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$50 Logo Design Contest for a new website!

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here are some usual effects, if you would want a change ... you can chose an effect, or combine them as you desire

sorry for "spaming" the topic, but when i work something i'm a perfectionist and i want everything to end up perfect for me and for the customer :)
Hmmm...not sure if I like the animated gif, or the pacman font (seems a little cliche. Like the effect on the pacman font (the shinyness) though. Shadow is nice but could do with being a bit lighter :)
Yes that was fine :), though I do like the 2nd one down in the right column as well. What about a different colour for the spikey bit (I'm thinking Yellow/Orange could look good :D)
sure thing chief :p


by the way, i improved my image too with a new logo and watermark :D
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Oooh purty. I like the yellow, just not 100% sure of it (it kinda defeats the purpose of it representing grass :))
I have two favourites at the moment I'll be honest. I don't really want to say which are, I feel it isn't in the spirit of the competition to rank some over others.
Oooh, I've also just checked. Whilst the competiton finishes at 10pm GMT on Saturday, it may be a little while before I announce the winner. Need time to judge it :)

When I say little while, I can't see it being more than 24 hours.
Hey, I was just checking back. I'm still going to submit a few more, have been pretty busy for the past week. Yeap, i'll do one with a white background.

1 white background logo banner coming up! :D
Were the sizes for the previous banners I did alright?
@Fashion - Yes that was fine :)

@Esteroic - Oooh, that's a nice mushroom! Like the font, how does it look on a white background?

@casper - Thanks for them. I am uhmming and ahhing whether I prefer an all green logo though. I feel it's a little too bright :)
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