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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate


  1. Q

    New Affiliate Network - Chance to co-operate !!!

    Hi all !!! I'm Jane, account manager come from Ecomobi, a platform which connect advertiser and publisher. Building by well - experienced leaders in affiliate network, we own large quality mobile traffic in Brazil - India - Indonesia - Nigeira - Vietnam - Malaysia Our volume can be at least...

    Looking For [CPI] - TRAFFIC - AliExpress (Alibaba-Group)

    Have you ever had the chance to promote the No.1 Wholesaler in Asia with a 4.4 Ranking? AliExpress - No. 1 Category Rank (Shopping) - No. 40 Global Rank (all Websites) - 5.5 billion visits from all over the World - Buyers from more than 200 countries - AliExpress is part of the Alibaba-Group -...
  3. M

    Mass/bulk email

    Hello I have heard that some affiliates use mass emails and sending out millions of emails every day... AND they do not have any permissions to send campaigns to the emails list... How can they send campaigns to them without getting in trouble? Anyone that can help me with this?
  4. M

    Most money out of this traffic method?

    Hello As a publisher i need to promote affiliate campaigns... But with no traffic source my own, i need to spend money... so i got 2 questions... Is it possible to use email marketing where you paying for each lead they get you? (which companies) Is it possible to sign up as an advertiser at...
  5. M

    What to do? Any suggestions?

    Hello I am a publisher at a few affiliate networks.. I need to create traffic to these campaigns i can get... Anybody that can suggest something they have tried that worked well?
  6. M

    Help to traffic

    I am new at affiliate marketing... But.. I have a few accounts as a publisher on differents affiliate programs to getting campaigns from.. The only thing i need is a traffic source... I have heard that it's a bit difficult using PPC... Is there a method, maybe email marketing, where i pay for...
  7. Prince.AdSenceMedia

    Announcement AdSenceMedia Offering 10% Year Closing BONUS in December'15 to all Pubs for Minimum Earning! is very happy & excited to announce that, Year-2015 Closing BONUS to its worlds class Publishers. Its almost two third of December'2015 has gone, around 10 days to go. If you earn Minimum $300 in December-2015 then 10% Year Closing BONUS will be added on yours December'2015...
  8. PatrikJanda

    Affiliates Wanted publishers writing about tech, downloading, security, etc..

    With users can safely download torrents to their personal cloud and play them online or safely download to their PCs or smartphones. More information at Download torrents to the cloud and watch them online - Overview of our affiliate program: 50% commission from every...