minute then after 1 minutes my pop ads shows up , am not talking of...
  13. Ana Vizir

    Need advices for mobile pop!

    Hello. My name is Ana and today a launched my first campaign. I read a lot about affiliate marketing and felt like it is time to start. I chose a sweepstakes offer for DE and used as tracker Voluum. For traffic sources i used ZeroPark and Pop Ads. I spent 20 $ for each traffic source. The...
  14. TrafficYoda

    Pop Ads Masterization!

    Okay masterization is just my made up word but I think it fits perfectly! I will be doing a mobile pop up follow alone hoping that I could get some insight from various mobile affiliate. Network I have chosen is Clickdealer, Mundomedia Using tracking...
  15. medvih


    Hi there, I am currently setting up my first campaign and I have a question. I would like to know how to setup tokens for my campaign. I am using Popads as the traffic source. Here is the link: Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet Thanks
  16. medvih

    Getting started with a pop traffic source

    As they say, the most difficult part is getting started. I am currently getting ready for my first campaign, I did contact several affiliate networks and got accepted in some (will name them when I start a follow along). Basically my offers will be mobile utility apps installs, sweeps and...