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AdSpyglass Content Corner: Tips and Insights for webmasters


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This is an educational thread for website owners and publishers. We're going to talk about:
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- tips for webmasters

We'll be sharing a new post every week.
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Also, in case you've met any contradictory thoughts in our articles - We invite you for a friendly discussion in the thread.
"The Truth Is Born In Dispute" - but only in a friendly one :)

All products and services that will be mentioned in our posts are not promoted by us or somehow affiliated with AdSpyglass and recommended only as a post author's subjective opinion.

Also, in case you feel like there is some specific subject that we need to cover in our future articles - let us know and we'll try to create content about it.

Also, many thanks to @azgold and @T J Tutor for letting us create this thread.
We'll start form sharing our recent article about Native Ads.
A lot of people still consider Native Ads as a synonym to Display.
In this article we're going to tell you about the main difference between them, tell you more about types of Native Ads, and explore a few critical aspects that most webmasters usually forget about.

Let us know what you think about the post!

Native Ads | Everything you wanted to know as a website owner (Warning: Memes inside)

Native advertising is an indispensable tool for webmasters. You’ve probably encountered this concept or even tried to work with it and have your viewpoint on native ads. Native ads are expected to drive 74% of all ad revenue in 2021 as they are 53% more likely to catch user’s attention without negatively affecting the user experience.

Let’s learn what’s so special about Native Ads and if this is a real game-changer or just a temporary trend.
We’ll figure out everything you wanted to know and find out what are the main webmaster’s mistakes related to Native Advertising. Moreover, we’ll learn how Native Ads can increase your website profit.

What Is Native Advertising? | Effectiveness of Native and Display Ads

In order to clearly understand this concept, we need to resort to the official definition that says that native advertising is a form of paid media. This ad type represents the form and function of users’ experience, meaning that it looks like natural content within the website as well as has similar functions. It blends in content’s design, layout, and message.


There are many reasons why native ads have become extremely popular nowadays. The main reason is that users pay the same attention to this ad as to the content they read. Moreover, a click-through rate (CTR) can be as much as 9 times better in comparison to conventional display ads.

It’s no wonder that the world’s largest social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram benefit from native ads.

But what websites need native ads the most?

If your site contains free content, adult content, high volume traffic, or you deal with video hosting or URL shortening, then you definitely need to use native advertising to monetize your efforts. Native ads don’t look like ordinary advertisements, so it might be challenging to recognize them instantly...

It is a great opportunity to have more views and impressions in an unobtrusive way. According to Facebook, 86% of impressions on the Audience Network come from native ads and many other advertising networks have similar statistics. So, native advertising is a great potential to boost your profits.

Types of Native Advertising

You can present your native advertisement in many different forms to make it naturally integrate within the site content. AdSpyglass is one of the most popular and credible tools that help webmasters increase their earnings using native ads. We want you to get acquainted with the four most popular native ads types..

Stay tuned!
franz ferdinand school GIF by Domino Recording Co.
This is an educational thread for website owners and publishers.
School is in session! :D This is awesome!

Thanks for helping our members learn more about how to succeed in the industry, @AdSpyglass !

My private thoughts as I consider practical matters after realizing the possibility and potential that can come from studying all that information.....
I hope there's no pop quizzes or exams though 'cause I'm not good at those. Wonder if I get a report card at the end. I should bring the teacher an apple.
@azgold, haha :rofl

We promise there will be no tests!
We just want to share some useful info without any emotional problems, stress and anxiety. (This is what I felt about exams back in the days :))
In this post we want to discuss the meaning of DMCA, what it means for you as a tube site owner, and how to avoid DMCA takedown.
We know that this is a very important subject for lots of website owners and hope that our post will help to make things a bit clearer.
Get ready for a long read (16 minutes) ;)

Things every website owner should know about DMCA

Definition of DMCA

To start with, let’s uncover the meaning of DMCA. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act is a US federal law. It stands for a quick reaction in the form of the ban to infringing content. In other words, if you have witnessed the theft of your original content, you can send a complaint to the holder of infringing materials or the hosting service, with the request to remove the content. The DMCA was enacted in 1998 as a measure of piracy prevention. Since that time media industries are protected from stealing their content.

Meaning of DMCA Takedown

The DMCA is enforced by a government agency but complainants can form a lawsuit if the offender does not take any measures. There are companies that can send delisting requests to Google after sending the DMCA notice to you.
The DMCA is enforced by a government agency but complainants can form a lawsuit if the offender does not take any measures. There are companies that can send delisting requests to Google after sending the DMCA notice to you.

When a website owner gets a DMCA takedown, the infringing content is removed from the site at the appeal of the third party factual content owner. A takedown notice is just a regular accusative letter of thievery of your content. It may be performed in any form as such requests are not subject to court consideration. The DMCA applies to written text, videos, music, artwork, picture, and software. According to Kinsta, the statistics behind the DMCA takedown is impressive: as of 2019 March, more than 4 billion URL requests were removed because of copyright issues!

Connection Between Google and DMCA

Most people think that sending a takedown notice to Google is easier rather than sharing the issue with someone else. Indeed, Google follows rigorous standards in this deal. If your content was removed, you would not find the infringing material at any time. As a dominant search engine, Google may be concerned about the only service to meet the DMCA. It is a misbelief! Every step of the DMCA process is equally applied to any other search engine. Google is more preferable in response to the DMCA notices because it acts faster than any other service.

It is essential for the owner of the content to regularly check the web for unauthorized use of the materials. From this point of view, you may see the term ”DMCA protected” while visiting some sites. But it sounds weird as every issue published is already verified and protected by the DMCA. This phrase may also report that the webmaster is using a copyright protection service like The webmasters pay for the service to cope with takedown notices.

A DMCA scenario in the best case will take 24 hours to be settled, but usually, it lasts for 3 days. Some individual DMCA unpleasantness took months and years to resolve. This is because both sides went to court.

For general awareness, some people got arrested and sent to prison for stealing content. The court determines the person guilty and imprisons for 5 years minimum when the crime was done to get a financial reward. If it wasn’t because of the financial side, the term of imprisonment is up to 3 years. But is the DMCA really fair to both parties: accuser and accused?

No matter how noble the mission of the DMCA may sound, it still hides pitfalls. Instead of preventing piracy it just blocks free expression. Let's refute DMCA's influence on webmasters.
Disadvantages of DMCA for Website Owners

No matter how noble the mission of the DMCA may sound, it still hides pitfalls. Instead of preventing piracy it just blocks free expression. Let’s refute DMCA’s influence on webmasters.

Based on the study by California academics Laura Quilter and Jennifer Urban, Google reported abuse of takedown notice. There were more than 57% requests made due to competition in the business area and 37% of appeals were not valid. Since then, the justice of the DMCA is subject to doubt.

here are three main causes of abuses of the DMCA. First of all, fairness in the use of the takedown for infringing content is a legal grey area and it has acquired conflicting interpretations. Thus some individual cases were treated inequitably. Moving further, the use of the DMCA was excessive and large companies had an advantage over smaller ones in copyright protection.
Causes of DMCA Violation

There are three main causes of abuses of the DMCA. First of all, fairness in the use of the takedown for infringing content is a legal grey area and it has acquired conflicting interpretations. Thus some individual cases were treated inequitably. Moving further, the use of the DMCA was excessive and large companies had an advantage over smaller ones in copyright protection. This caused random takedowns of legitimate content like removing a music video from the real artist. And the last one, unjust testimonies do not have any consequences that provoked censorship. A legitimate content may be deleted temporarily causing financial damage to the website owner who has no right to reimbursement. Many businesses used such an unfair strategy to censor competition. Let’s consider some of the examples.

Examples of DMCA Violation

Warner Bros requested a takedown to Google with the purpose to remove websites that would lead to infringing content but they didn’t deal with the real unfairly generated content as stated in the DMCA. Sony used to play wrong to avoid license fees on the legitimate use of their content. One web security firm deliberately used the DMCA against the critic of its services. And some of the companies just use the right of the DMCA takedown against bloggers to identify their personalities.

In addition to alleged violations of the DMCA described above, a usual takedown notice procedure makes the publisher guilty. The respondent has no right of hearing or explaining the situation before the material is removed. Moreover, any suspected material is at minimum banned for 14 days. In case the respondent wants the DMCA takedown notice to be considered in court, there is no guarantee the copyright holder will accept that. Unfortunately, some of the problematic takedown notices have got away from jurisdiction within the US itself. These facts do not justify the rightness of the DMCA. Because of that, webmasters need to know how to handle it.

Actually, such types of websites which provide customers with free, adult, video, movie content are endangered of the DMCA. Because video-hosting websites hold countless hours of user-generated content, it is impossible to monitor every video uploaded.
Types of Website that Are Endangered Because of the DMCA

Actually, such types of websites which provide customers with free, adult, video, movie content are endangered of the DMCA. Because video-hosting websites hold countless hours of user-generated content, it is impossible to monitor every video uploaded. In that case, such websites are some way protected from the consequences of copyright infringement violations. But the services must immediately take down suspected content where noticed. If they decide not to remove the material, they may be treated as criminals. Even when webmasters do not play any role in this crime, they may be considered as participants of it. In this case, publishers will be forced to give a piece of contact information and remove the infringing content though.

DMCA Works not Only in the USA

Despite the DMCA is an American law, it spreads widely. The sites may be available for everyone but they obey the law of the country in which their services are situated. For example, you being British upload content to YouTube when YouTube’s servers are factually in the US. Thus your content will be regulated by American law, not a British one.

It may sound simple, but the best way to avoid DMCA notices is just never used the content generated by someone else. This applies when you are making videos with the background music - you should license it. It is possible when you are using stock videos - you should buy it or specialize it for reuse. Even if you want to show a photo you would rather pay a license fee.
Tips to Avoid DMCA Notices and Prevent Takedowns

It may sound simple, but the best way to avoid DMCA notices is just never used the content generated by someone else. This applies when you are making videos with the background music – you should license it. It is possible when you are using stock videos – you should buy it or specialize it for reuse. Even if you want to show a photo you would rather pay a license fee. Otherwise, if you violate the copyright law removing the materials will be the luckiest thing for your account. Persistent seekers of truth may deal with the court demanding a financial refund. This happens even with famous video creators like Michelle Phan who was accused of copyright infringement using music in her clips.

If you are a runner on an adult tube website, you need to keep away from putting copyrighted music in the background. Except companies may take down your videos, they also may claim for monetization or even removal of your channel. It works even with small streamers\ new webmasters as the searching process follows the algorithm. Thus the detection of unauthorized content is an automatic action.

In this case, you may think of using a VPN (a virtual private network). With a few exceptions, it is legal all over the world to stay anonymous while working on the Internet. But committing illegal things will remain a violation whether you do it with the VPN or not. This option will not protect a webmaster after a VPN session.

Ways to Make Sure You’re DMCA-Compliant

Once you know how the DMCA works, you need to be sure your adult website is DMCA compliant. The procedure might sound somewhat complicated but it is better to prevent possible takedowns than waste a reputation.

Once you know how the DMCA works, you need to be sure your adult website is DMCA compliant. The procedure might sound somewhat complicated but it is better to prevent possible takedowns than waste a reputation.

The first and the most essential step is to designate a DMCA agent with the Copyright Office. Putting the DMCA compliant badge on your adult website meets with respect and trust from the viewers’ side. The process of registration with the agent is easy as a pie: sign up – log in and grab the code – put it on your website. With the DMCA agent you will not be encumbered with DMCA emails. It helps to settle the takedown cases if anything happens. Generally, such a service increases your website efficiency and saves you time and money. Moreover, it recognizes false and invalid DMCA complaints and eliminates them virtually. Dealing with the agents is completely legal as the Copyright Office permits their designation.

Once you have formed a cooperation with the DMCA agent, you need to be honest and remove all the infringing content beforehand. Actually, the DMCA doesn’t request to check every single material uploaded to your site, but the general statistics you should know.

As your site may include uploading videos by the users, you need to monitor offenders. They have 3 attempts then after the last warning, you should deny any access to your site for the offender.

Being protected by the agent does not mean you should skip checking your videos for infringing content. With the YouTube Studio, you will be able to determine whether the videos are copyrighted or not. This tool is located in the upper right corner of your YouTube homepage. However, YouTube is not able to automatically determine the infringing video. It may show your ID claims or copyright strikes but the best way to find the truth is to make research.

Ways to Check if Your Content Contains Copyright

The process of making research is the next. Once you doubt some videos’ legality you need to find when the content was actually copyrighted. Then you need to search on the Copyright Office’s website. If needed you may ask the Copyright Office to make the search for you but not free.

Making safe content is complicated. You need to be aware of everything that happens on your site so as not to get a DMCA complaint. But the truth is, your reputation may cost more than spending some time on video checking.

Methods to Handle DMCA Notice

Let's consider the situation as you got the DMCA notice. For you, it seems like an accusation, but no one will come to your house with the handcuffs. Look over your content and if some videos infringe copyright deal with it immediately. Comply with the DMCA notice and do not repeat such a situation. You'd better monitor your content from time to time than be a thief in the eyes of DMCA.
Let’s consider the situation as you got the DMCA notice. For you, it seems like an accusation, but no one will come to your house with the handcuffs. Look over your content and if some videos infringe copyright deal with it immediately. Comply with the DMCA notice and do not repeat such a situation. You’d better monitor your content from time to time than be a thief in the eyes of DMCA. Even if you are aware you have infringing content and you hide it under some services, DMCA will eventually catch you.

If you are a new webmaster you may be unaware it was copyrighted or you just don’t make a sense of how it works. It is also possible that you wrongly identified the content as available for sharing or someone else gave you permission to publish it without being exactly an author. Or someone just claims the content that doesn’t belong to him or her. Even if it was an accident you need to remove the content before the situation gets settled. Even if you believe you have all the rights to be the owner of the content the rule is that you should take it down.

