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5 Star is the Greatest

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Oooh lovin all these videos. :) Liked all the music:)
Awwwh Jamie lol :) I loved the little monkey. lol :) Not sure why but I'm a real softie for the little guys. They're sooo cute.

Afraid to say, I haven't seen American Idol since the first year it was on. Don't really watch too much tv.
I hope all of you are enjoying this thread so far and that you will be participating in it if you haven't already.

Have any of you done anything to spread the word about this special 5 Star is the Greatest thread or to encourage others to become 5 Star members?

Please contact me by private message if you have any suggestions for topics in this thread.

Please do not link to your site or blog in any post you make in this special thread.

Do you think we should do anything to celebrate reaching the 5,000 member mark? If so, what would you suggest?
Here are a few more people who are big jokes rather than singers.

As I said I've never watched the show and I have no plans to start watching it. I only wonder if some of these people are really serious and honestly think they are good enough to win. Some of them must be doing it for the fun of it, or to get a little attention or as a joke.

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What a great idea Larwee! I'm happy to support Linda and her great forum. Wow, Linda you are so fortunate to have a good guy like Larwee as your forum administrator.

AI is one of my favorite shows and in fact I'm going through withdrawal right now because it's not on. I have a gazillion favorite moments and the one that came to mind immediately was the lady who showed up as Big Bird from Sesame Street. I couldn't find that clip but here's one that made me laugh as well.

Wow, this young lady in the video is ummmm....ahem... let's just say very unique. ;)

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Yep Lisa, I'm lucky to have Larry. This is so fun!
Glad everyone is enjoying it. I've been tied up and have not been able to
play in this thread much but hopefully this weekend I will have a little time to come out and play with you guys.
Lisa76, here is the lady who showed up as Big Bird from Sesame Street. The video and audio aren't the best but you will get the general idea.

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>​
These people can sing

We have had a lot of American Idol videos that featured people who couldn't sing. This post features several who can sing, including some American Idol champions.

The song they are singing was in this thread on a previous day but it wasn't performed by them.

This is possibly the most appropriate song for this thread since we have a goal of reaching 5,000 members before the end of this year and know it would be even better to have 6,000 members by the end of the year. But we can also wish for 10,000 members by the end of this year.

If you are an American Idol fan, you will enjoy this song performed by some people who really can sing.

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That was a good one Larry. I'd not seen that one before.
I needed something uplifting right now, so thanks.
Lisa, I'm glad you were able to laugh.

Linda, I'm glad you found that uplifting.

American Idol fans have a lot to entertain themselves in this thread.

The weekend is coming up and we have less members then than during the week. I hope some of you will be able to participate in this thread over the weekends.
There were 4,098 members when I made this post.

Countdown to 5,000 Members ---- 902 to go

If you could be another person who would you be?

Most of you are probably pleased being who you are. However, if you had to be someone else which living person would you select, and why?

Please do not link to your own site or blog in this thread

This is just one of those fun things that people think about at times. We sometimes find that some people we thought had everything and were happy really weren't that happy. But many of us still say to ourselves that it would be nice to be a particular person.

I thought about several people. Money did play a role in a lot of the names I considered. I finally selected Larry Page as the person I would like to be if I wasn't myself.

His name is Larry and so is mine. That is one reason I selected him. He is the co-founder of Google and a multi-billionaire. He is very intelligent and has a good sense of humor. As a company, Google loves to do things differently than most other companies and I'm a person who loves to approach things differently than most other people.

If I had to be someone else it would be Google co-founder Larry Page.

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How about you? If you had to be someone else which living person would you select, and why?
Very tough question indeed. At first a few famous people popped into mind but the more I thought about their lives I realized that most of them, while living fabulous lifestyles, have also had their share of tragedy/hard times which I would not like to live through. :(

So I'll have to think about this one a while longer as well....
Bill Gates!!! I smell a big fat bank account!!! :D:D:D:D

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There were 4,104 members when I made this post.

Countdown to 5,000 Members ---- 896 to go

Please do not link to your own site or blog in this thread

What is your favorite movie?

I don't like movies, so I don't really have a favorite. I sometimes watch portions of movies on televisions but I don't go to see movies.

I looked at a list of Best Picture Academy Award winners for the past several years. I've heard of some of them and some I've never heard of. I've seen portions of a few of them on television.

I selected one because it seems to show up on television fairly often and the 2 stars are very big names. However I don't really have a favorite movie since I'm not a movie fan. But I am sure many of you are movie fans.

My selection is Rain Main starring Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise.

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How about you? What is your favorite movie?
much easier question :D

I have two:

Love Actually - I watch this one every couple of months and it always puts a smile on my face

Contempt (French film by Jean-Luc Godard) - beautiful cinematography, score, script and acting (Bridget Bardot ;) )
Favorite movie is a tough one. I have a couple but one of my favorite films is the untouchables.

"I want him dead... I want his family dead and I want his house burnt down to the the ground"

Can you get a better line than that?
I have to agree with Julia, fantastic question! :)

My favorites are, in order of obsession:

  1. Good Will Hunting
  2. Before Sunrise + Before Sunset (sequel)
  3. Breakfast at Tiffany's
  4. High Fidelity
  5. Paris, Je t'aime
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