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AI News 2,000 people needed sell AI products


Well-Known Member
Sort of an interesting article indicating that companies are saying AI is increasingly satisfying their customer inquiries and saving them time and money on human interventions for customer support issues.

It's nice that a whole new branch of the industry has been created, I suppose. That's always interesting and often exciting.

My concern is job loss, I don't know how serious that is. The article mentions that they got rid of 7,000 employees a while back and are now hiring 2,000. And that's just their company. What kind of domino affect could that have if a bunch of their 9.000 leads get rid of employees who become redundant?

I know AI can be an incredible tool, it's not the actual AI I have issue with, it's the potential impact on people, now and in the future, that concerns me.
My concern is job loss,
Technological progress creates new occupations.


  1. When the auto replaced the horse; carriage makers became chassis and body stamping businesses for the new auto industry.
  2. Computers made typewriter manufacturers for the most part obsolete but new industries or services arose to market computer oriented parts and accessories.

In both case society changed --it did not collapse.