Tackling DMCA Removal Notice

In case you are not guilty there is an ownership confirmation you need to complete. The notice should contain such information: contact info of the claimant, info about the content in question, and info about the original content. If it revealed the content was really stolen and you removed it, all you need to do is notify your ISP (Internet Service Provider) as clear. Otherwise, your site will be in question for removal.
In case you are not guilty there is an ownership confirmation you need to complete. The notice should contain such information: contact info of the claimant, info about the content in question, and info about the original content. If it revealed the content was really stolen and you removed it, all you need to do is notify your ISP (Internet Service Provider) as clear. Otherwise, your site will be in question for removal.

In all cases: if the content is yours or it was mistakenly uploaded, you can go straight to the complainant and explain the circumstances. It is still possible the situation was just a misunderstanding and the DMCA notice may be retracted.

Supposing the complainant responds to you poorly, thus you can use the option to file a counter-notice. It should be performed in a written way and signed by you. A counter-notice must ensure the reader that you have removed suspected material. Besides, you should prove it was not your fault. In order to get feedback, add your contact information: name, address, phone number.

This way the complainant will have to retract the DMCA notice or respond with the copyright lawsuit. When the lawsuit is started and the complainant is revealed giving false accusations, there are severe penalties. Many online service providers monitor companies who fill the DMCA notices and whether there is more than one counter-notice against a complainant. If they notice a repeated pattern of abuse, they will not be trustworthy giving future DMCA notices no longer.

Another difficulty you may meet running an adult website is Google banning. It happens even if you did not violate any of the copyright rights. And the most tricky is that Google does not explain the problem and is not eager to respond to you quickly.
What to Do if Google Banned Your Website

Another difficulty you may meet running an adult website is Google banning. It happens even if you did not violate any of the copyright rights. And the most tricky is that Google does not explain the problem and is not eager to respond to you quickly.

The procedure remains the next. Firstly send a Google reconsideration request. Add to it as many details as possible and behave honorably otherwise Google support team will not help you. Remove all junk emails as Google doesn’t like them. Verify your website and just be patient as your disgruntlement can make it worse.

Best Ways to Bypass Google DMCA Notice

Best Ways to Bypass Google DMCA Notice
301 Redirects

On the BlackHatWorld SEO forum, people recommend doing 301 redirects in case of getting the DMCA notice. How does it work? A 301 redirect option changes the URL of your page as it pops up in search engine results which means that a page altered its location. It is a status code that automatically redirects your visitors to another designated page. Sequentially the search engines indicate that your page has moved and they update the records with the new link. The redirection process works seamlessly without error messages. Thus you will not lose traffic and rank.

DMCA-Ignored Countries

There is one more useful trick you can consider while avoiding DMCA notice. Some tolerant countries are safe to host your website. Here is the list:
There is one more useful trick you can consider while avoiding DMCA notice. Some tolerant countries are safe to host your website. Here is the list:

  • The Netherlands – support free speech and user privacy.
  • Luxembourg – the US-based DMCA does not interfere with webmasters with any limitations.
  • Bulgaria – their government is very loyal to those who run hosting websites.
  • Russia – American copyright laws are not actual for this country.
  • Hong Kong – a lot of copyrighted works exist there and the country does not show any resistance to that.
  • Singapore – it is a source of offshore and DMCA ignored hosts.
  • Malaysia – the local government is worry-free about copyright laws.

DMCA-Ignored Hostings

There are also DMCA ignored hosting providers on the market. Such companies theoretically ignore DMCA notices and host illegal content. Let's cover the best ones:
There are also DMCA ignored hosting providers on the market. Such companies theoretically ignore DMCA notices and host illegal content. Let’s cover the best ones:

  • Flaunt7 – this is a cheap DMCA ignored service located in the Netherlands. It offers solid security with no ID and verification.
  • Shinjiru – with its help, you can upload any content you want. It is also possible to pay with Bitcoin for hosting and domains for total protection.
  • BlueAngelHost – the service provides you with complete anonymity from Bulgaria, Russia, and the Netherlands located servers.
  • ProHoster – it offers multiple websites existence and windows offshore hosting. Their site is in Russian but every part has an English matching version.
  • AbeloHost – it is perfect for building an adult hosting website.
Before you get connected with the service, check out their terms in order to avoid surprises. Still, such services are not completely reliable. They will not fight for your website to protect anonymity.

And finally, we can’t say that the definition ”bypass the DMCA” is right. It rather depends on how you use it or not. As a webmaster, you can just ignore DMCA takedown. But in this case, you can lose the safe harbor of the DMCA.

We'd love to hear any feedback about the article. Let us know what do you think about DMCA? Have you ever met any issues with this policy, or maybe vice versa, and you actually benefited from it?

Tell about your experience in the thread.

See you next week with another piece of content from AdSpyglass!
Stay safe :)
Hey! :affiliatefix:
Today we're going to share another hot topic. Have you ever been thinking about creating an adult website? Or maybe updating your existing one?
One of the possible ways of accomplishing it could be Website Scripts. Look at our list of the best Scripts for Running an Adult Tube Website

Top Scripts for Running an Adult Tube Website in 2021

The majority of people find running an adult tube website very complicated. Fear of failed adult payment gateway, a lack of ability to control the site, the third-party attacks, low profitability – this is not a complete list of possible bad scenarios. But there is a way out! Make it easier and go for adult website scripts.

We've researched all popular scripts on the market and found the best ones to let you make the right choice. Still curious which adult website script to take? Read our new article and get your answer.

What are the benefits of running an adult tube using a script?
To dispel your doubts, read the arguments why adult tube scripts are the best sustainable path while running an adult website.

  • Tech Support: if you have technical issues, go directly to the developers.
  • Easy-to-use Tools: satisfy your expectations with the turnkey software.
  • Incomparable Customization: dive into the diverse customization options to create your adult website.
  • Administrator Advantages: sift through the sensitive content immediately and outline your frontiers.
  • Monetization Options: boost your traffic with a variety of advertisements.
  • Community Features: find like-minded users and conduct discussions.
So let’s see top scripts for running an adult tube website.

#1 Mechbunny Tube Script Overview

Mechbunny Tube Script by Mechanical Bunny Media

Mechbunny is a new integration in the adult industry that utilizes the power of modern technology to create mainstream tube sites with million page views each day.

Mechbunny is a new integration in the adult industry that utilizes the power of modern technology to create mainstream tube sites with million page views each day. It is the most original porn tube template in terms of design, that is, however, quite pricey. The script costs 400 Euros and there’s also a monthly payment of about 100$ per month. The script requires some programming skills in order to customize your tube site with it, however, it has all the potential to bring your tube website to the next level.

Distinctive features of MechBunny Tube Script

Mechbunny is distinguished by its design, modern and clear home page, and engaging layout. Mechbunny holds a countless set of mind-blowing features, so this is the solution you need!

For example, you can search for other users with the private messaging feature or a community searching option. There is also a possibility to reinforce your website into a paid version with a monthly membership. Mechbunny cooperates with such global payment processors as CCBill, Verotel, and Epoch. Another great feature is that you can include previews to your videos that appear when the viewers click over a video thumbnail.

What is appealing, is its Virtual Reality option. This function allows users to watch VR-videos or 360 degrees videos with video-player and Delight-VR.

As a great bonus, Mechbunny has a built-in scraper underpinned by over 300 sites. This is the way someone else’s videos can be uploaded to your porn tube in terms of scraping. From your side, you are free to let people embed your videos on third-party sites which can keep your traffic consistent.

Pros and Cons


  • The diversity of features
  • SEO-friendly environment
  • Constant support


  • Some coding skills required
  • A price is above the average
  • Difficult maintenance

Conclusion about Mechbunny

Mechbunny can be useful if you have programming skills. Another way, you would better choose the site with WordPress.

#2 Adult Video Script Overview

Adult Video Script (AVS) by Envient

Adult Video Script is a very flexible, solid, and reliable tube script. Available in four packages, AVS allows you to share photos, galleries, and games on your adult tube website.

Adult Video Script is a very flexible, solid, and reliable tube script. Available in four packages, AVS allows you to share photos, galleries, and games on your adult tube website.

Distinctive features of Adult Video Script

This adult script service operates on the new Video Transcoding Engine, thus the videos can be uploaded in more than 20 formats and converted into web-ready and mobile-ready versions. Numerous resolutions and formats are available as well, which you can set in the Admin Panel. Moreover, you can manage the option of approving videos before they come on the website. Its multi-language system enables visitors to use the website in their native tongue.

AVS gives you a fast way to upload large videos by dividing them into parts and avoiding Cloudflare’s 100 MB upload limit. Your registered users are free to write their blog posts on your website. With the Premium Membership System, the customers can turn from free members into paying ones.

To simplify the registration, AVS offers Facebook or Google account signup.

Pros and Cons


  • The variety of video formats
  • Responsive template
  • Videos, photos, games sharing


  • Expensive plugins
  • Insufficient amount of features
  • Lack of advanced users options

Conclusion about Adult Video Script

Having easy-to-use tools, AVS is ideal for beginners and its customizable color schemes will serve your needs to the greatest extent.

#3 Kernel Video Sharing Overview

Kernel Video Sharing (KVS) by Kernel-Scripts

Kernel Video Script is one of the oldest CMS (Content Management System), created especially for adult sites. The script is stable and efficient, so it enables you to easily create a website with over 1 million daily page views. The ability to successfully handle massive amounts of traffic and professional customer support are the main reasons why webmasters prefer KVS.

Kernel Video Script is one of the oldest CMS (Content Management System), created especially for adult sites. The script is stable and efficient, so it enables you to easily create a website with over 1 million daily page views. The ability to successfully handle massive amounts of traffic and professional customer support are the main reasons why webmasters prefer KVS.

Distinctive features of Kernel Video Sharing

KVS has a variety of profitable options offered to webmasters. With the CMS, you can easily upload the videos in bulk and then change the names, the descriptions, the tags, the categories, and whatever you want. This video script service is optimized for the heavy load so you don’t need to think of server hardware. It withstands plenty of traffic on unlimited modifications.

Another thing that you should know is the possibility to get a domain and a hosting provider through KVS partnered hosting providers. This integral collaboration will save your time and money as KVS partners may offer you a great deal.

Pros and Cons


  • A wide range of features
  • Variety of monetizing options
  • Fast uploads


  • Difficult setup system
  • High price for all the services
  • Paid updates

Conclusion about Kernel Video Sharing

KVS is full of features that can make your adult website unique, but they are not free. Its great multiple monetizations work to make you rich and multi-server systems provide high-quality video processing.

#4 Smart Tube Pro Overview

Smart Tube Pro by Smart Scripts

Simple in its layout, Smart Tube Pro has been receiving more and more satisfied clients' feedback since 2009. It is reliable, simple to use, and profitable software. Let's learn more about its features!

Simple in its layout, Smart Tube Pro has been receiving more and more satisfied clients’ feedback since 2009. It is reliable, simple to use, and profitable software. Let’s learn more about its features!

Distinctive features of Smart Tube Pro

On Smart Tube Pro, you can create two accounts: as a user, and as a webmaster. Both account types allow uploading the videos, but webmasters have the function of adding advertisements.

If you hesitate to use it, the video script suggests you try the demo version. You will estimate the interface and other essential moments before you buy it. In case of refusal, the website gives you free software for 1,5% of your overall traffic. Doesn’t it sound great?

Pros and Cons


  • Free version available
  • Single license payment
  • Demo sites


  • Primitive site design
  • Underdeveloped SEO support
  • Lack of advanced features

#5 The Tube Site Builder Overview

The Tube Site Builder by Robo Scripts


The Tube Site Builder is a PHP standalone script, which is destined to make your adult website profitable. It has tons of updates that you are free to edit with 2 incorporated text spinners API. Turn an auto-pilot regime on and choose updates you want to follow.

Distinctive features of The Tube Site Builder

The Tube Site Builder already has 400 built-in video categories. With the dump tool, you can easily upload content from your sponsor and edit its tags, description, title, thumbs URL, video duration, etc.

Supporting multiple traffic trades scripts, allows you to switch from one theme to another with complex color sections.

The usage of the script is very easy, so you won’t have problems customizing your website.

Pros and Cons


  • The variety of video categories
  • Simple interface
  • Dump tool


  • Absence of membership options
  • Primitive tools
  • Insufficient amount of features

Conclusion about The Tube Site Builder

The Tube Site Builder script is designed for users who want fast results. It is filled with many features for novice customers. However it doesn’t contain advanced options, so you will not be able to make your website ultramodern.

#6 Adult Script Pro Overview

Adult Script Pro by Clone Forge


Adult Script Pro is a basic tube script with a white-blue pattern and black menus. It specializes in creating tube sites but not porn sites.

Distinctive functions of Adult Script Pro

Currently, 60% of adult traffic comes from mobile phones and tablets. With this script service, your videos will be optimized for smartphones. It allows a mobile frontend and adjustable design. The visitors will find it enjoyable to watch the content on a laptop, smart TV, mobile phone, or desktop, as Adult Script Pro provides responsive templates for that reason.

The service has included such practices as Input Filtering, Spam Filter, ACL Roles, CSRF Protection, Prepared SQL Statements, IP Based Restrictions, and solid security for your video files.

Speaking about customization, Adult Script Pro coding style is full 100% source code. That means you are free to edit everything from new modules to new templates.

Pros and Cons


  • Membership module
  • Adult form page
  • Advertising positions


  • Poor monetization system
  • Ordinary options
  • Regular tube site purpose

Conclusion about Adult Script Pro

Adult Script Pro has basic options that you will need for your website. The script supports photos, videos, categories, channels, user communities, and it is available on all types of devices.

#7 Adult Search Script Overview

Adult Search Scripts by Clone Forge


Adult Search Script is multipurpose: it can be used for making adult websites, a regular tube site, and as a source of traffic for hosted websites. Available auto-pilot function sends viewers directly to the video pages. Individual customer support team makes it easy to generate the website without pitfalls.

