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About To Give Up On Pop Traffic Method


Active Member
I've been thinking of leaving sweepstakes promotion on Popup/popunder world temporarily after losing thousands of dollar. I jumped into this type of advertisement because many affiliates persuaded me to go this route. They said it's faster to make money as long as a cloaker was used. Besides losing money, I also don't enjoy it anymore and I want to quit by the middle of this year. I am thinking of spending more money on BingAds PPC because it's where I've made the most money. I may also promote 1-2 offers, also promoted on Bing, on Facebook and a NativeAds traffic network. Even though the revenue coming in is not as fast Popup/popunder, but I've found more joy doing keyword research, creating text ads, creating/editing some articles, and building audiences. Anybody in here has given up on one promotional method and move to a different one?
I'm still in pop-up traffic, i found hidden gems from this kind of traffic.
I also doing PPC and having fun with keyword research.
If you're enjoying working on other traffic sources and you are making more money on Bing - focusing your business there rather than pops seems like a no-brainer..
The beauty of working on the Internet is that you can pivot at a moment's notice. If you don't enjoy what you're doing currently, do something else that's more entertaining.
It's because I couldn't withstand peer pressure sometimes. Slowly I am going to switch the budget to Bing PPC and other affiliate promotional methods.
If you don't enjoy it then yes you should quit, if you make money through PPC then that's what you should focus on. Popads are usually the go to traffic source when starting because they are the easiest to get started with, Bing PPC will make you jump through many hoops to get your campaign up and running which can be off putting for many starting out as you need to be Bing compliant and PPC is more expensive than pops which again is why pops is usually pushed as the first traffic source to use.