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10 reasons why you MUST start a Squidoo page

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New Member
Those of you who have not started a Squidoo page, here are 10 reason you MUST start one.
  • Its actually fun to choose a topic and build a page around it
  • I started a few Squidoo pages to get backlink for my sites, its worked fantastically well. Your Squidoo pages actually benefit from the high ranking enjoys.
  • Some people get money from it, squidoo actually share advert proceeds with you.
  • You get to build backlinks easily from your squidoo pages
  • You become a member of a group dedicated to helping promote one another's pages/sites.
  • There are over 250,000 published lenses (almost as many again either unpublished or needing work to get published.
  • It's a fantastic example of Social Networking as well as Internet Marketing combined, so if Web 2.0 has left you behind here's your chance to get back in the race.
  • You can place your own affiliate links on the page (html only) or use one of the hundreds pre-built if you wish to share revenue with squidoo (approx 50%).
  • Lenses appear on google searches within days, if not hours from being published. I know people that have achieved #1 on google for niche search terms in 48hours!.
  • Monthly Paypal payout with only a $1 minimum payout! (though you can set the threshold to your preferences) I do know lensmasters that are earning a fulltime income from squidoo, though they are very dedicated and have hundreds of lenses.
  • Just pick a subject, there will be a category it fits in, the only exceptions are promoting gambling isn't allowed, x-rated subjects are, though you have to make sure it is categorised as such.
  • They have a very responsive tech team and listen to the members needs (the tech team have been flat out for the last 2 weeks due to a server migration that picked up a lot of bugs, mainly sorted now, but a lot of clearing up is still to be done)
Additional reasons to join Squidoo was suggested by Roo
I must admit this is something thats taken off big time since i have been away and i havent yet ventured to see what its really all about, im thinking by all the hype its getting at the moment its a good idea, and my tottenham site is getting hits from excisting Tottenham lens though natural linking so as soon as i get a min free ill prob have alook
Yes, I have been trying to make your lens a favorite, could not do that either, it must be because its still very new, give it a day or two.
He doesn't want any gip from the Arsenal members of the board, hence the lack of feedback form

Haha yeah thats a thought, is that why i cant join groups and have people to have a fav's ? if it is ill put the feedback form on
As you have only just published the lens it won't actually show as published until the next lensrank calculation, up until that point it will be classed as 'Work In Progress' (wip) and not show a green tick on your dashboard or show up on your lensmaster page.

Meanwhile, I'll add a few to the 10 reasons -

* There are over 250,000 published lenses (almost as many again either unpublished or needing work to get published)
* It's a fantastic example of Social Networking as well as Internet Marketing combined, so if Web 2.0 has left you behind here's your chance to get back in the race
* You can place your own affiliate links on the page (html only) or use one of the hundreds pre-built if you wish to share revenue with squidoo (approx 50%)
* Lenses appear on google searches within days, if not hours from being published. I know people that have achieved #1 on google for niche search terms in 48hours!
* Monthly Paypal payout with only a $1 minimum payout! (though you can set the threshold to your preferences) I do know lensmasters that are earning a fulltime income from squidoo, though they are very dedicated and have hundreds of lenses.
* Just pick a subject, there will be a category it fits in, the only exceptions are promoting gambling isn't allowed, x-rated subjects are, though you have to make sure it is categorised as such.
* They have a very responsive tech team and listen to the members needs (the tech team have been flat out for the last 2 weeks due to a server migration that picked up a lot of bugs, mainly sorted now, but a lot of clearing up is still to be done)
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Thanks for that Roo, you suggestion has been incorporated into the reasons on the first page of this post.
Rep added roo thanks, just to update they have done it and i can now join the groups so add me to favs please :)
Hmmm... This is interesting new stuff for me and to think of it you get a payout of $1 to Paypal. Just wondering, what is the largest sum earned from Squidoo?
Hmmm... This is interesting new stuff for me and to think of it you get a payout of $1 to Paypal. Just wondering, what is the largest sum earned from Squidoo?

As with any online business most people are a little shy about broadcasting how much they earn. Squidoo did recently state they had to send out a number of 1099 forms (number might be wrong but the US tax declaration thingy) for people who had been paid over a certain amount by squidoo. Now this is only the revenue sharing part of the income, many of the successful squidoo members also have various affiliate accounts where earnings from squidoo lenses far outstrip the 'royalty' (revenue sharing) from squidoo.

Recently one member has been celebrating earning $1000 from ONE lens! so the world is your oyster!
Hmmm I made a squidoo page about a year ago, just logged in and realised it was never finished or published :eek:

Have mucked about with it a bit now so see what you think of my Squidoo photo art lens.

I have left a message on your Spurs lens but not sure if that makes it one of my favs or not?

It's quite confusing!
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