Distinctive features of Adult Search Script Overview

Adult Search Script offers you unique features which stand out from other adult tube video scripts. It has an advanced searching engine as it uses the Sphinx Search server. With it you will perform full-text searches, analyzing tons of videos in a high-speed way.

Buying Adult Search Script, the features available for you will grow as you go. Once you reach millions of visitors, the system will provide your website with a scalable path.

Thanks to the content translation feature, your video categories and tags can be translated automatically. Search for this function in the Administration Panel. Note that integrated services may be free (Yandex Translate) or may require payment (Google Translate). Translation for video titles is also available.

Pros and Cons


  • Multi-language support
  • Advanced search engine
  • Professional customer support


  • Boring design
  • Monotonous and outdated layout
  • Not branched customization option

Conclusion about Adult Search Script

Adult Search Script can be easel installed, setted up and customized. It offers a wide selection of video sources and according to reviews of webmasters using it, the site can reach 3,000 unique visits just in a few days after script installation.

#8 xStreamer Overview

xStreamer by


Even if you are kicking off your adult tube website, you will find out that xStreamer is the most popular streaming software in this area. You can effortlessly make a streaming website such as YouPorn, Pornhub, or XHamster with the xStreamer help. All the features starting from liking videos and commenting on them to making friends with other members are available!

Distinctive functions of xStreamer

Owing to the possibility to manage the site from the back end, there is no need to become a programmer. No tech skills required!

What is beneficial, is a built-in algorithm that shows you video recommendations based on your preferences. Video filters are accessible as well, conforming to the top-rated and commented ones.

With xStreamer, you are free to choose your favorite videos, create your playlist and upload videos there. It is also possible to generate a channel with the videos on sale and subscribe to other channels simultaneously. You can block the members if it is needed. xStreamer maintains a broad-spectrum of streaming services, like Nginx RTMP, Adobe ™ FMS, Lighttpd, and Wowza™ Streaming Server.

When it comes to monetization, this video script service offers you a wide range of options. Placing banner ads on the site, using in-text ads, selling the videos by simply setting a price to them through PPV (pay per video) feature.

Pros and Cons


  • High content quality
  • Continuous updates
  • Open source code


  • Underdeveloped SEO support
  • Lack of membership options
  • Poor tech support

Conclusion about xStreamer

xStreamer will help you to make a highly profitable adult tube business. It is an affordable service that will help you to build a fast payback adult tube website. Its PHP code is clean and very commented so there will not be a misunderstanding.

#9 VideoX Overview

VideoX by Vicetemple


VideoX is the only identical video clone script. Install VideoX for free, get lifelong support, receive free lifetime updates, and make money with paid memberships.

Distinctive features of VideoX

As an exclusive feature, VideoX is fully customizable. Once you purchase it, you set up your script in 1 working day. It is possible to change everything you need and represent the site as your own brand. VideoX support team will help you to personalize it according to individual requirements.

The script holds pre-made monetization options with memberships, subscriptions, and ads included.

As a trial version, developers offer preview videos to see how it works. You are totally free to embed the videos from different sites without limits.

Pros and Cons


  • Fully customizable
  • Community pages
  • User-generated content


  • Poor SEO support
  • High price (799$)
  • Not frequent improvements

Conclusion about VideoX

This video clone script appeals with its aesthetic design. Thanks to that, your viewers will be completely content while watching the video. No doubt that the variety of features will meet your expectations: from mass video uploads to membership pages.

#10 HubX Overview

HubX by Vicetemple


HubX is the most advanced clone script of PornHub offered by Vicetemple. It holds the most powerful features on the market. Check out their demo and get acquainted with its suggestions.

Distinctive features of HubX

As a direct clone of one famous adult website, HubX is fully customizable. With the script, you can categorize your content, set up instant video previews, offer membership levels to your customers, and restrict content to definite persons.

Publish your video as you wish: upload or embed videos from different sites.

Pros and Cons


  • Instant previews
  • Open code
  • Membership levels


  • High price (799$)
  • Lack of originality
  • Poor social media connection

Conclusion about HubX

Thanks to HubX, you can build your empire of like-minded people. All the options are optimized for search engines, the videos are available on mobile phones, and the monetization methods will keep you full payback within the months.

The script is chosen. What’s next?

Building your website with a tube script or migrating to another platform is an essentially important aspect of the operational part of your work. However, as soon as your website is up and running you’re facing the next challenge – monetization of the adult website.
This is a crucial part of your business since proper monetization will help you to get a decent profit and keep growing your website.

Final Thoughts

Running an adult tube website is a complex process requiring lots of resources. But it can be trouble-free if you use video scripts. Whichever you choose, is up to you, and our mission is to point the way to a successful path. Invest into your adult tube website today and reap multiple benefits tomorrow!

We still don't get any feedback or comments. If you've read the post - please let us know how we're doing and if you like the thread. You help us to become better!
See you next week.
Stay tuned :cool:
Have you ever met any issues with this policy, or maybe vice versa, and you actually benefited from it?

Yes, I had a content claim against me actually, but it was not valid and I beat it. There are those out there that have abused this by claiming material to be their own when in fact it was not.

Obviously webmasters love the DMCA because it is an added protection for our original content.
@KGS Thank you for the comment! Frankly, we were a bit sarcastic when wrote about the "love" from webmasters. Especially, because of the abusive claims, as in your example.

But that is really cool that you've managed to tackle the takedown notice! Thank you for sharing this case with us. Would love to hear more from you in the future :)
Hi everyone! :affiliatefix:
Another week has passed, and we're more than happy to share another article with you.
This time we'll talk about speed issues of Adult websites and the most powerful ways of fixing them.
We recommend checking out the post for webmasters of all levels!

8 Tips to Speed up Your Adult Website in 2021

According to a well-known rule of thumb, a website load speed shouldn’t exceed 3 seconds. Increasing performance of adult tube website is especially crucial as slow load speed can ruin your reputation and lead to money loss. Just imagine the frustration of a visitor of an adult website who was seeking relaxation and received a poor user experience instead.

According to a well-known rule of thumb, a website load speed shouldn’t exceed 3 seconds. Increasing the performance of an adult tube website is especially crucial as slow load speed can ruin your reputation and lead to money loss. Just imagine the frustration of a visitor of an adult website who was seeking relaxation and received a poor user experience instead.

Adult website optimization should be a priority of any webmaster and in this article, we would discover what are the main things making your website slower and how to fix them.

How to Detect Website Speed Issues?

If your website has a low number of conversions, a high bounce rate, a low amount of visitors per day, you need to look over your adult website speed. Having a slow website means testing your visitors’ patience as it is hard to navigate a slow website. The low speed also negatively impacts the SEO for adult websites and can result in low Google rankings. If you want to significantly improve your tube website speed, make sure to utilize our tips.

8 Proven Tips for Adult Website Speed Optimization –

1. Test Your Site Speed and Review Diagnostic Information Regularly

Regular website speed tests will help you find out the gaps you need to fill. You can easily measure this metric with online services such as Pingdom, GTMetrix, or Google PageSpeed Insights. The procedure is easy as pie:

  • Copy and paste your domain name
  • Run the test
  • Wait for a few seconds
  • Get the results and recommendations you should follow to boost the traffic
Regular website speed tests will help you find out the gaps you need to fill. You can easily measure this metric with online services such as Pingdom, GTMetrix, or Google PageSpeed Insights.

To cut a long story short, a speed test gives you a snapshot of your webpage experience. It shows the quantity and size of your website elements, CSS files, HTML files, script files, the connection for every element, and what is the most important – the total time to load the page. Taking this information into account, you can drop off slow-loading files, failed elements, and flaws of your website. Stick to the plan you have got and fix the issues.

2. Upgrade Your Adult Website Hosting

A good adult site hosting is one of the most important elements of website optimization, so it’s important to choose a server that quickly responds to the coming requests. You can choose to apply additional features to your current hosting plan, or you can purchase a more advanced package.

You can locate these options in the Upgrades menu on the left side of the Web Hosting Control Panel. The diversity of upgrades displays on the page of the Change Plan. There is a list of features every package offers and the price. Once you choose your suitable plan, you have to pay with the preferred payment method. To ensure the good performance of the upgrading plan, make sure to select a top-tier adult web hosting provider.


Notice that adult website speed also depends on your location. The closer your visitor is to the host, the quicker loading it will provide.

3. Use a Content Delivery Network [CDN]

CDN is another great way to make your website faster. This is a set of web servers that minimizes delay in loading the web page with the help of decreasing the physical distance. This means that visitors from around the world can load your adult website without any delay. While you are not using a CDN, content servers must come back to every single user. It makes traffic encumbered with every user response.

CDN solves the problem of slow tube website speed for half of the internet’s traffic. For instance, your server is based in the UK and a US user is eager to view your content. Due to the virtual trip across the Atlantic, the customer will experience a slow loading page.

This network stores a cached version of your adult website in different locations around the world. These geographical points are called ”points of presence” (PoPs). The PoPs include your caching servers and deliver the content in the fastest way.

4. Optimize Images at your tube website

This is the most obvious way to stop slowing your adult website. Optimizing images is an easy-to-perform process. When getting ready with the images, you can open them in Photoshop and resize them to the final dimension. For the best result, your images should have less than 500 KB in file size. Note, that stock images are always in a very large format, so you may want to cut their weight.

After you resize the images, export them for the web in Photoshop which takes the second step in optimization. When you transport them out of Photoshop, you can drop off 50% of their dimension. This is more beneficial than doing a regular “save as”. As much as possible, export the images in .jpeg format as it provides the best quality with the smallest size.


To end the image optimization, choose a website like ShortPixel or install its ShortPixel WordPress plugin. You can always preview the images before posting them, to ensure that they are still clear to view. This way works out best for primary images. To optimize thumbnail images you would better use the plugin. The service provides you with the limit for the available number of images according to the price of your package. It is worth its money as your images will be small, fast in the opening, they will save your storage space and serve in a good way to search engines.

5. Leverage a Caching Technology to boost your adult website speed


Caching technology suggests a browser to keep the data of your adult tube website on the first meeting with the users. Next time they visit your page, it will pop up quickly instead of uploading all the data directly from the server.

Using the caching plugin provides you with the option to control the cached information. Many of the plugins combine it with the CDNs.

There are many top-rated plugins, such as W3 Total Cache, Autoptimize, WP Fastest Cache, and others. They offer a lot of features, but to get all of them you need to buy a pro license.

6. Get Better Adult Video Player

Video.js 7.4 | Video.js Blog

As adult websites contain a lot of videos, it is essential to use a good adult video player. How to recognize whether it is useful or not? A good tube video player will not force you to worry about downloading additional codes or plugins to play your videos.

Most adult video players that support ads are too heavy or expensive. You can easily solve this issue by installing your favorite lightweight free player and enabling AdSpyglass Overlay VAST/VPAID Player over it.

This overlay VAST/VPAID player doesn’t require any coding, supports VAST/VPAID tags from all the leading ads, rotates ads from different ad networks, provides you with the alternative ad statistic, and most importantly has no negative impact on your website speed.


7. Don’t Install Too Many Third-Party Plugins and Remember Updating Them

Third-party plugins are great for providing additional features, but they also often slow the website down. Plugins can interfere with the functioning of your website and conflict with other installed plugins.

Third-party plugins are great for providing additional features, but they also often slow the website down. Plugins can interfere with the functioning of your website and conflict with other installed plugins.

Every time the users visit your website, it takes time to load every aspect of your site: photos, videos, plugins, etc. Plugins are weighty to load and that is the reason why the speed is slower. Since that fact, you can declutter useless plugins to make your tube website speed on maximum.

You also need to remember to constantly update the plugins you can’t remove as the updated versions are often better in terms of performance and security.

8. Watch how do you handle your adult website ads

Ads and advertising are one of the main entities for any adult tube site. And that’s fair since the whole website monetization depends on these factors. In other words, we’re facing some sort of dilemma here. The more ads you have – the more money you’ll get. But at the same time, more ads also mean more time for your website to load. So, what to do?

Ads and advertising are one of the main entities for any adult tube site. And that’s fair since the whole website monetization depends on these factors. In other words, we’re facing some sort of dilemma here. The more ads you have - the more money you’ll get. But at the same time, more ads also mean more time for your website to load. So, what to do?

If your page is filled with pop-up ads on every side, the website speed will obviously depend on their loading.
And if there is no way to cut the number of your ads, we may influence only on ads’ quality.

Each ad – is a few strings of code. Add complexity to your ad and its code size will increase as well. However, you’re surely aware that there a few ways of writing code. Actually, talented coders can fit some really difficult algorithms just into a few strings of code. And that what makes them so special.

So, the best option when using Ad Codes would be to ensure that these scripts are written by professionals – in a tidy and concise way. If you haven’t found such a platform yet, you may try to handle your ads with Popunder Solution by AdSpyglass.

There you can easily get control over pop-under behavior on your website. No need to be a coding expert – you are free to change everything directly from a panel. Popunder Solution covers the impressions, clicks, CPM, CTR, and income from your ads. The service takes only 5 minutes to set up and allows you to use pop-unders from over 30 ad networks within one account. And these popunders are working really fast.

So, the best option when using Ad Codes would be to ensure that these scripts are written by professionals - in a tidy and concise way. If you haven’t found such a platform yet, you may try to handle your ads with Popunder Solution by AdSpygl

Wrapping Up

A slow adult website loading can cancel out all the effort put on filling the website with quality content and driving traffic to it. No one is eager to stay on the site when it comes to waiting these precious seconds.

The 8 tips discussed in the article would definitely help you take your website speed to the next level. Whichever tip you use, your adult website loading speed will improve but we advise utilizing them all to get the best results. Take good care of your tube website speed today and enjoy a high ranking in Google and high conversion rates tomorrow.

