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7search Traffic Quality in 2016

thanks for your tips :) can you provide me some good quality mobile and ads traffic nethw that allow paypal to fund money please and for your opinion 530$ it is fine to promote offers or no ?? thanks ☻

Yes, $530 is enough to start.

I'm not an expert in mobile but @cashmoneyaffiliate is, so I would look at his threads and posts. You can also check out member reviews in the Resources section.
and for display offers can you suggest me some good quality traffic please that allow paypal to add fund

I think BuySellAds takes PP but you'd need to check to be sure.

Have a look here: Display Media Buying | Affiliate Marketing Forum | AffiliateFix

If you find an advertiser that you'd like to try and the listing doesn't say what payment options they have, look at their website, it's usually there. All else fails, ask them. :)

Some of the listings have user reviews, I'd give those a read to help you decide.
thanks for your tips :) can you provide me some good quality mobile and ads traffic nethw that allow paypal to fund money please and for your opinion 530$ it is fine to promote offers or no ?? thanks ☻
530 is enough good amount for testing. you may go with it,
I'm a noob at CPA to, and I just started using 7 search. Right wrong or whatever, here's I'm doing:

1. Found an offer in a good niche that seems to have good conversion and will pay residuals, I figure at least I have a change to make some money back. There was more criteria I used in my offer selection, but those were the two main.

2. Go to youtube and watch videos! There's a bunch of good videos on 7 search and how to set it up.

3. I've written two ads for now using copy from the offer so I don't reinvent the wheel.

4. Start the campaign!

5. Check the click my click rate daily and re-write headlines as needed. So far I've changed my headlines about 3 times and have had small bumps, nothing big. Overall not many click throughs.

I'm very early in the game with this. I haven't lost tons of money nor made any. I've been using a $5.00 per day cap and never get close to reaching it. It's been a very cheap experiment so far, a bit frustrating, but I'm learning.

Keeping it simple
Right now I'm just direct linking from my ad to the offer and the only metric I'm paying attention to now is click through rate. I figure if I can't come up with an ad to get people to click through, why go any farther? I use the click through rate to adjust my headlines and ad copy and try to get more click through.

Once I have my ad dialed in with a good click through rate (if I ever do!), then I will move on to setting up landing pages and going from there, which of course will mean more tracking and other stuff.

As I said I'm a noob and this probably isn't the best way to run a campaign. But it's allowed me to work on other stuff and collect data while it runs, and I really haven't lost much.
@Digitard93 Your cool man dont worry, 7 search may not get you on the green (ROI) but like @azgold and other have said 7search is the pefect place to learn PPC, but i would recommend one important thing tho.
You have to get LP and a tracker!
Why? because you want to lear to master this and make it your second nature, soo start with all the elements you need, one thing is for sure, if you really want to make the big bucks on CPA you need to maaster LP creation/design/variation and tracking software whatsever that may be (Voolum/CPVLab/Prosper)
I mean CTR is a good and important element of the ecuation, BUT you need to master the OVERALL sense of things. if you later on try to learn new stuff as your going trough your campaigns you could get fried.
just my 2 cents

Best of Luck!
keep us posted
Everything @GrupoWayseer said.

Learning to track is vital to success! If you're strapped for cash, there are free tracking tools out there. Bevo, for example. There are also some really good ones that offer a free trial.

Also, not everyone will click a referral link, no matter how good the ad is.
Hey folks, thanks for the reply/advice.

I just figured with no click through, I would spare myself some work (for now) and getting my click through rate up was a good place to start. I'll fire up instabuilder and get crackin'.

AZ: yep, that's what I'm discovering. My 3rd ad headlines I thought were actually pretty good, waaaaay better than the first ones I wrote, but no clicks.

I'm considering changing offers. I found an offer for a product that I actually use (that I like) that meets all my offer criteria. Plus, I can create a video, create a freebie on how to use it so a lot more possibilities.

I'll let my current campaign run through the weekend and then make a decision to switch.

Thank you for the tracking suggestions, I'll look into them.
I found an offer for a product that I actually use (that I like) that meets all my offer criteria. Plus, I can create a video, create a freebie on how to use it so a lot more possibilities.

Ohhhh, now that sounds promising! Don't forget - domain and/or tracking. Preferably both.

Don't forget to let us know how it goes. :)