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Affiliate Marketing with a Partner


Anyone start or do affiliate marketing with a partner? I was thinking let's say you're a beginner in this business, would it not possibly speed the learning curve and profits up if two smart minds(maybe even more) tackled affiliate marketing? Or does it complicate things too much?
Anyone start or do affiliate marketing with a partner? I was thinking let's say you're a beginner in this business, would it not possibly speed the learning curve and profits up if two smart minds(maybe even more) tackled affiliate marketing? Or does it complicate things too much?

In my experience (both direct and from people I know) it's best to start any venture by yourself, or at least with the majority share, especially if you want to pull the strings by yourself. It's hard to maintain a balance, because when money is at stake, people tend to get greedy or forget about friendships/relationships.

However, don't take my word for granted, but rather read this article (and others): 10 Questions to Ask Before Committing to a Business Partner
@SV90 - I am Interested , new to affiliate marketing but i am working with professional people so i have some good knowledge of affiliate marketing and want to start my own website. Please message me so we can discuss this further.
Anyone start or do affiliate marketing with a partner? I was thinking let's say you're a beginner in this business, would it not possibly speed the learning curve and profits up if two smart minds(maybe even more) tackled affiliate marketing? Or does it complicate things too much?

You are too early in the stages of building your business to partner with anyone. Believe it or not, it will impair your learning curve and the early stages of your business development.