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$30 000 on Dating Offers with PropellerAds Push Notifications Spypush Team Case Study

Guys, please do not be fooled by these bullshit case studies that all these 'new' ad networks are flooding the net with.

Ugh, yes I feel like I'm trolling but I just need you guys to know the truth.

I wouldn't call it a "bullshit case study", but yes, is something I'm prety sure even them can't replicate anymore. Maybe it's the competition, maybe people got tired of random beautiful girls wanting to meet them...

I wasn't into push traffic until I saw this case study. I tried something like this and made some profit, but like everybody is saying, after a few days the campaigns died. And not even new banners or new offers can resurrect them.

But I tried this concept on other vertical on push traffic and for the moment is very stable and I see a little profit, so thank you again for this case study!
Hi team,
nice case, but could you tell us if you have sent traffic on Adult Dating or on Mainstream Dating (i am talking about final offer, not about pre-lander)?

Do PropellerAds accept adult dating offers? Because most push ads networks don't
Thank you for your case study, we're happy to provide such converting push traffic!

Hey there,

I have difficulties setting up an ad campaign using ImonetizeIt+Propellerads
The hardest part it the s2s part.
I am using a smartlink and i would like to send the traffic directly on the smartlink, can you guys guide me/us on how to setup everything ? Maybe a tutorial! (I am using exclusively ImonetizeIt and not other networks because of their constant good rates).

He literally just copied and pasted that from the OP.

Looks like a bot. It's a common tactic to build up a profile before the actual spamming starts.

Yeah, my first thought too, except he actually isn't a bot. I have had some communications to confirm. I also stated to him to get serious or don't post. Now he is "gun shy" about posting..