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Adding a blog to a directory

It depends GKD, if the blog has quality useful contents, yes, its will generate additional traffic.
I've added a blog to bidding directory and it is generating more traffic. Actually, much of the content - keyword phrases come top or on the first page of Google so very pleased with having it.
I've seen more and more people adding blogs to directories without any particular purpose...

First of all you have to define who you are targeting and how THEY will benefit from the blog addition.

Adding a blog just "to have it" without quality useful content may bring you a few extra visitors in the beginning but in the long run may create more damage than good. By posting useless or non-related information or even worth - duplicating articles from other sources you can create a bad business image for your directory and yourself.

So... if you have some valuable knowledge or info to share with your visitors - sure add the blog. Otherwise - don't make yourself to look like a fool.
So long as you have a clear niche directory and can find useful and interesting content for the blog then I think the two work well together ... I'm developing Welsh Directory along those lines. I think the future of directories lies in that direction, the days are numbered for directories that merely contain links...
I believe a blog is a great addition to a web directory, however managing a blog can be quite hard as the best way to get a successful blog is to provide new content at least once a week.

Blogs can also deliver more targeted traffic from the search engines, you all have to remember that content is the king, I believe blogs are a great addition, have a look on my web directory on my signature link, you'll find an amazing integration with the wordpress system :)

- Meti
I believe a blog is a great addition to a web directory, however managing a blog can be quite hard as the best way to get a successful blog is to provide new content at least once a week.

Blogs can also deliver more targeted traffic from the search engines, you all have to remember that content is the king, I believe blogs are a great addition, have a look on my web directory on my signature link, you'll find an amazing integration with the wordpress system :)

- Meti

Meti, where is you signature link, mate? Where did it go? :search:

Blogs are obviously a great addition to every directory in terms of fresh content, in terms of traffic, targeted keywords and in any other terms you long as it is updated on a regular basis