Hi, affiliates. Back again we are!
Are you ready to be gone with the THAINADO? Cause we are about to launch the brand-new contest. One offer, one geo to run in and a short time limit for everyone. All this to get latest iPhones (they are not yet announced, by the way) you’ll have to fight for traffic like the Kung-Fu master.
Rules for the competition:
- Offer «Goji Cream TH»
- Make the most leads (at least 1000 should be approved)
- No fraud (this is honest competition)
We are starting counting approved leads NOW. Make the leads flow and get your prize. There are only two winners:
– The first place holder is getting the new iPhone with maximum memory
– The second place holder will be getting the second coolest iPhone
Subscribe to our Facebook page to get more information on this contest.
Stay tuned and feel free asking your Affiliate Manager for more details. We wish you high conversions!
Check the offer here -> Adcombo