Let us know if you've found any new methods in the article or maybe some of them that already worked well for you. We'd be glad to have any sort of informative discussion with you.
As usual, see you next week, and stay tuned :cool:
Another week, another story for you!
This time we're going to explore another important aspect of running an adult website.
Previously, we've already made an overview of the best website scripts for the adult vertical.
But let's be honest, 34% (that's a lot) of all sites ever created were developed using WordPress. Probably, some of you are also using WP as a primary CMS for your platforms.
We thought that it is not fair to leave y'all WP users without any useful content.
Grab some popcorn, and have a good read!

Overview of WordPress Themes for Your Adult Tube: List, Comparison, Pros & Cons

This (content management system) is also popular among adult tube website owners. If you are an adult tube website owner looking for the best WP themes, this article is for you. We will shed light on the main features, pros, and cons of some greatest themes so you can make the right decision.
The popularity of WordPress is rapidly increasing and over 500 websites are built on WordPress every single day. One of the reasons for WordPress’s popularity is its high customizability which allows webmasters to create anything from simple blog-style websites and portfolios to complex e-commerce and government platforms.

This (content management system) is also popular among adult tube website owners. If you are an adult tube website owner looking for the best WP themes, this article is for you. We will shed light on the main features, pros, and cons of some greatest themes so you can make the right decision.

Being the most popular CMS, WordPress operates 34% of the world's websites. Certainly, adult webmasters can begin from scratch and code the site on their own but it is much quicker and profitable to follow the already established path of WordPress. It is a strong option that will not make you worry about its technical side. Many adult websites have built their business on WordPress, especially due to its affordable price, reliability, and easy-to-set system.
Reasons to Use WordPress for Your Adult Tube Website

Being the most popular CMS, WordPress operates 34% of the world’s websites. Certainly, adult webmasters can begin from scratch and code the site on their own but it is much quicker and profitable to follow the already established path of WordPress. It is a strong option that will not make you worry about its technical side. Many adult websites have built their business on WordPress, especially due to its affordable price, reliability, and easy-to-set system.

Benefits of Running an Adult Tube Website on WordPress

As a nice bonus, the WordPress community will assist you with any questions and troubles as it cares about its users.
The first and the most principal reason is that WordPress is free and user-friendly. Since you installed it you have already started running an adult tube website, even without any technical skills.

All you need is a domain name and a hosting account. This is fully customizable and described by tons of tutorials and manuals to work with it effortlessly.

For those who seek new functions, WordPress offers dozens of plugins and extensions. Websites built on WordPress are mobile-responsive which means the viewers of your adult website will be free to watch the videos on any device possible.

As a nice bonus, the WordPress community will assist you with any questions and troubles as it cares about its users.

Reason to Use WordPress Theme Instead of Pure WordPress and PHP

When you create a website with WordPress you get a default theme set up. Certainly, you may leave the site as it is or start PHP coding which is available for programmers, but choosing a new theme will turn your adult tube site into a more attractive and engaging one. This way you get multiple options, shortcodes, layouts, and endless design features.

Moreover, a new WP theme will let your website stand out among the competitors because of its uniqueness as not many webmasters purchase high-quality WordPress themes.

Factors to Consider While Choosing a Theme for Your Adult Tube Site

WordPress offers all kinds of themes, and you as an adult website owner should pay attention to the theme that will complement your content. Do not be allured with the theme diverse design options. Sometimes lots of colors, tangled layout, and flashy animations may complicate your style. Here’s the list of some other important factors you need to pay attention to while choosing a theme:
  • The theme should be available for watching on mobile devices. To be sure it works, check your website on the mobile-friendly test.
  • People use a variety of browsers, so the next key thing to remember is browser compatibility.
  • Check the theme language before installing, as many WordPress sites are not available in English.
  • The last thing you need to remember is the SEO friendliness of a chosen theme as it may positively or negatively impact your ranking in search engines.

Top 15 WordPress Themes For Adult Blogs and Tubes
Top 15 WordPress Themes For Adult Blogs and Tubes

1. Play Theme: Overview of Play by Tube Ace

Available on any device and screen, the Play theme is fully customizable, free in cost, and offers more features than any other premium theme. It is created especially for adult content and can’t be installed directly from WordPress themes, only on the Tube Ace website.

Distinctive Features of Play WordPress Theme

The Play theme is built on Bootstrap, the world’s famous CSS framework that includes a single code base from desktops to mobile phones. Play operates a very convenient work-frame where every element is divided into several panels: layout, post previews, post pages, navigation, background images, sidebars, pagination, and header.

With the Play theme, you are free to display any ad type in any place on the site. It also allows viewers to rate the video, see the porn star list, and choose related videos.

Main Pros of the Play Theme

  • Free of cost
  • Fully customizable
  • Responsive design

Main Cons of the Play Theme

  • Difficult to find
  • Overloaded with design elements
  • Poor in technical support

Conclusion about Play

It is completely good in reinforcing your website with new options but anyway it takes time to set up everything.

2. JunViD Theme: Overview of JunViD by XWP Themes

JunViD WordPress theme is suitable for movies, TV shows, streaming, reviews, and adult entertainment. It will fit everyone’s expectations of being a responsive retina multipurpose theme.

JunViD WordPress theme is suitable for movies, TV shows, streaming, reviews, and adult entertainment. It will fit everyone's expectations of being a responsive retina multipurpose theme.
Distinctive Features of JunViD WordPress Theme

It holds a simple aesthetic with unlimited color options which may take a bit to tune the color palette. With the JunViD theme, you can provide the tube site with the video carousel that forms the categories of Most Viewed, Top Rated, Recently Upload Videos, and overview of the content in general.

It is fast loading, available for uploads from YouTube, Upload, Google Drive, and compatible with JW Player.

Main Pros of the JunVid

  • Video carousel
  • Endless color choices
  • Comprehensible menu

Main Cons of the JunVid

  • Presence of empty space
  • Ordinary in design
  • Not attention-grabbing

Conclusion about JunViD

JunViD displays a range of appealing options. It operates a simple design that is not groundbreaking, but it is a reliable theme with an efficient and minimalistic layout.

3. RetroTube Theme: Overview of RetroTube by WP-Script

The name speaks for itself: RetroTube stands out for its retro vibe of dark interface with the popping pink. It is considered to be one of the most effective themes on WordPress.

The name speaks for itself: RetroTube stands out for its retro vibe of dark interface with the popping pink. It is considered to be one of the most effective themes on WordPress.
Distinctive Features of RetroTube WordPress Theme

By buying it, you own a product for a whole life without additional payment. Regarding updates, they are also available at no cost.

Despite being compatible with HTML5 video players, RetroTube displays a photo gallery with categories and tags. It has built-in templates available in a mobile theme option. If you are eager to post articles, this WP theme suggests you create a blog section with post categories and tags.

It allows users to upload the videos and contribute, of course, after you approve submissions.

Main Pros of the RetroTube Theme

  • Built-in templates
  • Users upload option
  • Retro style

Main Cons of the RetroTube Theme

  • Overloaded options
  • Cluttered design
  • Poor support feedback

Conclusion about RetroTube

This theme displays many configuration options and modern features. It perfectly serves the needs of adult tube website owners.

4. UltimaTube Theme: Overview of UltimaTube by WP-Script

UltimaTube is more than a theme, this is a chance to transform your adult tube website into a great community with amateur content.

UltimaTube is more than a theme, this is a chance to transform your adult tube website into a great community with amateur content.
Distinctive Features of UltimaTube WordPress Theme

Those who are fond of user-friendly and simple website figuration will be undoubtedly pleased with the UltimaTube theme design. It is clean, light, and easy to set up.

This theme is responsive and compatible with all WP plugins. It has a video preview option for the viewers to feel comfortable while choosing. Moreover, users are free to upload their content.

Main Pros of the UltimaTube Theme

  • Clean and simple design
  • Users’ video uploading feature
  • Video preview option

Main Cons of the UltimaTube Theme

  • Only light design version
  • Lack of ad spaces
  • Absence of users registration option

Conclusion about UltimaTube

It can be easily identified as a professional theme with many modern options. Though being high-tech designed, it still is not modified for a night mode.

5. KingTube Theme: Overview of KingTube by WP Script

If you are a connoisseur of elegant and luxury style then the KingTube theme must be your priority.

If you are a connoisseur of elegant and luxury style then the KingTube theme must be your priority.
Distinctive Features of KingTube WordPress Theme

The theme stands out for its refined design. But the color is on your own choice: you may customize it to your feeling of taste.

KingTube focuses mostly on the content, not bothering viewers with the pop-up ads and banners.

Main Pros of the KingTube Theme

  • Elegant design
  • Fully customizable layout
  • Fully responsive version

Main Cons of KingTube Theme

  • Absence of sidebar
  • Poor monetization features
  • Lack of ad space

Conclusion about KingTube

This theme may not look like a theme for an adult website but it still is one of the most rated themes by WordPress.

6. FamousTube: Overview of FamousTube by WPScript

Noticeable at first glimpse, the FamousTube theme analogous to PornHub. It is dark and professional so the viewers can enjoy the entertainment videos.

Noticeable at first glimpse, the FamousTube theme analogous to PornHub. It is dark and professional so the viewers can enjoy the entertainment videos.
Distinctive Features of FamousTube WordPress Theme

FamousTube as a fully responsive theme is manifested by its efficiency. The theme is perfectly developed for SEO customization you can perform by changing the title and the description for every page. It is full of built-in templates with tags and video categories.

Main Pros of the FamousTube Theme

  • Competitive professional design
  • Video tube site orientation
  • Inspired by PornHub

Main cons of the FamousTube Theme

  • Available sidebar on a home page only
  • Too many bugs
  • Complicated customization process

Conclusion about FamousTube

Though made with noticeable bugs, it remains a very profitable theme for the adult tube hosting niche.

7. KolorTube Theme: Overview of KolorTube by WPScript

As defined in its name, KolorTube is especially appealing by its colorful and energetic design.

As defined in its name, KolorTube is especially appealing by its colorful and energetic design.
Distinctive Features of KolorTube WordPress Theme

Due to the fact that in many themes there is no customizable sidebar, it is important to highlight that KolorTube offers you freedom in filters, tags, and categories fields.

It also stands out by the possibility of usage for both video tube sites and cam sites. KolorTube does a perfect job with ad customization and SEO-ready options.

Main Pros of the KolorTube Theme

  • Colorful design
  • SEO-ready feature
  • Improved sidebar

Main Cons of KolorTube Theme

  • Absence of photo gallery option
  • Absence of blog section option
  • Poor support system

Conclusion about KolorTube

This is the ideal theme to surprise your viewers with a vibrant design. With KolorTube features, you will increase your revenue.

8. VTube: Overview of VTube by WP-Script

Do you still think that WP themes do not increase your adult tube website performance? VTube with its XVideos-like design will debunk your doubts.

Do you still think that WP themes do not increase your adult tube website performance? VTube with its XVideos-like design will debunk your doubts.
Distinctive Features of VTube WordPress Theme

Thanks to its leading search bar, VTube will direct your viewers right to the content they want to see. Being a very young WordPress theme, it is still updating and improving.

Main Pros of the VTube Theme

  • Prominent search bar
  • Structured video categories
  • Easy-to-use layout

Main Cons of VTube Theme

  • Too many bugs
  • Absence of blog section
  • Messy design

Conclusion about VTube

If you are looking for a well-structured and profitable WP theme – VTube is your best choice. Although, you may need more time for adjusting its settings because of the presence of bugs.

9. MonaTube Theme: Overview of MonaTube by XWP-Themes

Presented in a sleek layout, MonaTube was created for adult or mainstream tube sites as it integrates with YouTube, RedTube, PornHub, XHamster, and other video resources.

Presented in a sleek layout, MonaTube was created for adult or mainstream tube sites as it integrates with YouTube, RedTube, PornHub, XHamster, and other video resources.
Distinctive Features of MonaTube WordPress Theme

MonaTube gains its authority by record fast load speed which means the best experience to your viewers.

Having been created in a simple and minimalistic design, this theme has a solid back of the customer support office. The designer team is ready to give feedback within hours.

Main Pros of the MonaTube Theme

  • Fast loading speed
  • Lifetime support
  • Diverse ad locations

Main Cons of the MonaTube Theme

  • Old-fashioned style
  • High price
  • Lack of community-friendly functions

Conclusion about MonaTube

Without a doubt, this WordPress theme is worth its price. Just have a look, the MonaTube function of fast loading is not present in any of the themes discussed!

10. ZingTube Theme: Overview of ZingTube by XWP Themes

Another fast loading speed theme embodies a vision of a user-friendly theme, especially for new webmasters. Easy to set up, ultra-SEO friendly, and attuned to grad organic Google traffic, ZingTube will satisfy even the most capricious customer.

Another fast loading speed theme embodies a vision of a user-friendly theme, especially for new webmasters. Easy to set up, ultra-SEO friendly, and attuned to grad organic Google traffic, ZingTube will satisfy even the most capricious customer.
Distinctive Features of ZingTube WordPress Theme

With its premium version, you are free to use the theme on an unlimited number of websites.

ZingTube operates the search engine dividing videos into categories to make the time spent on your adult website even more convenient. Furthermore, this function leads to great revenue!

Main Pros of the ZingTube Theme

  • Powerful search engine
  • Fast loading speed
  • Universal usage on all the websites

Main Cons of the ZingTube Theme

  • Pricey version
  • Rare updates
  • Paid advanced features

Conclusion about ZingTube

Choosing this theme may be a first step to ranking high in Google and significantly boosting the revenue of your adult tube site.

11. YoloTube Theme: Overview of YoloTube by XWPThemes

YoloTube like ZingTube builds its work on a quick loading and high Google rankings. This is an ideal choice for beginner websites that tend to work without any fuss.

YoloTube like ZingTube builds its work on a quick loading and high Google rankings. This is an ideal choice for beginner websites that tend to work without any fuss.

Distinctive Features of YoloTube WordPress theme

Being fully responsive by Bootstrap 3, this theme is available on all devices: mobile, laptop, tablet, and desktop.

As a special bonus, it has included Monster Xvideos import plugin which enables the import of up to 500 videos with each click. No programming skills required: type the keyword, define the numbers of videos and enjoy their fast importing.

