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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate



New Member
Dear All,
do i need to upgrade my account or it is not necessary, am asking you because i am newbie in this and i don't know how to start?
Hi, @Biljana . First of all, let me welcome you to AffiliateFix. :) It would be nice if you created an Introduction thread so other members can welcome you, too.

No, you do not have to upgrade in order to access and fully use the forums. You may want to start with a regular free membership until you get a feel for things here.

What an upgraded account gets you:

Normal User

$67.00 USD per 12 months

Verified User Badge
Link In Signature
Image In Signature
Start Threads In Business Centre
Can Change Username
Remove Own Threads
Remove Own Posts
Access to the private Verified Members forum

There is also an upgrade for companies. Not sure which you need but it sounds like it's for personal use.

There are other questions and recommendations I could give you but they belong in an Introduction thread, so I won't post them here. :)

Any other questions, just let us know. We're here to help.