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push notifications

  1. S

    Push Notifications + Affiliate offers

    Hey guys, I`m doing digital advertising on a business level, and we recently discovered Push Notifications as a source of traffic that works very well. We are working with MegaPush and RichPush atm. My questions is, or more of a request for starting advice, on how to use the Push traffic for...
  2. PropellerAds

    Meet Up Free Seminars for Affiliate Marketers

    Affiliate World Asia conference is just around the corner and we still have more surprises to share... Join us at the conference and attend free seminars by PropellerAds traffic experts! We’ll dive into methods for getting maximum performance out of Push Notifications and introduce our new...
  3. servandosilva

    Push Notifications Journey on Zeropark to $10,000 per month

    Hey guys. Servando here. It's been a while since I wrote a follow along and I figured this was a good time to write about a traffic source that just implemented a new ads format a month ago. Push notifications are a new type of traffic that kinda resurrected from the old days and now it comes...
  4. PropellerAds

    Ask Me Anything [Case Study]: $1029 Net Profit with PropellerAds Push Notifications

    Following the launch of our Telegram chat, we’ve noticed a heightened interest in market intelligence. Affiliate marketers are looking for inspiration and successful tactics to adopt. The most asked question these weeks was: “Do you have case studies?” Well, well, well… We do! Meet our...
  5. PropellerAds

    Ask Me Anything [CASE STUDY] Microloans + Push Notifications + Mexico (ROI 69%)

    Dear partners! Read a new case study, written by one of ou affiliates. Mexico + Push Notifications + Finance offer (profit $891). Let's discuss it right here or in our Telegram chat PropellerAds Affiliate Club | ENGLISH CHAT :rolleyes: SUMMARY Campaign period: from 7/12/2018 to 8/31/2018...
  6. PropellerAds

    Ask Me Anything [CASE STUDY] Push Notifications + Money Amulet (ROI 69%)

    Hi everyone! Sometimes we get success stories from our affiliates about our traffic. We decided to share such stories with you. Enjoy! Offers: Money amulet BG, HU, SK Scheme: Main landing page + prelander with a horoscope CPA network: Traffic source: (push...
  7. ansyl

    First Campaign

    So it seems finally the time has come, after a lot of reading, videos, thinking, getting scared, trying other things, getting back to it I think I finally found the courage to go for it. The network has good score on affpaying and I've chosen propelleraAds for the traffic (I hope naming...
  8. Ultramoney

    Announcement Make your own push-advertising network!

    Hey! We've launched a White Label Push-Notification ad network. You can now make it in a couple of clicks and start earning money on one of the most popular traffic sources right now! We provide a customizable self-serve platform with push-traffic sources (native, display, pops and video as a...
  9. RichAds

    Selling Traffic Push, Pops, and Native ads from RichAds!

    RichAds – Where Scale meets performance. Develop your advertising with our global self-serve performance ad platform. We offer push, pops, native formats. Use the power of our ad formats to capture new quality leads from premium sources. ⚙️ RichAds traffic quality is verified by Adscore. We...
  10. PropellerAds

    Selling Traffic Bids Dropped - Buy Traffic from $0.05 CPM

    Got a shiny new offer to test or want to experiment with new targetings? Great! We’ve just cut the minimal CPM bids for Native Push Notifications and Onclick Ads. Now you can buy traffic in our Self-Serve Platform starting from: $0.1 CPM - Push Notifications $0.05 CPM - Onclick (Popunder) Our...
  11. Anand Kansal

    Email v/s Website Push Notifications - have you compared them?

    Hello all, I wanted to start a discussion on this forum and get everyone’s opinions on: a) whether you’ve tried push notifications for their visitors on their website; b) how does it compare with your email marketing experience. Disclosure: we’ve started a service called PushCrew. It’s very...