Main Pros of the YoloTube Theme

  • Fast loading speed
  • Monster Xvideos plugin included
  • Fully responsive theme

Main Cons of YoloTube Theme

  • Absence of community features
  • Poor connection with the support team
  • Lack of monetization options

Conclusion about YoloTube

Simple in its structure, YoloTube is the most suitable choice for new adult tube webmasters as it provides all the essential features and is easy to manage.

12. ResTube Theme: Overview of ResTube by XWP Themes

Overview of ResTube by XWP Themes

The ResTube theme looks somehow old-fashioned, but its special features will confirm its place among the best WP themes.

The ResTube theme looks somehow old-fashioned, but its special features will confirm its place among the best WP themes.
Distinctive Features of ResTube WordPress Theme

With this theme, you will become a full-fledged controller of all the processes: from styling to configuration. You can create video blogs, tutorials, reviews, podcasts to any related theme on your website.

It holds a six-position widget: home sidebar, single sidebar, above\below content, above\below relative videos.

ResTube pleasantly impresses its auto display thumbnail that can be shown in custom fields, featured images, and the first image.

Main Pros of the ResTube Theme

  • Full control option
  • Six positions widget
  • Compatibility with Importer plugins

Main Cons of ResTube Theme

  • Old-fashioned style
  • Lack of modern updates
  • Lack of ad monetization functions

Conclusion about ResTube

This theme provides you with a variety of modern features however it looks someway outdated.

13. RosaTube Theme: Overview of RosaTube by XWP Themes

Do you expect to lead your website to the top of Google rankings? If yes, with RosaTube you are on the right path.

Do you expect to lead your website to the top of Google rankings? If yes, with RosaTube you are on the right path.
Distinctive Features of RosaTube WordPress Theme

It is fully optimized for search engines: the more visitors discover your site, the more turnover you get.

All features and settings are situated on the panel option for you to quickly manage the things you want to correct.

It is compatible with Importer plugins that give you even more special features.

Main Pros of the RosaTube Theme

  • Powerful search engine customization
  • Full control option
  • Compatibility with Importer plugins

Main Cons of RosaTube Theme

  • Lack of community features
  • Lack of monetization options
  • Slow feedback from the support team

Conclusion about RosaTube

If you are looking for an SEO-friendly WordPress theme that would help you attract more organic traffic and increase revenue, then RosaRube is the best choice for you.

14. RichFlicks: Overview of RichFlicks by RichWP

The most engaging, created for embedded and self-hosted videos, RichFlicks theme belongs to a new generation in the niche of adult tube websites.

The most engaging, created for embedded and self-hosted videos, RichFlicks theme belongs to a new generation in the niche of adult tube websites.
Distinctive Features of RichFlicks WordPress Theme

Though many themes have modern options, RichFlicks comes to us with new technological options like 4k and 3D videos. The theme guarantees you success by posting a high number of videos on the front page thus increasing the number of page views.

The layout is strategically developed to gold all sorts of ad integrations and give you a high revenue.

RichFlicks’ main goal is to present your video content to as many visitors as possible. That is why it has a clean codebase and minimalistic customizer panel.

It is fully responsive, available for all the devices version of the well-known VideoHub theme.

Main Pros of the RichFlicks Theme

  • Stunning design
  • Easy ads integration
  • Responsive layout

Main Cons of RichFlicks Theme

  • High price
  • Lack of community options
  • Too many complicated options

Conclusion about RichFlicks

This WP theme appeals to customers with its multi-functional system. Whether you want a modern design or just get a high revenue – RichFlicks will satisfy your whims.

15*. Bonus Directory Theme: XWP Directory by XWP Theme

The XWP Directory theme does not look like the others. It is a listing directory adult theme that assists in managing directory websites like ThePornDude.

The XWP Directory theme does not look like the others. It is a listing directory adult theme that assists in managing directory websites like ThePornDude.
Distinctive Features of XWP Directory WordPress Theme

Its speed optimization will help your viewers to load the website in 4 seconds. Coupled with that you will get a license for using the product on 30 different domains.

XWP Directory owns an advanced options panel with which you can manage the tasks within minutes.

While you hesitate about its advantages, this theme is a code-free solution. Everything you need is to install the product and customize your adult website to your liking.

Main Pros of the XWP Directory Theme

  • 30 domains license
  • Advanced options panel
  • Fully customizable layout

Main Cons of the XWP Directory Theme

  • Lack of the photo gallery and blog section
  • A bit of a boring design
  • Messy work-frame

Conclusion about XWP Directory

This theme is equipped with all the necessary tools for running a profitable adult tube website.

Choosing a WordPress theme is just a first step in the adult business. After setting the theme up, customizing it, and attracting the traffic you need to think of a way to monetize the website and maximize your revenues.
The WordPress Theme Is Chosen. What’s Next?

Choosing a WordPress theme is just a first step in the adult business. After setting the theme up, customizing it, and attracting the traffic you need to think of a way to monetize the website and maximize your revenues.

The usual way of adult tube website monetization is cooperating with one Ad Network. The biggest disadvantage of this approach is that in most cases you receive good payouts only for certain types of traffic while the biggest part of your traffic is being sold at a very low price.

If you are searching for ways to maximize your revenues, you should consider working with ad mediation platforms. They allow you to sell your traffic to multiple Ad Networks at the highest possible rate. They can analyze every impression on your website in real-time and determine which Ad Network would pay the most for each particular impression.


In the variety of themes be guided by your own preferences. Create a vision of your ideal adult tube site and then adjust a suitable WordPress theme. Try the demo or live preview to be sure it is really what you want. Also, pay attention to their prices as many features are available only in premium versions which need additional payment.

We hope the article helped you to make sense of the variety of WordPress themes presented on the market, so now you can make a well-informed decision.

I hope you enjoyed the article. If you feel like we're skipping some important subject that would be cool to explore in the article - let us know, and we'll do our best.
Important fact: You may have noticed that we are not giving any links to any resources. We're doing this on purpose - It is easy as a pie to google any of these products by yourself, but giving you pure info without any links also means that we're not promoting anyone. Our content is not affiliated anyhow with described platforms. We want to keep our post fair and transparent.

Also, we still a bit experimenting with the markup (fonts, sizes, images position) - let us know if it is comfortable for you to read the posts.

Have a cool summer, and don't forget to stay hydrated :)
See ya!
This article is AWESOME!

Very informative and extremely well written. Loads of exceptionally great and actionable content.

I highly recommend the members in adult, or wanting to get into adult, pay attention to this info.

I remember when some adult publishers were starting to use WP and had so many problems in various ways. But now the industry has met their needs and theme providers have stepped up with some pretty cool options for publishers.

We do have many publishers here that have expressed interest in jumping in on the adult promotions. It is a great market and likely to be strong for as long as the net is with us!

Thanks for this AdSpyglass!
Last edited:
Wow! We haven't posted anything for three weeks! :eek:
Sorry for that. Frankly speaking, we've been heads-down for a while due to working on something new and big.
We'll announce everything later, but briefly: We really want to invest a lot of time and effort into educating webmasters and publishers. We're working on tailoring new types of content for you, and we hope that it will help you to earn more and be more productive.

Alright, let's dig into the next post. A pretty special one.
Today's post is special because initially, it was an internal guideline for new managers and experts who were joining AdSpyglass. In other words - we took our internal staff onboarding documentation with hacks and advice about working with client's websites and turned that into the post. And, we made it available for everyone :)

Also, we must say that aspects listed in the article are not just random actions. All of the points were numerously tested and included in the list only if that's 100% effective.
So, enough talking, we invite you to read the article, process it, ask any questions that pop up and implement everything that is applicable for your business. We'd be glad to help you with it if you need it.

Let's start! :affiliatefix:

8 points that constrain the profitability of your website

8 insights to skyrocket your website income today

We’ve collected over about 20k data points from our customers’ websites to present to you in the form of Webmaster’s Guidelines. Enjoy!
“We’ve been working with traffic and webmasters for more than 15 years. We’ve seen tens of thousands of websites and the points that significantly constrained their revenue-generating capacity.
In this checklist, we’ve collected top-8 factors that usually go unnoticed by webmasters. Although, these certain factors are the keys to traffic income growth.
Our experts helped our clients during the paid consultations using this guide.
We desire to evolve the AdTech industry; thus, we’re sharing the checklist with everyone in the community.
We appreciate it if it helps you to get better results.”

Foreword from Founder & CEO of AdSpyglass

1. Cooperating with a single Ad Network within one Ad format is a road to nowhere.

Which factor is the most influential for you when you’re making a decision about a new Ad Network?

Of course, it is a CPM rate.

But is it a correct way to determine a partner? Let’s figure it out.

Let’s imagine you have plenty high-quality traffic from the US.

Suddenly, you come across an Ad Network which generously pays for banner traffic of your exact type. Let it be CPM – $2,5

Expecting happiness and satisfaction, you’re leading all your traffic to this Ad Network. However, after a few days, you realize that results are far worse than expectations:
  • The bounce Rate increased, while other behavioral factors are acting up.
  • Your number of hits stay the same, however, in Ad Network’s report they’ve dropped
  • The overall income not only didn’t grow but also got lower than the initial level.
Expecting happiness and satisfaction, you're leading all your traffic to this Ad Network. However, after a few days, you realize that results are far worse than expectations:

So, why did it happen?

You need to understand that Ad Networks always offer conditions that are profitable for them in the first place. If you’ve faced abnormally high CPM – it is a telltale sign that you need to be super-attentive and analyze everything that will occur further.

Here’s what will happen:

  • You’ve added a banner, but see popunder? Meet Multiformat. This is the main reason for behavioral factors regression.
  • Ad networks know how to understate your statistics extremely sneakily. What is the rationale for paying more if it’s easier to pretend? Voila, and your 100k daily hits are turning into 70k.
  • Redirects to other resources. It is one of the beloved ways to steal your traffic. In the meantime, the risk that your users will never come back afterward is truly high.
  • Your daily hits from the USA – 100k. Let’s imagine that your network buys only 50% of your amount. What will happen to other sessions? Correct, they will not pay off anyhow. In other words, half of your traffic will be lost.
There is only one option if you want to avoid all the problems listed above. It is working with a few Ad Networks within one ad format simultaneously. In this case, you'll be sure that all your traffic volumes will be sold properly. You'll have a chance to disable tricky networks and test new ones at the same time.
There is only one option if you want to avoid all the problems listed above. It is working with a few Ad Networks within one ad format simultaneously. In this case, you’ll be sure that all your traffic volumes will be sold properly. You’ll have a chance to disable tricky networks and test new ones at the same time.

You probably have visitors from different countries around the globe. So, why don’t you sell each particular session to a specific Ad Network which pays more at the moment?

2. Test different Ad Networks. A lot and frequently

Let’s say you’ve managed to find just the perfect Ad Network. You’ve created an account, set everything up, placed codes on your website, and started to generate revenue. After that, you come across another Ad Network, and it seems like its conditions are even more perfect.

What to do in this case?

Let’s forget for a while about the birds and the bushes and pretend you’re a smart-risky webmaster. In that way, you’ll probably love to try new opportunities for the website.

Let's say you've managed to find just the perfect Ad Network. You've created an account, set everything up, placed codes on your website, and started to generate revenue. After that, you come across another Ad Network, and it seems like its conditions are even more perfect.

Here are your following steps at this point:

You’ll wait for the old network until your balance is available for withdrawal. Then, you’ll register at the new Ad Network and go through the process of moderation and configuration.

After that, you’ll place new codes instead of old ones and start waiting for the first results. Later, when one week passes, you’ll be able to assess your revenue and choose which Ad Network works for you.

Sounds terribly long and tedious, huh?

So, there is a brilliant question on your mind right now. How to test a lot of Ad Networks since it is such a complicated and time-consuming process?

The answer is really easy as a pie. Everything you need is one consolidated source of analytics and statistics. Also, this source should be complemented by management means of codes, spots, and creatives. With such weaponry, you’ll not only be able to work with a few Ad Networks at the same time, but also test them on the fly without any complications.

The answer is really easy as a pie. Everything you need is one consolidated source of analytics and statistics. Also, this source should be complemented by management means of codes, spots, and creatives. With such weaponry, you'll not only be able to work with a few Ad Networks at the same time, but also test them on the fly without any complications.
To make this scenario possible – you need to have a one-stop platform that will give you a chance to look after analytics and manage a single master-tag on your website. Analytics will reflect the real changes of all website metrics, while master-tag will be used to add new Ad Networks’ codes quickly.

Btw, we’ve developed such a system, and it is available for all AdSpyglass users for free.

3. Straighten things out with your Anti-Adblock

Statistics show that about 30% of internet users are using AdBlock to get rid of digital ads.

Moreover, in the countries where CPM is the most expensive (Northern America and the EU), the rate is more than 40%!

Just think about it… You’re losing up to 40% of your income, just ignoring Anti-AdBlock solutions.

Statistics show that about 30% of internet users are using AdBlock to get rid of digital ads.
However, there are a bunch of various Anti-Adblock on the market, and you never know which one will show results. Notwithstanding the software you choose, you shouldn’t expect that it will work forever.

Every new release of AdBlock brings more complexity to webmasters. It becomes better and more accurate in determining digital ads.

That’s why, when you’re looking for an Anti-Adblock solution, you need to make sure that a proactive and fast team of developers stay behind its back.

One of AdSpyglass’s teams is supporting precisely the same Anti-Adblock tool. From our customers’ stories, we’ve figured out that their income is rising by 30% just after the first day of implementing AdSpyglass Anti-Adblock.

One of AdSpyglass's teams is supporting precisely the same Anti-Adblock tool. From our customers' stories, we've figured out that their income is rising by 30% just after the first day of implementing AdSpyglass Anti-Adblock.
The experience of a webmaster is always the #1 priority for us. Therefore, we are offering AdSpyglass Anti-Adblock free of charge for all of our users. It’ll be awesome if your business will be booming with our help.

