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10 Ways To Increase Your Site’s Traffic

Hey nice post ... there are more point which can we focus.

Develop good headlines
Write articles rich in content
Create shareable content
Build good link
Link to old posts on your own site
Thanks for share such information, but another method also effective like as
Email marketing
Paid adds
content marketing
social media
Business listings.
Essential things that help you improve your visitors is that proper on page SEO then do Adhere to leaving comments on blogs and community increase your visitors within a month. I have tried this for my website design service site and the results were really fascinating.
Article distribution is better for your result on any on-line search engine but follow some training like content should be original maximum 400 word in the site then Newsletter promote your keyword.
If you want to increase the incoming traffic coming to your website, then creating and maintaining a presence on the prominent social media websites is one of the most efficient ways.
Get website traffic by given more details
Yahoo! Answers
Forum Posting
Article Marketing
Link bait
1) Create Extra Links

You can improve the rank of a post or page just by putting out links of that post or page. If you have a post about “the coolest shoe design,” for example, put a group of links around the web leading to “the coolest shoe design” page. It is possible to use this technique for any keyword.

2) Modify Post Tags

Find out which keywords result in being directed to your post. Add these keywords to your tags and this will increase your search engine rankings substantially. In other words, if your article “10 ways to get traffic now,” shows up for the keyword “get traffic now”, add the keyword “get traffic now” to your tags for that post.

3) Follow The Leader

A good way to increase your traffic is to invite readers to follow you on a social media site; stumble upon or digg for example.

4) Post At Specific Times

There is no right time to post an article, but do pay close attention to your stats. If you know there’s a specific time you get high traffic to your posts, save the posting for then. Save your greatest articles and submit them at the times or days with the most traffic generating potential. Greater views will attract more attention and can get more links or social votes (if you are posting on social media sites). Maybe a Monday is better for you than a Sunday, or a Saturday than a Friday. Maybe early in the morning than late afternoon? Choose your best!

5) Re-edit

Make sure you edit your posts before submitting them. Editing makes a big difference. Plan out how you can improve your title, paragraphs, flow, grammer etc. Every little change plays a role in the ability of a post to drive traffic.

6) Give ‘Em What They Want! Give ‘Em What You Promise!

The title of your article should give away what your content will be about. Make sure your content promises the title of your post. Your viewers are coming to your article to find a solution to a problem or need. If you give them just that, you will get them hooked. If you fail to do so, they will simply move on. Do not go off topic.

7) Get Subscriptions With The Top Industries

The latest news in your niche by the top industries will be sure to drive curiosity and tons of traffic. Subscribing to these top industries will provide you with quick updates on the latest news, and sharing your thoughts on these topics will give you a boost in traffic.

8) Donate A Post

Come up with an amazing post? It’s not a bad idea to submit your article to a popular site in your niche. You can get some serious traffic and increase recognition of your website.

9) Article Ideas

Find stores and view some articles. Or go to a popular site, and make some observations. Find out what techniques are implemented in these articles to make them so popular. Check out the title and the content. Write tips for your next postings.

10) Build Connections

Answer your reader’s questions. This is a sure way to show your viewers that you care about them. Providing them with information and answering their questions will help you gain their trust. If you solve their problems, they are most likely to return again!

Thanks for the above tips.
Create a unique and user friendly article for your blog and share it to all social networks. Or make some quality backlinks for your website.