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Affiliate Marketing Mentor


New Member
Hello Everyone,
I am so happy to be here.
I have been desperately searching and looking for a mentor who could can help me in the affiliate marketing niche. I have been trying to use clickbank to start earning affiliate commission BUT I have never succeeded in making a dime. I have read and watch lots of youtube videos on how to make an income online with clickbank and other affiliate platforms but I have never managed to make a single sale.
Please, I am desperate for anyone who KNOWS how to make a living with affiliate marketing to help/mentor me to get started. I am happy to give up any affiliate commission that I make during the mentorship as a compensation for your time in helping me get started.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Hello Everyone,
I am so happy to be here.

Hello and welcome to AffiliateFix @Jerrya978 !

I have been desperately searching and looking for a mentor who could can help me in the affiliate marketing niche.
Never ever be desperate about finding a mentor... This will blend you and you will not find someone that suits you...
Worst case someone will take advantage of your situation...
I have been scammed by a so-called mentor a long time ago (I was doing ebay dropshipping). And I was far from desperate...
It was a substantial amount, I call it learning money... It however makes it extremely hard for me to trust anybody in business now...

I have been trying to use clickbank to start earning affiliate commission BUT I have never succeeded in making a dime. I have read and watch lots of youtube videos on how to make an income online with clickbank and other affiliate platforms but I have never managed to make a single sale.
Spend some time here, learn the affiliate marketers vocabulary so you understand what we are talking about...
Most of the things you will find online will not tell you the whole story... For example, you will see one of the most important things you need is to be able to track your clicks, you need to know what is working and what is not... Now think again and tell me if any of the videos you have seen have explained you need a tracker and more importantly how to use it to optimize...

Please, I am desperate for anyone who KNOWS how to make a living with affiliate marketing to help/mentor me to get started. I am happy to give up any affiliate commission that I make during the mentorship as a compensation for your time in helping me get started.
Think again... Why would someone be interested in teaching you things that they probably can do better by themselves...
Giving up commission is probably not the right incentive for any established marketer...

Once you understand a little more about affiliate marketing you will be able to tell us more and be more specific because there are so many ways to do this... From Blogging to Paid advertising, again on so many different platforms... And you won't be able to learn it all at once...

Wishing you perseverance, stick around, learn first, ask questions where you get stuck... Try to participate in the forum...
And hopefully, at some point, you will be able to really ask for someone to mentor you, but you will be able to be specific...

Because now, asking for 'affiliate marketing niche' sounds like asking for a vehicle... Some float, some fly, some have wheels... (1, 2, 3, 4, and more...) Be specific in your request to obtain what you require...
Hello Everyone,
I am so happy to be here.
I have been desperately searching and looking for a mentor who could can help me in the affiliate marketing niche. I have been trying to use clickbank to start earning affiliate commission BUT I have never succeeded in making a dime. I have read and watch lots of youtube videos on how to make an income online with clickbank and other affiliate platforms but I have never managed to make a single sale.
Please, I am desperate for anyone who KNOWS how to make a living with affiliate marketing to help/mentor me to get started. I am happy to give up any affiliate commission that I make during the mentorship as a compensation for your time in helping me get started.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Welcome to the forum! I can understand the urge to get a mentor when you are starting. We have all been there at some point. Truth is people make this whole affiliate marketing thing more complicated than it is, really.

For a newbie, there is always the struggle about time, money, speed. We want to make money now. It's human nature and understandable.

Life in the trenches is different though. You need to take time to learn the basics, or fundamentals before you think about scaling up, earning $10k/month and so forth.

My advice: ask questions here about what you would like to do and let other people share their experience with you. You will more from the combined experience of members of this forum than from a "guru" who will be eager to part ways with your hard earned money.
I always say invest your money in traffic.

The fundamentals will not change: you need to select an offer, drive targeted traffic to that offer and work at converting the said traffic into sales e.g Offer + Traffic + Conversion = $$$.

Work at mastering each part of this equation and you will be golden.

Now questions for you:
-what are your goals for affiliate marketing? Do you want to make $10k tomorrow or will you be ok with $10/Day and work your way up?
- do you have an idea of offers you would like to promote? Niche selection?
-do you what type of traffic you would like to start with? organic? paid?
-do you have any online presence to work on your landing pages and funnels?
Hi, Jerry. We get members in here sometimes who are frustrated and feeling desperate, just as you are right now. I always recommend taking a deep breath and start at the beginning.

You are just starting your affiliate business (it is a business), so you need the foundation upon which to build it up strong.

As was suggested in above posts, read and learn then take action. In that order. Start with the WIKI for industry terminology, lingo, definitions, tools you need, etc.

Once you're ready, start an online journey/follow-along, so members can help you as you go along in your campaign.

I am happy to give up any affiliate commission that I make during the mentorship as a compensation for your time in helping me get started.
You don't have to pay anything, not one red penny to use this forum as your mentor.

Exactly, ask lots of questions @Jerrya978
This. You only have to start a thread to let us know if you need help, or have questions. Bring 'em on, we'll take all you can throw at us.

