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5K in second month


Affiliate Manager
Affiliate Manager
So initially I wasn't going to write this as a lot of affiliates are doing this in a week or even in a day, but after telling a few people about this only being my second month, apparently its pretty impressive.

To clear a few things up, $5771 in revenue, I spent just over 2500 on the campaign so profit is only around the $3200 mark, but this is still more than I was earning full time at my last job, and I get to do it during my work hours (as I work for the company who owns the platform I am using).

So as I've never had any experience in the industry before, I've only used Monetizer, this way I don't have to create any landing pages, or do any of the hard stuff, I don't even have to pay for a tracker, so expenses are kept low, this of course in turn creates greater profit.

Firstly I used the advice of a friend who has been in the business a while, making very good money, he told me to go global, create a campaign targeting every single GEO, every single carrier, and lose a lot of money. Of course this sounded crazy, he wants me to lose money? But I'm here to make money, so why would I want to lose it? In his words "you never lose money, you simply buy data". So I'm going global, my next question was, how do I know which vertical is going to work best for every GEO in the world? This is the beauty of the Monetizer platform. Yes I admit I am biased in the fact that I work for the company, but we have a system called "vAuto" which rotates verticals and puts only the highest converting verticals in front of the end customer, I'd been running campaigns previously based on information I'd seen on youtube or read in blogs, so of course I'd been picking verticals very carefully, and making nothing. So I went global with vAuto, and lost $500 in the course of 2 days, but this was my plan, I then stopped running GEOs that were making me a significant loss, and took the highest earning GEOs by EPC and built another campaign, and still lost money. But after a couple of days of optimising I started to break even and even make a small profit, and when I had a small profit I optimised even more and then upped my bid, and started losing money again. I felt a little defeated as I'd just made back what I had lost and then started losing again, but my friend convinced me to keep going and start blacklisting sources, which I did, I also created a whitelist, which after a little optimisation became hugely profitable, at this point I stopped running my global campaign and focused on the other campaigns I had been able to set up thanks to the global campaign, all making profit day after day, by the end of the August I had spent $2500 and make over $5700, and this continued throughout most of September until a couple of offers died out and sources dried up, but there are still a few campaigns running constantly in profit with very minimal optimisation, and with a new month starting tomorrow I will be starting my second global campaign using the profits from my first to scale it up much more than my original budget would have allowed me, wish me luck!

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@Dennis-MT 5 years is a bit of a long time! And I was a delivery driver before I moved into the market so there a very few limitations as to what you can do after lol
This is interesting. A few questions:

- do you use wifi or carrier traffic for this? I heard carrier converts better for these types of rotator offers

- when you say you stopped your global camp, does that mean you just singled out the most profitable geos and created separate camps for those?

Thanks and congratz on your success!

The traffic source I used doesn't give you an option of carrier or wifi, so although carrier was converting better I still targeted both, luckily Monetizer has a routing system where I could route all the wifi traffic to the highest converting verticals and offers for wifi alone without interrupting my carrier traffic, so at least it didn't lose me any money.

And yes I stopped my global campaign after I'd exhausted the data to its full potential, once I'd got enough profitable campaigns running out of it to no longer justify spending money on it.

And thank you :)
Can you tell me if I'm understanding this correctly? What you did is send Plugrush traffic to your monetizer link and cut off the underperforming geos and websites as you went along, then raised your bid on the top performers? Is there more to it ? What kind of offers are available?
@dan johnson Yes that is the general bulk of it, of course there is more to it, the hardest part is figuring out wether it is the geo or the source that is losing you money, and also trying to cut out the geos losing the most money without cutting out all your traffic, to did this I used the routing tool to route the geos with some potential towards a vertical that was converting, and of course getting an accurate bid as so you get enough traffic for a cheap enough price, cos if you don't hit the sweet spot you're just going to lose money. And I ran every vertical, including apps, pin submits, sweeps, adult content etc, any that were not converting I removed.
In your OP you mention your going to setup another global campaign, What will be the difference between the first global campaign and the 2nd? Won't they both end up showing the same geos and the same websites are the profitable ones? For example in your first campaign it showed the UK as being the most profitable so you optimized for UK. Why would the 2nd global campaign show difference results? Your method sounds great, I'm just trying to understand the why and the how, because I'm interested in testing it out.
So initially I wasn't going to write this as a lot of affiliates are doing this in a week or even in a day, but after telling a few people about this only being my second month, apparently its pretty impressive.

To clear a few things up, $5771 in revenue, I spent just over 2500 on the campaign so profit is only around the $3200 mark, but this is still more than I was earning full time at my last job, and I get to do it during my work hours (as I work for the company who owns the platform I am using).

So as I've never had any experience in the industry before, I've only used Monetizer, this way I don't have to create any landing pages, or do any of the hard stuff, I don't even have to pay for a tracker, so expenses are kept low, this of course in turn creates greater profit.

Firstly I used the advice of a friend who has been in the business a while, making very good money, he told me to go global, create a campaign targeting every single GEO, every single carrier, and lose a lot of money. Of course this sounded crazy, he wants me to lose money? But I'm here to make money, so why would I want to lose it? In his words "you never lose money, you simply buy data". So I'm going global, my next question was, how do I know which vertical is going to work best for every GEO in the world? This is the beauty of the Monetizer platform. Yes I admit I am biased in the fact that I work for the company, but we have a system called "vAuto" which rotates verticals and puts only the highest converting verticals in front of the end customer, I'd been running campaigns previously based on information I'd seen on youtube or read in blogs, so of course I'd been picking verticals very carefully, and making nothing. So I went global with vAuto, and lost $500 in the course of 2 days, but this was my plan, I then stopped running GEOs that were making me a significant loss, and took the highest earning GEOs by EPC and built another campaign, and still lost money. But after a couple of days of optimising I started to break even and even make a small profit, and when I had a small profit I optimised even more and then upped my bid, and started losing money again. I felt a little defeated as I'd just made back what I had lost and then started losing again, but my friend convinced me to keep going and start blacklisting sources, which I did, I also created a whitelist, which after a little optimisation became hugely profitable, at this point I stopped running my global campaign and focused on the other campaigns I had been able to set up thanks to the global campaign, all making profit day after day, by the end of the August I had spent $2500 and make over $5700, and this continued throughout most of September until a couple of offers died out and sources dried up, but there are still a few campaigns running constantly in profit with very minimal optimisation, and with a new month starting tomorrow I will be starting my second global campaign using the profits from my first to scale it up much more than my original budget would have allowed me, wish me luck!

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Great job man! Maybe we can get together on a few things and double that amount! I also generate about 5k a month, but this is all off of free traffic for me! I can help you and I am sure you can help me!
@dan johnson

Logically you would think that to be true, unfortunately affiliate marketing is no logical game, everything can change within a day, say you have 1 great offer constantly converting in the UK, and that's where all your profit is coming from, as soon as that offer goes down UK is now losing you money, so setting up new global campaigns is just a way of keeping up with the market itself, new products, new offers, new sources etc

@Chris Porter

5k a month from free traffic! And I thought I did well lol, yes I would love to hear more about it, add me on Skype at Johnmayfield and we can discuss further :)
So you buy your traffic ad Clickadu? but do you offer Mainstream of Adults offers? and are the campaigns optimized for desktops or only for mobile? or together?
I run both mainstream and adult offers, as I buy my traffic from Plugrush. But on Monetizer there is he option to turn off adult offers (or run only adult offers), and I was running mobile redirects.

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