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  1. dontbejello

    Ask Me Anything Adult Content Blog????

    Hello Everyone, I writing this hoping I can get so answers out of some people. I have been doing so research on adult content with the fact that coming up with a niche and delivering a bunch of videos that visitors would love to see even more of. I don't want to have a tube site I want to be...
  2. PurePay

    What do you want to be?

    Hello all. What did you want to be with you were younger and what are you doing now? Maybe even tell us why you are where you are right now. Good Sunday out there! ;)
  3. alrey91

    How to Lower the Cost of CPC on Bing Ads

    Hello, I have a Bing PPC campaign running to a pre-sell landing page which then directs them to the Clickbank offer. So far, I am getting sales but I am breaking even or slightly on the negative side. I have very good CTR's, the campaign has a 4.36% CTR. My question is how do I lower the...
  4. I

    Say Anything.

    Say what's on your mind this VERY moment. Me: I really wish I didn't eat a breakfast sandwich from this pub. Also...why does the Android robot icon look like a fat green beetle? Your turn community.
  5. Olagoke Tobi Enoch

    Affiliate programs.

    Which Affiliate programs accepts you when you don't have a website??
  6. jannysoft

    MobiCow specific siteID ?

    Hi there guys, I am sorry for the title but I dont know how to ask this question .... So I ran a lot of campaigns in mobicow and I see that I get a lot of clicks from this 2 siteIDs (4605 and 6618) but no conversions. So my question is did someone got any conversions from these siteIDs or...
  7. jannysoft

    Traffic Source with Bitcoins ??

    I have couple of bitcoins collecting dust in my coinbase account so my question is .. which traffic source alike DNTX and ZeroPark (popup, domain traffic) do you guys recommend that accepts Bitcoin funding?
  8. PatrikJanda

    How much information?

    Do you have any experience with amount of info needed to get interest of publishers for you affiliate program? Is it, in you experience, better to give just an idea of whats going on, introduce the product and say here you go or to flood them with details about the program?