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$50 A Day Without A Website

There is a tried and true method without a website. All you have to do is develop the traffic to send to an email funnel with Aweber or another autoresponder. Send the traffic to the autoresponder optin form (most autoresponders will host a form) and give them a related pdf or video for signing up. Then do an email follow up series to sell them on additional solutions to there problem. You can do this in any of the big verticals and most any of the sub niches.

Weight Loss
Signup and get for free my book "How I Lost 18 Pounds in 45 Days Eating Ice Cream"
Follow up by email with "I Melted Away My Handlebars With This Little Trick"
Next email "This Method Gives You A Hard Tight Butt In Just Weeks"

And so on and so on. Each follow up email could be a ClickBank product, Commision Junction (now CJ Affiliate by Conversant), or any of the many CPA offers in your networks that allow email marketing (check with your AM).

Not only are you earning through this super simple sales funnel, you are building a list in the niche.
I do agree. Accept my apology if I misinterpreted the question.
Relating to "Without a Website", my answer was based on the fact that there's no hosting and costing involved using a Blog. The costs to a website used to be one of my stumbling blocks when I got started.
Didn't mean to mislead the OP


I get where you were coming from, and you're right in regards to an alternative to the no website method. A free blog, properly done, will typically out perform most any non website method. After all, any real money is going to come from sending traffic to a site of some type. The non website method I posted does work, but it isn't the answer we all look for to making a good or great living online.
Email list are probably the best way. Unless you find a free marketing automation tool.

Here is an idea to try:
1. Find a ClickBank product or something similar.
2. Find a Landing Page Tool and build your page.
3. Send traffic to your Landing Page using Social Channels.
4. Make Sales

(I know of a product that was free up to a month ago that does all of this pretty much for you if you message me, don't want to spam you guys)
Its possible but one of the fastest ways to make money online is by having a website/blog. Most affiliate networks require that you have a website or some kind of promotional strategy.
It is very possible promoting using affiliate links while performing small media buys on places like 7search or Bing to start off with...people all the time in this business go from making -$100 per day, to $50 per day, to $100, to $200, to $1000's per day as they learn and scale. Just takes the ability to adapt and overcome as you learn this business, along with some funds to test with of course.
You may want to take a peak at Reverse Attack Marketing by Potpie girl. It's all about making money without a website, and it utilizes several sites that she uses for free. She uses these platforms to do what's know as "RAM" tests. If she can rank easily for certain keywords...within her own criteria she goes after, ONLY then, will she decide if she'll build out a site around the niche. It's pretty cool actually...and quite eye opening. As the title says...she attacks everything completely backwards compared to the norm...however, she has tons of successful students following the same type of marketing plan. Just an idea for you anyway...if you're looking at doing things without a website.
You may want to take a peak at Reverse Attack Marketing by Potpie girl. It's all about making money without a website, and it utilizes several sites that she uses for free. She uses these platforms to do what's know as "RAM" tests. If she can rank easily for certain keywords...within her own criteria she goes after, ONLY then, will she decide if she'll build out a site around the niche. It's pretty cool actually...and quite eye opening. As the title says...she attacks everything completely backwards compared to the norm...however, she has tons of successful students following the same type of marketing plan. Just an idea for you anyway...if you're looking at doing things without a website.
Thank you very much! :*