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Gold 7Search from A to Z - check out my 2 post series!

If everyone exactly the same thing there's bound to be failure, especially in the IM world.

I use 7search and have met with success. An example can be found in one of my threads that has been designated the honer or a case study on this forum :).

To come back to the topic, if you follow Luke's posts and read up what he has written in detail, you cannot go wrong.
There was a great comment made on my blacklisting bad performing subids post that is worth looking at:
So let my 4 campaigns run, and one turned out to be an obvious winner. I added 6 more campaigns for products related to the best performer for a total of 10 campaigns here’s how they’re all doing:

Campaign 1: $3.88 spent, 1 conversion, $1.50 in revenue. (going to continue testing)

Campaign 2: $6.11 spent, 1 conversion, $1.20 in revenue. (also going to continue testing)

Campaign 3: $8.66 spent, 9 conversions, $10.35 in revenue. (an obvious winner, going to continue optimizing)

Campaign 4: $5.17 spent, 0 conversions. (plug officially pulled)

—– these were the 6 I added in later —–

Campaign 5: $6.29 spent, 0 conversions. (may swap this one out for a different offer targeting the same keywords)

Campaign 6: $10.97 spent, 5 conversions, $6.00 in revenue. (this is getting good volume. I’ll optimize to try to make it profit)

Campaign 7: $1.09 spent, 0 conversions. (going to continue testing, not getting great volume)

Campaign 8: $1.30 spent, 0 conversions. (same as above)

Campaign 9: $7.34 spent, 5 conversions, $5.75 in revenue. (this can be a winner. I already nixed one underperforming KW)

Campaign 10: $0.15 spent, 0 conversions. (traffic volume is trickling… this could take months to optimize… probably not worth it)

So any campaign that reaches $5 with no conversions, I’m willing to pull the plug on. Next I look at any keywords that get clicks and no conversions.

I haven’t optimized by blacklisting referrers yet, although I’m continuing to collect the data.

One thing I noticed is that some affiliates have clicks coming from just 2 or 3 domains, which makes blacklisting easy. Others it seems, send each click from a different domain. Since I need to block each referrer by typing “AFFID-RID” I’ve noticed that this traffic converts for some campaigns, but not others. Do you know how I could block all traffic from one affiliate when the domains keep changing? Maybe it’s possible that these affiliates just have a huge number of domains, but I haven’t seen them repeat yet.

Anyway, I’ve ended up with 3 campaigns that will be likely winners, 2 that didn’t make the cut, and the rest could go either way. It’s good to know that there really is good quality traffic on 7search… and just to drive the point home, I got a conversion on my secret campaign 11… A CPS offer that pays out over $20!
Luke, after spending whole week blocking sub-ids, but the campaign still making loss but still have conversion. Will you still continue?
luke, do you have any way to remedy this? i appreciate your insight to useing 7search and so i believe you must have some wisdom to deal with statistics differences. what can we do?
luke, do you have any way to remedy this? i appreciate your insight to useing 7search and so i believe you must have some wisdom to deal with statistics differences. what can we do?
Send me a screenshot of your stats and I'd be happy to look :)
This is terrific! I want to give 7Search a try but wanted a clue as to what I was doing before spending the money. I've been using Project Wonderful - getting clicks but no conversions, so want to submit my offers to another advertising source, see if it will provide better results.

Thanks so much, Luke! I really need these tutorials and will watch for the others ones that are coming.
This is terrific! I want to give 7Search a try but wanted a clue as to what I was doing before spending the money. I've been using Project Wonderful - getting clicks but no conversions, so want to submit my offers to another advertising source, see if it will provide better results.

Thanks so much, Luke! I really need these tutorials and will watch for the others ones that are coming.

I'm currently recording a full series and guide to 7search, make sure you also take advantage of our 7search coupon!
I'm currently recording a full series and guide to 7search, make sure you also take advantage of our 7search coupon!

I plan to, have the money put aside for it. :) Got my Fix newsletter today and saw that you mentioned the upcoming guide, thanks, K. Those of us raised pre-computer age need the simplified, idiot proof version. Or I do, at least. Things sure have changed since I learned Basic programming in the '80s. :)
I plan to, have the money put aside for it. :) Got my Fix newsletter today and saw that you mentioned the upcoming guide, thanks, K. Those of us raised pre-computer age need the simplified, idiot proof version. Or I do, at least. Things sure have changed since I learned Basic programming in the '80s. :)

Video walkthroughs of everything!

From tracking to setting up your campaign.

All will be available in The Dojo also.
7search is not the most popular but it does have its purpose and place. It is great for testing. Blocking sources is where you clean your traffic. you have to stay on top of it because it can get away from you
7search is not the most popular but it does have its purpose and place. It is great for testing. Blocking sources is where you clean your traffic. you have to stay on top of it because it can get away from you

Ahmen! The best for newcomers and people trying to learn about setting up campaigns and traffic.