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3 Common Mistakes That Are Ruining Your Email Marketing Strategy


Service Manager
Service Manager
Premium Data and Affiliate Marketing Tools
Mail Delivery Expert
With so many layers to email marketing the act of starting out on your email marketing journey can seem pretty daunting at first sight.

Developing a good email marketing strategy takes a lot of experience, a lot of mistakes, a lot of successes.

If you haven’t yet reached guru status or if you are a newbie to email marketing i thought I would point out 3 of the most common email marketing mistakes that I see spring up all of the time.

Not only are these common to those starting out, but also to experienced emailers.

Hopefully you will find these useful and avoid making them if you haven't made them yet or stop making them right away if you have!

#1 Bad A/B Testing Decisions - sample size too small / too many variables
#2 Bad Email List Hygiene - old inactive data / .gov or .edu domains / spamtraps / not niche relevant
#3 Badly Worded Subject Lines - too clever / irrelevant to email content / typos / wrong language (?????)

I go into all of these in more detail, let me know if you come across these or if there any others that you think are worth mentioning

#emailmarketing #email #marketing #emaildata #emailists

3 Common Mistakes That Are Ruining Your Email Marketing Strategy -
Right!! You have actually portrayed the major mistakes that people usually do while applying an email marketing strategy. I guess this would help a lot of people to improvise the results they are getting from their current email marketing strategy.

People must take care of their database and keep renewing it time to time for better response rate.
Subject lines play an important role in attracting the target audience and encourage them to open your emails. In short, it increases the open rate of your email.

Keep posting such meaningful information. Great Job! :)
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In yo' face pop-in email subscribe boxes 1 second after you open a website -- reeks of desperation and manipulation.
Why would I even consider subscribing? I haven't even seen what you offer --LAME
Email news letter links that trigger an email subscribe box 1 second after you open the link --DOUBLE LAME!
If you cannot even figure out how not to do that ... Well -- [x] CLICK