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Affiliate Summit Miami 2007 News Videos & Pictures

Now THAT's what I'm talking bout!!!

Been hoping you'd have lots and get them uploaded.
Not nearly as good as being there.
But still great to see what we all missed.

You guys that didn't make it REALLY need to go to the next Summit!

Thanks Shawn!!!
Whoa, HUGE turnout! How many attended this time? :eek:
It looks like a much bigger crowd.

Congrats by the way to both you and Missy for running such a successful event.
It's not easy to pull off and I know the industry appreciates all you do!
Great job on the blog Jamie. Great to hear what your Summit experience was like!
But I don't see no dancin pics! :p

How did you do those picture slide effects???

Julia, look forward to your version too!
I wish I could add to this thread but I was stuck in the Marriot hotel sick. At least I wasn't alone because I could hear the girl next door throwing up half the night. :eek: I wasn't that bad but never made it out of the hotel.....even though the conference was within walking distance of the Marriot.

After getting there on Sunday I ended up leaving Monday mid-day. Oh well $1500 down the tubes. :p Sounds like it was a blast though. Maybe next year.
Oh NOOOOOO! I'm so sorry to hear you were sick and missed it.
That must have been terrible. Being sick is bad enough,
being sick away from home is even worse.

If someone was sick next door I wonder if it was food poisoning?
Did you eat at the hotel?

My daughter has been deathly ill for a week now and they think it's food
poisoning but are worried cuz it shouldnt last this long and she has other health
problems that this could complicate - so I think I need to take her back to Dr today.

Anyway so sorry you missed the show.
What rotten luck! BUT glad you seem to be taking it in stride.
Not much you can do but hope for better luck next time.
I've been having problems posting replies to the forum, so a little late on the replies...

Jamie: Great job on the post. If you decide on a different direction from affiliate management, I bet you'd do well as a stand up.

Like Linda says "Where's the dancing pics?" We won't be supportive enough to stop you dancing.
I've been having problems posting replies to the forum, so a little late on the replies...

Jamie: Great job on the post. If you decide on a different direction from affiliate management, I bet you'd do well as a stand up.

Like Linda says "Where's the dancing pics?" We won't be supportive enough to stop you dancing.

Thanks for comments on the blog. It was a great in Miami! There was one dancing pic on the blog but it was great that Julia was busy dancing as well to take photos.

Julia is a great RNB dancer!
Took a quick peek at the blog after you told me but couldn't post on it cos it said I wasn't logged in.
Umm I'm like the rest of em.....come on....where's all the pics.:D
Thanks Shawn. What an AMAZING resource!
The Summit videos really deserve their own thread.
Blogged about them and started a new post here
for everyone to discuss the videos and what they learn.

<a href="">AMAZING FREE Video Training - Affiliate Summit Videos are Now Free</a>

I highlighted the 1st one I watched - Secrets of a PPC Super Affiliate - AWESOME INFORMATION!