So, try to clear your mind of everything you've been soaking up from every Tom, Dick and Harry in every corner of the internet and begin anew with fresh, logical, steps toward your goals. Get your mind right then formulate your plan forward. We'll help you as much as we possibly can.

Let's change your desperation to determination so you can succeed! :)
@Jerrya978 I'm sure you'll be able to find high quality training programs in the affiliate marketing space.

All top affiliates were beginners one day and, in a way or another, had to learn how to do affiliate marketing from someone else.

However, I have to be honest and say that I'm not very confident that you'll find a mentor in the exact way you seem to be expecting.

For you to learn real affiliate marketing, you'll need to learn from someone who knows how to do it and already has a successful business.

For someone running a successful affiliate marketing business, it's not really feasible simply to select a random person and spend hours a day setting up campaigns with them with hopes that they'll learn and then share their profits.

I understand your point of view and how amazing that would be, but it's not something that works from the point of view of someone who owns a very successful business.

First, the person doesn't know you, your skills, mindset, intentions, etc. So, you're asking the already successful person to take the risk.

Second, even if everything goes perfectly well, they'll still probably make less money than if they had invested that time in creating campaigns for themselves or training an employee that would constinuously run campaigns for them.

Third, anyone with a successful business has a routine for working on their businesses and conciliating that with their personal life (familiy, community, hobbies, etc). To simply "sit beside you" and work with you on the campaigns, that person would have to completely reajust their routine.

It may sound a bit negative, but that's not my intention.

When I first learned about internet marketing several years ago I also went to a forum and started PM people proposing something along these same lines.

Also, when I started having my first successful campaigns and hit 5 figures a month, I started coaching some people who affiliate managers would refer to me with the real intention of helping them.

Did I get some success stories? Yes, absolutely! Some of those students made me very proud.

But did I waste a lot of my time with some people? Yes, definitely.

After a few months, I realized it was simply not something I could continue to do.

My first thought was just to forget about it and focus on running my own campaigns and growing my own business. But I soon realized that it was not the right attitude. Not only it was extremely selfish, but I could me missing an opportunity as well.

So, I listed things I had to do to make that coaching process viable. The main items were:

1) I should charge students upfront - The only way to make people fully commit to something is by putting the risk on them. By charging percentages on further earnings, which I couldn't even validate (I had no way to know whether they were being honest with me or not), I was putting the risk on me. It was wrong. I had the information they needed and they were working to build their own businesses, while I had already built mine. So, an upfront fee, even if not removing my risk entirely (I'd still invest time and, in some cases, it could be not worth it), would certainly put some risk on them as well and ensure that both sides are fully commited and out of their comfort zone.

2) I needed proper organization - I couldn't have a different process for communicating and workin with each student. That was not scalable and very messy, which could also damaga students' results. So, I put together my first training program with structured lessons and organized support.

3) I had to turn it into a part of my business - even if coaching people would represent a small portion of my business, it should still be viable as a business. I understood that this was the only way to ensure that I'd be able to help more people, continue the work for more time and also get rewarded in a fair way for what I'd help them accomplish.

This is why I created my first training program and also the reaosn why I don't believe you can simply find someone who will say "hey, let's jump on a call every day or 2 and get your campaigns going".

I may be wrong, of course, but my advice is that you don't focus on this and, instead, focus on organizing your business, defining your goals, learning as much as you can for free and, if you eventually find one that's a good fit for you, join a quality program.

And just to make sure that none of this sounds like I'm promoting my own program (while I'm trying to provide you with sincere advice), I should say that I don't teach my students how to promote Clickbank offers. I teach CPA only and speacilly lead gen offers, so not what you're looking for.

You can do this. Affiliate marketing isn't rocket science. However, it's a real business and for one to succeed at it some effort, dedication and persistence are required.

Good luck in your journey!
Hello and welcome to AffiliateFix @Jerrya978 !

Never ever be desperate about finding a mentor... This will blend you and you will not find someone that suits you...
Worst case someone will take advantage of your situation...
I have been scammed by a so-called mentor a long time ago (I was doing ebay dropshipping). And I was far from desperate...
It was a substantial amount, I call it learning money... It however makes it extremely hard for me to trust anybody in business now...

Spend some time here, learn the affiliate marketers vocabulary so you understand what we are talking about...
Most of the things you will find online will not tell you the whole story... For example, you will see one of the most important things you need is to be able to track your clicks, you need to know what is working and what is not... Now think again and tell me if any of the videos you have seen have explained you need a tracker and more importantly how to use it to optimize...

Think again... Why would someone be interested in teaching you things that they probably can do better by themselves...
Giving up commission is probably not the right incentive for any established marketer...

Once you understand a little more about affiliate marketing you will be able to tell us more and be more specific because there are so many ways to do this... From Blogging to Paid advertising, again on so many different platforms... And you won't be able to learn it all at once...

Wishing you perseverance, stick around, learn first, ask questions where you get stuck... Try to participate in the forum...
And hopefully, at some point, you will be able to really ask for someone to mentor you, but you will be able to be specific...

