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A Newbies Need To Research


T J Tutor

Certified Vendor
Dojo Master
I have had discussions with many hundreds of Newbies, maybe more than a thousand, over the years regarding research. It's the kind of topic that so many brush off and many will simply ignore the need for the skill to be an exceptional researcher. All in an effort to convince themselves that someone else will get them the information they want.

I will make this following statement with confidence, from experience, and with all of my gained knowledge from one on one discussions with every extremely successful person in business I've come to know.


It is research that makes you an incredible marketer. Of course there are other skills to develop, however, without becoming an exceptional researcher, you never truly find all of the details you seek to add that edge of success which puts you and your business above the others.

In the end, with anything and everything, it is information that makes you and your business what they are. Every time!

Become the most extensive and practiced researchers in every aspect of your business. This skill will put you in a position to find the information you seek quickly, easily, and efficiently.
I have had discussions with many hundreds of Newbies, maybe more than a thousand, over the years regarding research. It's the kind of topic that so many brush off and many will simply ignore the need for the skill to be an exceptional researcher. All in an effort to convince themselves that someone else will get them the information they want.

I will make this following statement with confidence, from experience, and with all of my gained knowledge from one on one discussions with every extremely successful person in business I've come to know.


It is research that makes you an incredible marketer. Of course there are other skills to develop, however, without becoming an exceptional researcher, you never truly find all of the details you seek to add that edge of success which puts you and your business above the others.

In the end, with anything and everything, it is information that makes you and your business what they are. Every time!

Become the most extensive and practiced researchers in every aspect of your business. This skill will put you in a position to find the information you seek quickly, easily, and efficiently.

When talking about research, can you give any concrete example?
When talking about research, can you give any concrete example?

Sure, glad to. For example, we see the majority of Newbies that come to our community wanting answers of all kinds, which can be found by using the in-house search feature. Questions like "what's a tracker and why do I need one". Another frequent question, "how can I earn money with affiliate marketing". Questions that are already asked and answered here in this community, many times over. They simply don't look before they ask. If we do not get them in the habit of researching before they ask a question, especially in the beginning, they often won't develop the skill.

I'm not saying we shouldn't answer their questions. We should always answer their questions. However, I have seen thousands of Newbies give up eventually because they never developed the desire to research, even for the most basic of answers sought.

Let's take the experienced marketer and reflect for a moment. I do not know one successful marketer (or business person) anywhere that does not research. In this business especially, where the landscape of the business is constantly changing, all of us research daily in one way or another. If you have a question @comegetbravo about the tracker voluum, you would likely know, as a member here, that it is a highly popular tracker among the members and there must be tons of posts and threads about the tracker. I would bet you would likely use the in-house search feature to find the answer first so that you could see what others have offered as insights, guides, and solutions before posting your own new thread asking a question about it. I am not trying to discourage anyone from opening new threads. What I am addressing is knowing that when someone enters a library for the first time, they learn to use the library so they can find what they need or want quickly.

What happens with the Newbie is often that they know enough to ask the question, but they don't see it as researching. Therefore, they begin the search by asking questions that are actually asked and answered here. If they get in the habit of thinking, "I'm new and there are a lot of Newbies here, I'll bet they have already asked this question", they will then start to develop the skill and begin to recognize it as a skill.

We recently had a great new thread created by @servandosilva , Zeropark Live Case Study , after which we began to see loads of new threads opening up by Newbies asking questions already asked and answered in his thread. Instead of reading through the nine pages of posts in that thread, they decided to open a new thread in another sub forum to ask their question. It's not good or bad, it's just an indication that some Newbies would rather not take the time to read all they can in pursuit of their question(s) and answer(s).

I do not want to discourage anyone from opening new threads and asking questions. It's good for the forum, it creates activity, and activity helps the forum strengthen and grow for its members. It's just that those of us that are here daily and read all of the posts and threads see a pattern that disrupts some Newbies. They become complacent with this one skill that is very infrequently discussed.

New threads are essential to this community and every Newbie, every member, should get in the habit of opening as many new threads as they require. I encourage it, we should all encourage this, always. I'm simply a master of research and I want the Newbies in this business that are not actively pursuing this skill, as a skill, to understand it and master it as a skill. This skill has been an incredible multiplier of success in my life and I simply want to reach as many as I can with the results I've achieved with this skill so that some of them may find the same enhancements in life and business as I have.
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Great Post T J.

Brian from Backlinko is a master at providing research statistics for the things he talks about in his posts.

And by providing numbers to people to back up what you are saying, you build a tremendous level of trust.

Sometimes as a newbie, it can feel that you don't have the personal experience to provide research data to back up your posts, but this is where you can draw from the research done by others... just have to be a bit careful because the internet (and all research literature) is filled with what I call 'research bounce'.

Research bounce is when one person provides research that may or may not have been well researched, and another marketer just copies and pastes it with the presumption that the research was conducted correctly in the first place...and then another marketer bounces the poor research on infinitum.

The classic example is this (and you may have heard about this on your marketing travels):

At some point in the past Harvard graduates were asked whether they had written down their goals.

10 years later, it was followed up, and those that had written down their goals earned twice as much as those that had not written down their goals.

Sounds believable, right?

The study appears to have come from a book written by Matthew McCormick called 'What they Don't Teach you at Harvard Business School'.

Unfortunately, the writer has since stated that it sounded correct and that he just 'made it up'.

Fortunately, however, Gail Matthews, PhD from Dominican University has now done the actual study and found the following results:


To clarify:
  • Unwritten goals just means goals floating around in the head.
  • Written goals means goals committed to paper.
  • Written actions means having an action plan associated with each individual goal - I'm not sure why this scores lower than written goals - anybody?
  • Commitment to a friend means that you are applying personal peer pressure to failing your goal by telling a friend what you are trying to achieve.
  • Progress reports mean that you are sending regular reports to your committed friend about how things are going.
Anyway, the point is that research can really bring a blog post alive.

But don't let yourself be in the position of lying awake at night wondering whether you have been straight with your readers.

Make a few Google checks on any research that you choose to reproduce.

Happy researching!

Dan G Wild
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