4. Coalition for Better Ads

We bet the name of the paragraph needs no introduction. Of course, you are already familiar with this term. Probably, you have already had several troubles caused by this regulation. If we also season it with Google’s “love” to all websites that are not working with AdSense and enrich it with regular updates of the search engine. We’ll get a dish reasonably called “Webmaster’s disaster”.

And it doesn't matter if you've gone through a fantastic job with bookmarks, you have the stuff to be afraid of. Because now, we're talking not only about SEO and your rankings but about your website's availability via Google Chrome.
It is not for us to judge whether this situation is fair and just or not. But, since Google is a number-one source of web traffic globally, we MUST play by their rules.

And it doesn’t matter if you’ve gone through a fantastic job with bookmarks, you have the stuff to be afraid of. Because now, we’re talking not only about SEO and your rankings but about your website’s availability via Google Chrome.

If you already have any misunderstandings with Google or any other parties – you need to deal with it immediately. Alternatively, you’ll lose your primary asset – website. And it is evident that nobody wants such an end.

If you already have any misunderstandings with Google or any other parties - you need to deal with it immediately. Alternatively, you'll lose your primary asset - website. And it is evident that nobody wants such an end.

At first, a few words about avoiding being banned:

  • It is clear that you can’t just suddenly abandon Popunder, TabUnder, Push Notifications, and other high-yielding ad formats. But, you can use these ads calmly and accurately. Track your website’s behavioral indicators, play with Frequency Cap and Show limits settings, and avoid too aggressive ads. It is apparent and straightforward, but this is how it works.
  • 100% never, on earth, never ever ever even think of doing it:
– Popup triggered by a click on the navigation element

– Video- or audio- autoplay with sound.

– Full-Screen ads without an ability to close it.

What else can a webmaster do?

Our industry is one of the most dynamic. It does not stand still, and new ad formats keep on appearing. There is one piece of advice from this perspective: Whenever you notice something new over the web, be among the first to try it. In most instances, fresh formats fully comply with all the rules and “coalitions”. Moreover, users are actively clicking on the ads, which leads to high CPMs.

How to act if you’ve already got banned?

Just pretend you’re dealing with a bomb. The concept is coinciding: Don’t worry, don’t hurry up, don’t panic. Avoiding sudden moves, you just need to reach out to experts that know how to act.

For the record, we’re at AdSpyglass have already helped resolve hundreds of different ban-related cases. We know not only how to unban you, but also how to protect you from getting there in the future.

For the record, we're at AdSpyglass have already helped resolve hundreds of different ban-related cases. We know not only how to unban you, but also how to protect you from getting there in the future.
Would you like to request a quote? Not needed. As we’ve already mentioned – We are webmasters ourselves – just as you are. And, consequently, we love to help our people for free.

Just send us a request

5. Ensure you’re segmenting your traffic and selling different cross-sections to different Ad Networks.

Quite a brief paragraph, even though extremely important. You know that there is no one-stop-shop in Ad Networks, and every one has its own specialization. Industry, vertical, geo – each parameter has the best network of a kind. So, this is an excellent chance that we need to capture. Hope you see it: You can sell different cross-sections of your web-traffic to various Ad Networks that focus on the specific traffic types.

Quite a brief paragraph, though extremely important. You know that there is no one-stop-shop in Ad Networks, and every one has its own specialization. Industry, vertical, geo - each parameter has the best network of a kind. So, this is an excellent chance that we need to capture. Hope you see it: You can sell different cross-sections of your web-traffic to various Ad Networks that focus on the specific traffic types.

Here’s an example:

You’re dealing with mainstream traffic from various countries distributed around the globe. You can quickly put all the traffic volume together and sell it in bulk. However, there is a much more sophisticated option for you.

You can double your revenue, just creating different cross-sections following Ad Networks needs.

Let’s say:

  • one network pays a lot for mobile traffic from Norway,
  • another one – gives you incredible CPM for Canada-based macOS users
  • and there is a network that agrees to provide you all the money in the world if you have Brazilian visitors via cellular.
According to our experience, such an in-depth and advanced configuration will boost your traffic revenue by up to +100%. Building this system is extremely expensive, complicated, and lengthy.

That’s why we’ve built it by ourselves and called it AdSpyglass. And, of course, you’re welcome to try it out. Btw, above is just a perfect definition of the “Ad Mediation System” term.

According to our experience, such an in-depth and advanced configuration will boost your traffic revenue by up to +100%. Building this system is extremely expensive, complicated, and lengthy.

6. Boldly try everything new.

Recently, we’ve added a new Ad Format – Interstitial. This is a full-screen overlay. This type of ad appears to cover the full screen just when a user clicks on any link and can be dismissed easily if needed. At the moment the advertisement is being closed, the user will be automatically redirected to the target link. So, we can say that the way of the appearance of the Interstitial format strongly attracts attention.

Recently, we've added a new Ad Format - Interstitial. This is a full-screen overlay. This type of ad appears to cover the full screen just when a user clicks on any link and can be dismissed easily if needed. At the moment the advertisement is being closed, the user will be automatically redirected to the target link. So, we can say that the way of the appearance of the Interstitial format strongly attracts attention.
It is a new advanced analog of beloved PopUnder. Although this alternative doesn’t have any problems with regulators and has a few other benefits in comparison. Let us guide you through them:

  • Interstitials open in the layer over your website. As soon as a user closes ads, his browser will open the link immediately. So, target=” _blank” is not a limit for you now.
  • The configuration of this format can be called super-flexible. More than that, there is a callback function. For instance, you can set up video playback after the closing of an ad.
  • There are no more reasons to risk because of PopUnder’s revenue-generating ability. CPM of Interstitial is almost the same. Some of the geos have even higher rates for these advertisements. Using a wise approach, you can quickly achieve amazing results.
  • Interstitial fully complies with the Coalition for Better Ads policy. It was approved as a user-friendly format. So, fire away!

And we have not finished yet. In-page push – another soldier in the squad. It is something between standard push notification and banners. It really looks like push notification and contains the image inside. In the meantime, it doesn’t require a subscription.

And we have not finished yet. In-page push - another rookie in the squat. It is something average between standard push notification and banners. It really looks like push notification and contains the image inside. In the meantime, it doesn't require a subscription.

Sound promising? Look at this:​

  • In-Page push is one of the most user-friendly advertising formats. It doesn’t block the content of the website.
  • Despite the previous statement, it was proved that this type of ad brings quite high CTR. It attracts user’s attention due to its dynamic appearance. Also, many users bounce from the website before they interact with your In-video ad or trigger a popunder. However, the In-Page push will be conclusively shown in any case.
  • It is not a substitute for existing ad formats. It is a new and independent type of ad. It means that you’re very welcome to use it in a mix with existing ads on your website. So, we’re saying that it is a promising opportunity to get additional income.
  • Frequency capping, show limits, delays, delays between multiple in-page pushes, accurate positioning on your web-page to the coordinates, behavior after clicking the link – all of these parameters are available for your custom configuration. Just imagine the scenarios you can build using this flexibility!
  • The in-page push was developed following various regulations. You may use it without any risks of being banned.
  • As usual, we save the best for last. CPM of this format is higher than banner’s on 200%-300% on average.
So, it’s crystal clear that you MUST try it on your website. We would not be AdSpyglass since we had not recommended what actually works with our clients. Good luck!

7. Analytics and statistics from A to Z in one place.

And it is not about Google Analytics. Seriously, you need to have one trustworthy and objective source of the data. It is required for the understanding of what is happening with your traffic and what is your REAL performance at various Ad Networks. This is the only way to be sure about your metrics and number. Of course, you can try to track everything using Ad Networks analysis tools, but… we’ve mentioned it is not the most accurate data source (shaving, remember?)

In this situation, it is a perfect decision to have one single tracker of your web-traffic. It should collect the information across all sessions and impressions, notwithstanding how many and which ad networks you're working with. Of course, it should be able to store records through different formats, zones, and spots.
In this situation, it is a perfect decision to have one single tracker of your web-traffic. It should collect the information across all sessions and impressions, notwithstanding how many and which ad networks you’re working with. Of course, it should be able to store records through different formats, zones, and spots.

Having this type of software will definitely lead to fruitful results because you’ll be aware of all aspects and actions that reflect positive movements and tendencies.

As you’re guessing, we would not tell you tales about the platform that has never existed. And, how you’ve already probably guessed we successfully built the tool for our customers.

We’re keeping track of everything with absolute transparency and accuracy to let our people achieve better results. Also, since our mediation system is factically useful, we want to make sure our users can observe their progress in the fairest and most straightforward way.

Give it a try and create your own impression.

8. *BONUS: Making a lot from visitors is cool. But making much more on competitors is badass!

We know that you’re spying your competitors. We are also webmasters, and we can say it is considered as one of the best practices. Looking after your competitors can always bring you new ideas, insights, and useful points that can be applied for your own website. From a tech perspective, it is fantastic to be aware of modern tech stacks and solutions. We thought for a while and decided that we know how to turn this fact into revenue. Your revenue, of course.

For sure, you’ve seen Ad Networks labels near the advertisements dozens of times. You know these like: “Powered by Ad_Network” or “Ads by Ad_Network”.

Altogether, we've created a referral program and officially allowed you to paste the referral link into Ads by AdSpyglass label. Now, you'll get a commission from every registered webmaster who has used your link. Easy and profitable, huh? We love it when you're making more with us. And there are no doubts; you'll love it as well!
Altogether, we’ve created a referral program and officially allowed you to paste the referral link into “Ads by AdSpyglass” label.
Now, you’ll get a commission from every registered webmaster who has used your link.
We love it when you’re making more with us.
So, how did you like it?
Frankly, I've had some concerns about this article in the thread. The thing is - it may look like we're talking about the importance of AdSpyglass features for improving profit in the first place. However, everything is vice versa. We've been seeing the problems of our customers, identified their pains and needs, and - We've been building these features FOR them, cause there were no applicable products on the market.

In a conclusion - we don't push you to use AdSpyglass to get rid of these "constraining points". But we recommend assessing your website and find out if you have any of these issues. If no - you're great! If yes - we highly recommend eliminating them and share your feedback afterward. We'll be waiting :)

Have a great day! And don't forget to sleep enough :cool:
Hi everyone :ninja:
Once, we thought - What if someone without any knowledge or experience would like to start an adult website?
How can that person figure out which tools to use and what are the best resources to count on in the industry?

We started to google and figured out that there are no comprehensive guides about the best tools for adult webmasters.
That's why we've decided to create our own one.
We've talked to lots of publishers, members of our team, and customers and managed to prepare a list of the best softwares for running an adult website.

After the list is ready - we can say that it can be useful not only for adult webmasters - but for anyone who wants to start a website and is not sure about where to start. So, we highly recommend reading the article for everyone! ;)

Must-Have Essential Softwares for adult webmaster in 2021 | Tools you can’t ignore​

Like ordinary webmasters, adult webmasters promote their websites: add new content, take away outdated ones, and respond to viewers’ likings. While many new webmasters fail to resist competition, the adult website industry withstands all the circumstances. This is a very lucrative business. People are always looking for relaxation and it is adult sites that satisfy customers. To create a consistent revenue stream, you need to build your adult website with powerful tools which we are going to discuss in this article.

We’re going to explore the most important softwares that will be extremely handy for adult webmasters of all levels.

Tools for Website Creation​

Everything starts from the website. In this section, we’ll figure out the best tools for creating your website from scratch. This is an extremely important point since this choice will be critical to the future of your adult business. This particular choice will dictate the effectiveness of your future efforts and influence your website scalability.

Website Scripts​

Scripts significantly simplify the process of adult tube site creation and help you avoid potential problems such as failed adult payment gateway, third-party attacks, and lack of control over the site. It will provide you with tech support, easy-to-use tools, diversity of customization options, administrator advantages, monetization options, and community features.

List of the best Website Scripts​

Among a wide range of solid scripts, webmasters highly recommend Mechbunny Tube Scripts, Kernel Video Sharing, Adult Video Script, and others. They offer a modern design, SEO and customization features, a variety of video formats, fast uploads, and many other useful options to run a professional adult website.

CMSs for Adult Websites
CMSs for Adult Websites​

Another fast way for getting your website up and running is a CMS. Starting a new website is always complicated, but the Content Management System (CMS) can help you to accomplish it trouble-free. Using a content management system will simplify your way with responsive design, multiple video formats, high-quality content, and optimization for search engines.

There are a lot of various CMSs on the market, but you really need to pay a lot of attention when choosing one of them. As soon as you’ll start to gain some progress and create a lot of new things – switching to another platform will become harder and harder. Dig into the CMS selection below to make the right choice!

Which CMS to choose?​

Ember |
Known around the world, WordPress is the most well-liked service. It requires no coding skills but clicking on the button and using it for free. But let’s talk about WordPress later.

A lot of webmasters also prefer Drupal as a powerful CMS platform. Drupal is not as easy to set up as WP, and you really have to know what you want to create before you even start. But on the other hand, this platform gives you more flexibility and core support of multilingual sites.

Also, there’s another example, Joomla appeals to adult webmasters with its great optimization for search engines, flexible setup, and multi-user permission levels. In addition to that, Joomla supports multi-themed websites. That means that you can easily use different themes for different parts of your resource.

WordPress Themes and Plug-ins
WordPress Themes and Plug-ins​

Since we’ve already discovered the usefulness of CMS, it is important to mention the most popular CMS in the world – WordPress.

WordPress is one of the most obvious choices for running any website. However, a lot of adult website owners also consider the engine as a suitable one. In addition to the good characteristics of WP CMS itself, its themes and plugins made this platform even more popular. The WP theme helps to redesign the layout of web pages, change typography, colour, and design. Plug-ins extend your website features and offer you a list of incredible options. Want to build with WordPress? Check out the list of cool themes below.