Because now, asking for 'affiliate marketing niche' sounds like asking for a vehicle... Some float, some fly, some have wheels... (1, 2, 3, 4, and more...) Be specific in your request to obtain what you require...
I want to thank you GriD so much for your warm welcome and the reassurance. I'll take onboard your suggestions and implement them. I am looking forward to reading your contributions to my questions on the forum.
Many thanks.
Exactly, ask lots of questions @Jerrya978
Worst case scenario nobody answers
But 100,000+ members so highly unlikely nobody can help you
The combined knowledge here is breathtaking
Hello there @Honeybadger, wow. Thank you for the reassurance. I am pumped up to ask lots of question that will help me get started. Can't wait to read more of your contributions. Thank you.
Now questions for you:
-what are your goals for affiliate marketing? Do you want to make $10k tomorrow or will you be ok with $10/Day and work your way up?
- do you have an idea of offers you would like to promote? Niche selection?
-do you what type of traffic you would like to start with? organic? paid?
-do you have any online presence to work on your landing pages and funnels?
Greetings @iamb,
Thank you for your advise and the pointed questions. The part about investing in traffic is my main area to learn. I'll need help with that.
With regards to the questions above for me, my goal is to make at least $1K per month before the end of this year. Of course, it'll start with $10+ per day. Currently I am looking at the health and MMO/Biz niche on clickbank. The idea is to start learning with clickbank and then progress to other affiliate networks. As above, I'll need help with investing in the right traffic. I intend to ask for help with traffic in my next post. I want to thank you for directing my thoughts with your questions. Highly appreciated.
Hi, Jerry. We get members in here sometimes who are frustrated and feeling desperate, just as you are right now. I always recommend taking a deep breath and start at the beginning.

You are just starting your affiliate business (it is a business), so you need the foundation upon which to build it up strong.
Thank you @azgold. Just the kind of reassurance that I wanted. You guys know how to calm the nerve of someone who is desperate to start a business (affiliate marketing). I am looking forward to learning all that I need to learn here.
Thank you.
You can do this. Affiliate marketing isn't rocket science. However, it's a real business and for one to succeed at it some effort, dedication and persistence are required.
You blew me away @williamrs with your comprehensive discussion. I am grateful for your time and effort in replying to my post. I'll take onboard your advice and suggestions. Looking forward to learning from you.
Many thanks.
Currently I am looking at the health and MMO/Biz niche on clickbank
I think most of that is total sucker-bait. If you know where to fish for suckers and catch some it might work.

You are just taking what you think is just the path of least resistance; but IMHO, these type of offers and products have the least credibility unless you have never been burned on one before. Credibility is everything is selling --people buy what they want to believe in (always).

Look for offers like SOI/DOI or small purchases that will convert with tier 2, or even tier 3, ad network traffic. Learn how to manage and track your traffic with these low cost options --first. Then proceed to look for the bigger fish :D
Look for offers like SOI/DOI or small purchases that will convert with tier 2, or even tier 3, ad network traffic. Learn how to manage and track your traffic with these low cost options --first. Then proceed to look for the bigger fish
Thanks for your reply @Graybeard. I am lost. Can you please help me understand what "SOI/DOI or small purchases that will convert with tier 2, or even tier 3, ad network traffic" mean please.
Learn the terms before you play the game --AM is acronym hell (if you ask me)
  • SOI= single opt in -->email submit
  • DOI= double opt in -->user verifies email submit
  • Small purchases $1-$8 (or local equivalent) items
  • Maybe app installs in the $1-$3 rage CPI (cost per install)
Tier 1 = Developed western nations: US, CA, GB, western EU, ScandinaviaTier 2 = Eastern Europe, better parts of Asia, etcTier 3= The rest
Right, got it. Sure I am familiar with those terms. Thanks for your explanations.
With regards to
  • Small purchases $1-$8 (or local equivalent) items
  • Maybe app installs in the $1-$3 rage CPI (cost per install)
how do I learn about them and implement them please?
Helpful forums:
Learn the terms before you play the game --AM is acronym hell (if you ask me)
  • SOI= single opt in -->email submit
  • DOI= double opt in -->user verifies email submit
  • Small purchases $1-$8 (or local equivalent) items
  • Maybe app installs in the $1-$3 rage CPI (cost per install)
Tier 1 = Developed western nations: US, CA, GB, western EU, Scandinavia​
Tier 2 = Eastern Europe, better parts of Asia, etc​
Tier 3= The rest​
hit @Jerrya978
first of all, nice to see you here.

anyways, the best recommendation I will give you is to read more and learn from the journies of others.
you can find them in this forum.

and start small always test, every day you have to run a campaign and spend at least 10$ on testing one offer.
keep testing one offer every day, and keep reading and asking in the forum, am sure after a couple of days you will find your first winning campaign.

app installs try search CPI or all installs and see what networks have these type of offers
Use a search engine: mobile app affiliate programs at DuckDuckGo

Small purchases look for line items in e-commerce affiliate programs.
Another avenue might be trials $3.99 for 3 days --they may only pay out when the buyer converts to a normal monthly billing.

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