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Adult affiliate marketing - beginner questions


New Member
Hey y'all, I'm entering the field of adult affiliate marketing. My idea is to create a cosplay erotica site featuring cosplay porn videos and camgirls. Would appreciate answers to some of the questions I have, as well as any additional advice you might have

1. How much content and site design do you need to have in place for a potential partner to sponsor you? I'd say my site at this moment looks decent at best, and all it features are 8 videos I embedded from Pornhub (yes, I know I won't get any commissions from Pornhub, but I wanted to have at least some content)

I applied to one big tube sponsor 2 days ago, my site is still awaiting moderation. Tried a cam affiliate 4 days ago, still waiting. Is this usual?

2. Being a cosplay-oriented site, I figure I'll need as many sponsors as possible to fill my site quality cosplay content. Is this a good a strategy?
I aim to attract organic traffic through high-quality content, perhaps add a blog too, and social media promotion... It might take a while though