Great WP Themes and Plug-ins for Adult Webmasters​

Their variety of WordPress themes means they are in demand. Indeed, whether you use Play theme, UltimaTube theme, KingTube theme, or the other, you will get a responsive design, fully customizable layout, and many users’ features to create a financially rewarding adult website.

Tools for Website Hosting and Administration
Tools for Website Hosting and Administration​

Having a ready-made website is important. But to make it available for your users you need also to take care about proper website administration. That includes handling hostings, domains, SSL-certificates and even CDN services. That may sound as a really tough challenge, but let us tell you about the best administration softwares that can make your webmaster’s experience much more easier and user-friendly.

Adult & DMCA Ignore Hostings
Adult & DMCA Ignore Hostings​

Hosting itself is an essential part of any website. There are tons of hosting providers on the market and you can always find the ones that will work exactly for you.

However, we recommend choosing among DMCA-ignored hostings. While adult websites are endangered to receive DMCA takedowns, you need to provide your business with hosting that can protect you.

The policy of these providers usually ignores DMCA and you may feel much safer if your website has any potential risks related to copyright laws.

How to choose DMCA-Ignored Hosting?​

Experts tend to share such best DMCA ignored hostings: Flaunt7, ProHoster, BlueAngelHost, Shinjiru, and AbeloHost. These services will allow you to upload any content you want with no fear of its removal.

Although, if you’ve already thought about some particular provider, you should always check its reviews and ratings to be sure that your hosting partner is reliable and trustworthy.

Domain Registrars
Domain Registrars​

Anyway, it is essential to register a domain as every website starts with a name. A decent domain can help you to get better brand recognition and increase the amount of direct traffic. Try to keep the domain name concise and simple – it will let your users remember it faster. More than that, great domains are usually much more appreciated by search engines and that is always cool for your SEO.

How to find solid Domain Registrar?​

GoDaddy provides customers with the extension of domain names and has a solid domain management interface. Coupled with that, people choose Namecheap, which stands out with its free domain privacy.

Pay attention to its “Adult Industry” domains. These are usually fit perfectly for any sort of adult resource having a reasonable price.

SSL Providers
SSL Providers​

Secure Sockets Layer represents itself as a protocol that gives your website privacy, authentication, and integrity with the Internet communications. This is the service you need to protect your website. Moreover, the latest Google updates made SSL a critical point and now you can’t expect any good results without it.

Key factors about SSL Providers​

Use Comodo SSL, Entrust Datacard, and Geotrust to ensure your visitors that your website is verified and secure.

Adult-Friendly CDN Services
Adult-Friendly CDN Services​

As adult websites do not need to make visitors waiting, CDN services help to load the page for viewers around the world with the same speed. This tool decreases the physical distance, so there is no need for content servers to come back to every visitor.

List of Adult-Friendly CDN Services​

KeyCDN, MaxCDN, and PUSHR services allow adult content and come up with fast-loading videos and images for your viewers.

Analytics and Statistics Tools
Analytics and Statistics Tools​

Even when your website is already live, there are lot of other things that you need to do if you want to get success. Website analytics and statistics are crucial for understanding your online business’ health better. These efforts lead to much deeper understanding of your website performance and audience preferences. It will also help you to explore valuable insights that may boost your website growth.

Analyzing Tools
Analyzing Tools​

To track your website performance you need to operate analytics tools. Since the data are given, you can improve the site to get more visitors in action. The whole internet industry is moving towards data-driven decisions – you need to keep up to be successful.

The best Analyzers for Adult Industry​

Very familiar for everyone, Google analytics is a perfect and structured tool. It tracks session duration, bounce rate, pages for a session to build overall data about your website. This tool will help you to look over the pages that are not frequently visited and direct the site into a user-friendly environment.

Yandex Metrica stands along with Google. With its service, you will find out the audience, traffic, and site doings.

Meet another useful analytics tool – Optimizely. This will be your innovative engine in accelerating website productivity.

Tracking software
Tracking software​

These tools are very helpful with gaining insights about your website usage to monetize it properly. Moreover, if you cooperate with Ad Networks it is crucial to enable third-party tracking to ensure that network stats are real. Learn how to choose a solid tracking tool.

Choosing the Tracking software​

Choose the Voluum tracker if you want to monitor your ad campaign metrics. Its purpose is to maximize the effectiveness of your website and significantly boost your profit.

With the help of AdsBridge, you will discover not only ad analysis options but protection from fraudulence.

All you need to know about your website performance is hidden behind the Affise tracker. Manage, analyze, optimize, and customize your site in real-time.

SEO and SERM Tools
SEO and SERM Tools​

SEO is the first thing that comes to mind when talking of traffic sources for adult websites. SERM is a bit more specific term, even though it is equally important. There are no direct answers about the way how search engines work. However, something is known for sure. You need to update your site with new content regularly, establish clean UX and UI for your users, and eliminate any technical issues that may lead to poor website performance.

To help you with everything stated above – there are the best SEO tools for different purposes needed for the development of modern adult web-resource.

Keyword Research Tools
Keyword Research Tools​

While you definitely want to own a popular and most visited adult website, you need to know the strategy of how people look for that. This is the moment when keyword research tools come to the rescue. They recognize the users’ language when they search for products and services. Based on these data, keyword research tools help you discover the most popular search requests.

Which Keyword Tool to use?​

Google Ads Keyword Planner stands for making a review of most researched keywords, structured by relevance and using them per month.

Having an old-fashioned design, Live Keyword Analysis is not the same in its analytical performance. It focuses on the keyword density of the content you want to upload so as to boost your traffic.

Competitive Analysis
Competitive Analysis​

This kind of analytics tool gives you a chance to be the best among the competitors. They indicate your competitors by strategies, their strengths, and weaknesses. Also, you may explore different insights that helped your competitors to become successful – and implement them into your strategy.

Best Competitor Analysis Tools on the market​

As of the best multifunctional SEO tools, Ahrefs analyzes 5 billion pages per day and the changes in their rankings in the search engines. It examines everything: from tracking individual keywords to different sorts of analysis, including a competitive one.

Another efficient tool is Quick Search. It will overview your website on social media or how people perceive your brand.

Linkbuilding Research Tools
Linkbuilding Research Tools​

Most people appear on your site from the other ones and that is when you need to analyze how the links work. Moreover, high-quality backlinks help to improve your search engine rankings. Of course, the power of backlinks is still a subject of various discussions. But anyone would admit that a website with a quality link profile gets more attention from search bots than the same one with no links. Therefore, it is better to use these tools.

Good options among Link building Software​

SEMrush backlink gap tool does a great job in comparing your links with your competitors’. The service uncovers your link-building possibilities for more frequent crossing to your page.

Along with SEMrush, MOZ link building research tool stands. It digs inside your inbound links and link quality giving you the full picture of how to boost your number of visitors.

On-page SEO Audition Services and Crawlers
On-page SEO Audition Services and Crawlers​

These tools deal with analyzing your site speed, meta tags, broken links, and other technical issues. Their peculiarity is defined by measures that can be taken only inside the website to put it in a higher position in the search rankings. There is no chance to track all of your website issues without having a subscription to one of these platforms.

SEO Audition Services and Crawlers that worth attention
SEO Audition Services and Crawlers that worth attention​

Discover a very powerful SEO audition and crawler tool – DeepCrawl. It is the world’s first automated service for testing your website’s technical performance. Besides, DeepCrawl prevents SEO errors, protects search revenue, and identifies new possibilities to grow.

OnCrawl service will help you to find out how Google sees your website. It focuses on content optimization to make your website growing path a sustainable one.

Position Tracking Tools
Position Tracking Tools​

Also called rank tracking or SERP tracking, this option monitors your website’s daily rankings for a set of special keywords. That lets you see how your rankings change, adjust your SEO efforts and make your strategies much more effective.

Which tool to use?​

Build your position monitoring on SEG Google Rank Checker. Simple in its design, this tool is a free keyword position tracker service without keyword limitations and all countries’ available geolocation.

Meet SERPWatcher – another fabulous tool that operates quickly-response service.

Speed Monitoring Tools
Speed Monitoring Tools​

People who come to adult websites will switch from one to another if the loading speed is very poor. ” A website load speed shouldn’t exceed 3 seconds”. To prevent your clients’ dissatisfaction, track your website speed regularly.

Choosing among best Speed Monitoring Tools​

Allow your adult website to load within seconds with GTmetrix. Track the website’s speed, timing, score, and get the solution to issues you meet.

With the Google PageSpeed Insights tool, you can receive the same option. Despite it doesn’t operate many modern analyzing features, it is completely free of payment and registration.

Content Management Tools & Services
Content Management Tools & Services​

“Content is King” – that is a title of Bill Gates’ essay that became one of the most popular quotes about the role of content for any business. In the industry of adult entertainment content is the only thing that makes your users to visit your website. Сonsequently, this is the aspect that needs significant time & money investments since it is vital for your website. To learn which tools really worth investments and which are not – see the list we’ve create for you below.

Video Players
Video Players​

The way how your videos are played is a principal feature you need to think about. Certainly, you may do everything by your own teaching on the mistakes but why waste time uselessly? With the video player, you will get the possibility to broadcast your videos flawlessly, upload videos in different formats, customize the layout, and insert any sort of video ads.

How to choose a nice Video Player​

You might be surprised at how many video players exist. We want to name a few most used ones: Video.js, JW Player, Fluid Player, and many others. They hold different video resolutions, streaming support, monetization options, an easy-to-use interface, and a huge number of chances for you to experiment.

Video-Scraping Tools
Video-Scraping Tools​

While adult webmasters oftentimes upload videos from other websites, new webmasters need to know that the process is equal to scraping data from websites. That option requires solid coding skills so to avoid studying programming use ready video-scraping tools instead. Scraping videos to your website can help you to grow your video library in days. Otherwise, this process can take years.

The best video-scrapers​

Being a highly recommended service, Octoparse scrapes web data and changes unstructured data into structured ones.
Such services as Parsehub, Content Grabber, and others offer the same video – scraping function.

Services for Finding Copywriters
Services for Finding Copywriters​

A good video description is just as important as the video itself. Professional copywriters will reinforce your website with engaging texts. Despite the fact that adult websites are not really about texts, a good copywriter can boost your SEO performance significantly.

Where to find copywriters for adult content​

Let’s mention Upwork and Fiverr as the most popular tools where you can find a decent freelance worker for your adult website.

Don’t forget about different forums, on which copywriters will be eager to help you.

Tools for Monetization
Tools for Monetization​

Let’s be honest – almost no one is running an adult website just for fun or as a hobby. Of course there are some exceptions from the statement, but we can say that the overwhelming majority of webmasters is doing it for generating profit. That’s why when your website is built, your hosting is configured and content is uploaded you still have a milestone that you need to work through – monetization. By far, this is the most advanced list of tools that you need to leverage to get maximum profit out of your website.

Anti-Ad Blockers​

Anti-Ad Blockers
We know that users slightly dislike pop-up ads and install ad blockers. As reported by Backlinko, ”42.7% of internet users worldwide report using an ad blocker”. Based on this reason webmasters upload anti-ad blockers to show ads even if they are blocked. And this is a great way to increase your profit instantly. Just think about it – if you’re losing 40% of your ad impressions because of AdBlock, the Anti-AdBlock can generate another 40%. Sound too good to avoid this software. Curious to implement AAD? Learn which one is the best on the market.

The best Anti-Ad Blocker​

We recommend free AdSpyglass anti-ad blocker as the solution that allows your ads to bypass every possible blocker.

Ad Networks
Ad Networks​

For creating appropriate matching for the ad and its connection to the website, you need to look through ad networks. They connect advertisers and webmasters and help to rotate ads of the first ones on the sites of others. Basically, any website owner has ever used Ad Network as a monetization partner.
So, we encourage you to try them too.
And, if you’re curious about the best Ad Network for your website, you can try to identify the best networks for you traffic using AdSpyglass Ad Networks Comparison Engine. It is totally free and there is no need to sign up or register to use the service.

CPA Networks
CPA Networks​

Cost per action function leads you to get a commission from every user’s purchase made by your advertisement. There are dozens of different offers for any sort of traffic. In case of CPA networks you don’t have the same income-stability as you would have with classic Ad Networks. However, this is still a popular choice of lots of website owners. If you also want to try this out, here is a list of few decent CPA vendors.

Choosing CPA vendor​

Webmasters find a lot of CPA Networks worth attention. Here are some of them: Crak Revenue, Click Dealer, CPA Lead, and many others.

Direct Traffic Selling​

Direct Traffic Selling
Every experienced webmaster knows that the real money is hidden behind direct deals. This means that instead of working via Ad Networks, Brokers and Ad Agencies you can deal with advertisers directly.

This option is considered a beneficial one because you’re not losing anything on intermediaries’ fees and commission. All you need is to find a direct advertiser who’s interested in your type of traffic and promote his offer to your audience.

However, you must to take care about tech that is needed for establishing direct deals. In addition to that, you need to “sell” your traffic stats to advertisers to attract their attention. Fortunately, there are a few great options that can help you to accomplish this.

The Best Option to deal directly​

Everything you will need for selling your traffic to direct advertisers is already inside the AdSpyglass Media Kit. Thanks to its ready-to-use reports, stats, and dashboards for publishers and advertisers, you will not waste time on these complicated processes.

Moreover, as you can understand from its name, this tool provides you with the feature of creating your own Media Kit. So, everything is already taken care of – you’ll have a media kit, tech that needed for direct dealing, and a transparent environment for making your partnership even more effective.

Ad Mediation Services
Ad Mediation Services​

Ad Mediation is the most advanced technology in terms of website monetization. The tech that stands behind is so complex that only a few companies in the world are able to develop such a platform.

Generally, the Ad Mediation system operates massive amounts of data to ensure that the webmaster is receiving as much profit as is practically possible. But the complexity of these systems is not visible to website owners, and this is a great point about these tools. Here’s how it works from the webmaster’s perspective.

