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“Adavice”/  “CPA

Affiliate Elite?

So is anyone using AE? I have bought a copy and so far I'm happy with it. However, only time will tell if it is worth the $39 per month (especially with project #3 it takes a while to gather enough data to see trends).
Yup, am using AE.

It's not so much whether AE is worth the $39/mth but whether successful methods derived from using it can be made better with other more expensive services.

Time will tell ;)
You betcha! I got mine as soon as it was released. I have been on vacation so I haven't had time to learn and use it yet. I get excited whenever Brad releases something new! ;)
Hi friend

Affiliate Elite is a very useful software for online marketing. It has several new features that help the new comers in online marketing to become trained in online marketing. With this software any person who doesn't know anything about the online marketing can easily become perfect in online marketing...............
I bought a copy as well and partially like it. Project #2 is depending on what Brad and his crew do research on the backend. If they do not cover your niche you cannot see which ads are running. There is also not enough volume in regards to keywords they present in many cases. Not enough long tail keywords anyway. But overall I'd say it is helpful. I am not sure how long I will pay the $39 per month though.


If you find that a site isn't coming up that you're looking for, enter the URL of the site in Project #2 twice. That will enter it into the queue.
Oh, cool. Will do that. Thanks for pointing it out. I was not aware of it. I should probably spend more time in the support forums over there as well. lol

I'm very doubtful of the monthly subscription sites. For the first few months, the investment seems to be ok, later on it becomes heavy when there are no returns.
It's very wise to be cautious. Keeping the outside data flowing to the software is the reason for the fee. So far, I'm content to pay it. ;)