Instead of working with a single Ad Network and getting profit according to its CPM rates, a webmaster can implement mediation and start leveraging a lot of networks simultaneously. This means that every ad impression of your website will be analyzed by a mediation platform. After that, the platform will compare the CPM rates of all Ad Networks and sell your impression at the maximum cost. In most cases, it leads to a +100% profit boost compared to traditional networks. Want to learn more about these instruments – check them out below.

The Best Option of Ad Mediation Services​

While the process of ad monetization covers multiple options, you need to choose the multifunctional service so as not to pay for every single feature. This is all about the AdSpyglass ad mediation service. Adjust monetization, place suitable ads, and get revenue from your adult website. Moreover, AdSpyglass is the first and most popular Ad Mediation platform in the world. This is an obvious choice for any webmaster who decided to leverage mediation systems.


We hope this article answered all your questions about tools you may need running an adult website. Use it and build your successful career in the adult traffic field. There are a lot of secrets about Adult Webmastering, but we’ve revealed the most important ones for you today.

How was the article? Did we mention any tool that you haven't heard about before? If yes, let us know in the thread - we are really interested to know how we're doing with this type of content.

Have a great week, and stay tuned to read the next articles. See you next week. :)
Hi everyone :ninja:
Today, we gonna explore another important aspect of running a cool tube website.
Video player is a precious asset when the main type of website content is a video. It is needed to make the right choice here because any player's flaws will lead to UX affection.

Here's our post about the best video players:

Best video players for Adult Tube site | Actual specs and complete comparison​

One of the most essential tools you need to pick up while running an adult tube site is an adult video player. Not long ago, Flash was the only option available on the market, however today the diversity of video players is far greater. An adult webmaster needs to conduct profound research to choose a paid or free video player for a website that fits his requirements and business goals.

One of the most essential tools you need to pick up while running an adult tube site is an adult video player. Not long ago, Flash was the only option available on the market, however today the diversity of video players is far greater. An adult webmaster needs to conduct profound research to choose a paid or free video player for a website that fits his requirements and business goals.

In this article, we would provide a list of things you need to consider while choosing a video player as well as the top 7 solutions for adult tube sites.

How to Choose Right Video Player for Your Adult Tube Site​

Video Player performance is one of the critical points for every tube website. The quality of video streaming can become a determining factor for the overall success of your resource.

A robust video player should obviously be fast and easy to use.
But what else should be considered while choosing an online video player for your tube or adult website?


Multiple Browsers and OS Support​

The high-quality video player runs on every operating system and in every browser, so visitors of your adult tube site won’t have problems accessing the content.

Open Source​

You may also pay attention to open-source video players. If any bugs would be detected, various web-developer communities would be able to fix the problem and help you. Also, you’ll find a lot of useful information on blogs and forums. And, of course, that’s free.

Video and Audio Quality Management​

The quality of video and audio is of crucial importance for adult tube sites, so your video play should allow you to adjust the quality parameters according to your needs. Moreover, the support of player acceleration would be a huge plus for the adult video player.

Conversion Capability​

We strongly advise you to choose the video player which includes this function. You need to have the ability to convert a standard 18+ video to MP4 form as without it you won’t be able to upload the content to your adult tube site.

Ability to Adjust Settings​

A solid video player offers a variety of settings as window sizing, contrast and saturation adjustment, cache sizing, and subtitle positioning.

Top 6 Best Video Players for Your Adult Tube Site​

Best Video Players for Your Adult Tube Site

1. Video.js​

Overview of the Video.js player for website​

Used on over 450,000 websites, Video.js is built on an HTML5 base and has rich community support and a variety of useful features. With its help, you can provide video playback on mobile devices and desktops.

Used on over 450,000 websites, Video.js is built on an HTML5 base and has rich community support and a variety of useful features. With its help, you can provide video playback on mobile devices and desktops.

Distinctive Features of the video player​

Video.js supports all video formats: standard MP4, WebM, and streaming formats HLS, DASH. Moreover, it has a live streaming feature which may be very useful for an adult tube site.

With the hundreds of plugins you can set up, the additional functions can appear on your adult video player at once.

It runs on every modern browser, so you don’t need to worry whether the videos work for every user or not. Moreover, if you use Video.js, visitors of your adult tube site can watch high-quality videos on mobile devices.

This tube video player superbly fits WordPress’s latest version, so you will effortlessly cope with it if you are a WordPress adult site webmaster.

Video.js Ad Management Features​

Advanced features such as plugins, advertising, analytics, and playlists are available in advanced formats: HLS and DASH. Ads-plugin provides common functions by video advertisement libraries.

Pros and Cons of the Video.js online player​


  • A huge media library
  • A lot of video formats available
  • Subtitle support


  • Absence of keyboard interface
  • Poor in-built monetization opportunities
  • Absence of playlists

Conclusion about Video JS for websites​

This free open-code online media player stands out by its range of features. However, to fully customize this player and use its full potential you need to use paid plugins and skins.

2. JW Player​

Full review of JW Player​

By choosing JW Player as your online media player, you will receive the player which supports HTML5 video playback and almost all the video formats. It is fully customizable so you adjust its settings according to your needs.


Distinctive features and benefits of JW Player​

JW Player is considered to be the fastest among all HTML video players. It provides a buffer-free experience with HLS and DASH adaptive streaming.

Discover its unique feature: 360-degree videos and VR. The customers of your adult website will be undoubtedly content to watch 360-degree videos on all the devices.

Moving further, JW Player has an auto-generated algorithm for video recommendations. That is to say, adult webmasters make up curated playlists with solid playlist tools. The Real-Time recommendation service tackles a case of your customers’ preferences: it delivers the videos at the right time for the right people.

There is a tracking option that helps to analyze video performances. It will show you the information to consider whether the videos are popular among the viewers or not.

JW Player in-built ad management features​

Thanks to its best-in-class ad integration and broad standards support, you can tune your monetization program. Coupled with that, VAST, VPAID, VMAP, and Freewheel are supported. But the advertising possibilities are quite limited: the player’s support team should approve your program as the deal touches adult content.

JW Player’s pros and cons​


  • Full customization
  • Fastest-delivering system
  • Playlists monitoring possibility


  • Hassles presence in the compilation process
  • Much famous distributed version
  • Limited monetization programs for adult content

Conclusion about JW Player​

JW Player is a split option for adult tube sites as it offers a range of user-defined themes. Its analytics features find out the video content performances so you can correct it. JW Player mobile SDKs hold the function of high-resolution video and advertising.

3. Kernel Video Sharing Player (KVS Player)​

KVS Player overview​

KVS is another professional solution for uploading video content to your adult tube websites. It operates by multi-server storage and conversation support, advanced caching system, open-source PHP code, customizable politics, and many other cool features.

KVS is another professional solution for uploading video content to your adult tube websites. It operates by multi-server storage and conversation support, advanced caching system, open-source PHP code, customizable politics, and many other cool features.

Distinctive Features of the online video player​

As a very common but important option, KVS holds the possibility for photo and text content that can be used inside the video or separately.

It supports multi-format video with different qualities: 360p, 720, 1080p, etc. Multiple groups of videos to maintain different video types are also included. With its help, you can create the mini-preview format for playlists.

As a huge plus, KVS provides a video conversion option. To be precise, you are free to make videos in different formats, to create screenshots and their formats, to copy files to preserve.

Its reliable content storage system allows you to store videos locally or on remote servers, and even create an individual CDN (content delivery network).

Online Player Ad Management Features​

KVS maintains a variety of advertising options that will transform your adult tube site into a source of income. Create an advertising spot, place it on the website, allow people to see ads on their mobile devices and desktops, and get revenue. What’s more, KVS supports integration with advertising spots so to put on view all the ads features.

Pros and Cons of KVS​


  • Multi-format video sharing
  • Ad management comprehensive opportunities
  • Video conversion function


  • Complicated setup system
  • Advanced features on the paid version available
  • High price

Conclusion about Kernel Video Sharing Player​

This player meets modern challenges and possesses all the options to make your adult tube site a professional one. With its configured monetization system you can make money in a variety of ways.

4. Fluid Player​

Overview of Fluid Player – online video player​

Fully customizable Fluid Player assists the adult tube website owners, giving precise step-by-step instructions. It is a free open-source HTML5 player with easy-to-implement advanced VAST capabilities.

Fully customizable Fluid Player assists the adult tube website owners, giving precise step-by-step instructions. It is a free open-source HTML5 player with easy-to-implement advanced VAST capabilities.

Fluid Player: Benefits and Features​

As a great opportunity to surprise your viewers, you can use Fluid Player to upload monoscopic videos with a 360-degree view. Coupled with VR, it maintains different resolutions: 480p, 720p, 1080p.

The adult video player holds video streaming support for MPEG-DASH and HLS protocols. The streaming happens by splitting the content into segments that are chosen by the highest bit rate available.

Its integration stands on WordPress Plugin and CDN hosted player. Once you install the plugin, you need to use the shortcodes on your page or post. It already contains sample videos, a thumbnail preview, and a vast file.

Ad Management and Advertising with Fluid Player​

Fluid Player is the perfect choice when you base your requirements on the advertising features. It is open to integrate with any ad network, ad exchange, or video ad server.

It is compatible with the VAST standards:

  • VAST tags – pre, mid, and post-roll;
  • linear videos ads;
  • non-linear video tags – png, gif, jpg;
  • VAST Wrappers;
  • VPAID ads.
When the video is paused, the HTML banner comes in the top right corner of the video with the ad text message. But take into account that you will have to use third-party services for ad management as it doesn’t allow adult content to be monetized.

Pros and Cons​


  • Easy customization process
  • Many-sides ad management options
  • Improved versions


  • Poor choice of browser to run on
  • Lack of webmaster support
  • Forbidden monetization for adult content

Conclusion about Fluid Player​

This video player gives you the freedom in editing the videos as you wish. Customizable, integrative and simple in its use, Fluid Player possesses many interesting features.

5. FV Player​

FV Player Pro full review​

FV Player is a perfect solution for an adult webmaster who is seeking an easy-to-use and feature-rich video plugin. The service offers pro options, like pre and post-roll video in a row with other modern video player functions.


Distinctive Features of FV Video Player​

“Making the web work for you”,– is the company’s slogan that fully reflects its values.

To start with, FV Player outranges the competitors with broad integration capability. You can host the videos on almost all platforms including Vimeo, Amazon Cloudfront, Amazon S3, CDN, and more others altogether.

It is a reliable source that keeps up with all WordPress, Mac, Android, Linux, Windows updates. Having been building FV Player on WordPress for 7 years, the service happens to be very easy and powerful. With the huge experience behind it, the FV Player team developed a standards-based interface with linear workflow.

To ensure the customers that FL Player developers appreciate them, there is email support from true video of web experts. Moreover, you can get paid development if you wish.

FV Player: VAST, VPAID and other Ad Management Features​

FV Player supports VAST and VPAID ads. The advertisements can be displayed on all types of devices with pre-roll or mid-roll. To boost your ad performance, track them with third-party analytics tools.

Pros and Cons​


  • Broad integration capabilities
  • Powerful interface
  • Web experts support


  • Paid VAST and VPAID ads (150$ per 1 domain)
  • Lack of video conversion
  • Complicated setup process

Conclusion about FV Player​

Generally, FV Player is the perfect choice for hosting adult video content. It seems to be a big experienced engine with consistent updates. However, ad management is paid, so you should dive into its features before buying to get revenue.

6. Kaltura​

Overview of online video player for website – Kaltura​

Trusted by the world’s top organizations, the Kaltura tube video player is a flexible, easy-to-set-up, plug-in included service. Supported for HTML5 and Flash, it integrates with different platforms. Let’s learn more about Kaltura!


Key Features of Kaltura Video Player​

Kaltura possesses multi-format support. With its simple embed code your videos, streams, and advertising will be delivered to any device.

Developed in collaboration with Wikimedia Foundation, its player library has a robust performance. It maintains the packing of modules, metadata, and features. Every player feature is a single one so your payload will not be blocked.

With the collection of appealing and light-video templates, your website will be your unique personal brand.

Ad Management Features​

Being an integrated adult video player, Kaltura cooperates with the major ad networks and analytics providers. It is a VAST/VPAID-compatible player with integrated plugins, such as FreeWheel, AdapTV, Ad Tech, and more.

Pros and Cons​


  • Multi-integration capabilities
  • Robust performance
  • Free trial versions


  • Lack of video conversion
  • Lack of modern features
  • High price for VAST and VPAID ads

Conclusion about Kaltura​

This lightweight adult video player is unique in its broad integration possibilities. Easy-to-use, high in performance, and full of video templates, Kaltura stands out among the competitors with its unique options.

Monetize Your Adult Website with Video Ads​

Not all video players provide enough monetization options.

Most of the proprietary players have a very basic range of features for ad monetization. At the same time, their paid plans and plug-ins allow configuring your monetization in almost any way, making their paid plans much more attractive for webmasters.

Owners of these players know, that if you work with advanced ad management features – it means that you’re making enough profit to cover the cost of the pricey software.

Of course, there is another option. You may also choose a free open-source player, and ‘go hardcore’ by coding the ad management solution by yourself. But this is a difficult, long, and expensive way that will also require a lot of tech support in the future.

So, both ways are ‘eh.’

But there’s also another way, the third one. You may combine all the benefits of the open-source players with a sophisticated ad management solution for free. How?

AdSpyglass. While video players try to get an advantage from you, AdSpyglass lets you use open-source players in combination with its VAST/VPAID proprietary tag for free and accomplish everything much easier.


So that means, that you may benefit from using high-end Video.js in combination with VAST/VPAID Adspyglass player and get full control over your videos and ad management. Make sure that your users enjoy flawless video broadcasting while seeing your ads.

Final Thoughts​

Adult video player is one of the most important choices you need to do so to run a successful adult tube website. Their diversity is immense, but the best video players can be counted on the fingers. Learn the descriptions above, choose the solution that best serves your needs and enjoy the high income from your adult tube site!
Let us know if you like the article and if you are already familiar with some of these products.
See you next week!

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